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Messages - ModernCreator.

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14
Projects and Creations / Re: Ham Co.™
« on: August 06, 2013, 08:44:40 am »
Wow hammy great job :) I predict also this will go a long way and can u please keep updating when app will be open for ur company :)

User Events / Re: Opticraft Building Challenge - Help wanted
« on: August 04, 2013, 03:01:44 am »
In game name :king_prankstar

Are you expirenced?:Yes

What was you're biggest build?:Mansion/Hotel

Projects and Creations / Re: Atlantis! APPS=OPEN
« on: August 04, 2013, 02:53:03 am »
Ingame name:king_prankstar

Rank (Must be Member or above to apply):Trusted

Why you should be a member:I love the set up and i would also like to help in any way

Previous bans (please list why and who it involved):0

Do you agree to the terms specified?:Yes

How often would you visit to the town?:When im free (Wekends)

Do you plan on getting the Membership or just the plot?Both

Thaks for reviewing my app, i will accept ur choice ;)

Could I be apart this. I love how it is set up and would also like to help out please msg me on forum if I can help.


Ingame name:king_prankstar
Job wanted:Co-owner
Bans(explain what for or provide a ban link):0
 Rank: Trusted
Why do you want to be this position?:  Because I have built a horse course of my own and if need I would happlly sell it to u Ander.
What would make you the best for the job?:  As I said I have experice with the racetrack am I am willing to help any way possible
What would you do to benefit Hardplay racetrack?:  Supply with resources, build if needed to, build stables if needed, breed horses.
How long could you put into the racetrack a week?(depends on the job type a little): 2 - 3 day (weekends because of school).
Do you meet the requirements for the job?: Yes.
Extra Notes: Thanks for reviewing this application.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Re: Extension of xanadu
« on: July 26, 2013, 07:45:40 am »
Supported. Love this project hope it goes far. If u need any help just ask. =D


Projects and Creations / Re: Kings Industires. Applications [OPEN]
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:39:47 pm »
Application: Market Manager/Financial Adviser
Forums name: pimkey5
In game name: pimkey5
Account bans: 0
What position you would like: Market Manager/Financial Adviser
What you could contribute: I would make a big amount of money each day
Why you want this position: Because I don't get paid money and I really need to start getting money :)


In game name:king_prankstar
Ban History:0
Join Date:2 years ago (i think)
Timezone:Australia (Sydney)
What days/times are you typically available?: At 4:00pm in afternoon
Why do you want to be a citizen of Aquain?:I would to be a citzen of aquain beacuse some of friends are in it and  would aslo like a job there to help u out.
What position do you want?: Real Estate Agent
How much time can you commit each week to this position?: Any time available
Why you should get the job:Becuase i love to sell and trade stuff i also like speaking to other people seeing there suggestions and i could be there recommender if they like.

Projects and Creations / Re: Kings Industires. Applications [OPEN]
« on: July 10, 2013, 09:35:07 pm »
Thanks guys ^_^ but maybe i should delete fourm im having no luck i cant even get 1 person to join :(

Projects and Creations / Re: Kings Industires. Applications [OPEN]
« on: July 10, 2013, 05:31:31 am »
I Changed it it not a company anymore is a Industry

Yay!! Thanks and also would u like a second chairman or like a helper?

RaceTrack Name:Horse Corse
RaceTrack Owner(s):king_prankstar
Allow shops and bookies at racetrack: I already made a betting and refreshments place :)
RaceTrack Length(must be over 300 blocks):Not sure go to /home king_prankstar city can walk all the way to back



Love the idea :) If u need some help someone tto start races and all that just contact me on fourms or when i am ever on opticraft :)
Thank you very much. Flattered lol I'll contact you when I begin to organize racedays. Cheerio

Ok i also made my race corse is u want to see it i could partnerrship it if u want? Anyways i was wondering if u wan me to advertise as well?



Kings Industries.Copyright

I, king_prankstar, present you with Kings IndustriesCopyrigth.  Here at Kings Indusrties. Our aim to produce a beautiful and rich company, rich i mean clear (and money) :P. Hypothesis: To consider wether this company can go far. Method:
I am the head owner/Director and need a board of staff, as of this moment I am looking not to have this board filled straight away so please do not get sad if u are rejected. Just keep on trying.   The application shall be below:  

(click to show/hide)

So the current positions available are:
- Owner/Chairman/CEO: king_prankstar
- Co-Owner:
- Vice Chairman:
- Director:
- Market Manager/Financial Adviser:
- Treasurer:
- President:  
- Technical Engineer/Assistant:
- Secretary/Assistant:
- Planner (2):
- Diamond Donator/Share Holder (Donate the largest amount of some object):
- Iron Donator(Donate the second largest amount of some object):
- Gold Donator(Donate the least amount of some object):

What is Kings Industries.? King Industries. is a company that want to help opticraft around the world. Like i say kings go far but friends make it further. I Have not found a place to place this lovely company but if u have any suggestions please fill free to place your name & /home so i king_prankstar can check it out.

I will soon be building a HQ For the staff and my self. I will also need builders to build the main Building of the Kings Co.

The main factory needs to be built so we can start to defeat evil and also make money so please be cautious of were u suggest for my company to stand.

We need people to place the name and apply quickly for some our company will try and team up and destroy us. I will not let this stand so i need builders fast as i can blink. I will also accept any donations from anyone. U will be reward for your donation :)


Owner/Director. ~~~King~~~

Projects and Creations / Re: The Land Of The Kings
« on: July 10, 2013, 01:22:08 am »
IGN: Benjaminc117
Postition: Planner & blacksmith
Why u should be in these positions: I love to smelt a lot of stuff also I was the co owner of the last town :D :D
What u contribute to: making sure to smelt anything that people need, and to make the town amazing :)
Why u should be apart of my new town:
Well I was a huge help and co owner of the last town and I think I deserve a rank in this town :)

Accepted. Until someone picks 1 of your choice u can only be 1 :)

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