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Topics - a1374thspartan

Pages: [1]
Accepted Operator Apps / Operator Application - a1374thspartan
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:04:35 pm »
In-game name: a1374thspartan
Age: 16
Location: Alabama, USA
Timezone: Central
Join Date: Mid August 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?:Holy_Moses zeldalove1998x wolfgirl493
Why you should become an Operator:
I believe I would be a good addition to the Staff, I enjoy helping people and I have experience as an SMP Moderator for nearly 2 years come January. I have been with this server for a while and I love all the people on it. I am on almost every day for several hours. I always try my best to help someone if they have a question on the server to the best of my ability. I have minor experience with WE and I would be willing to learn even more. Regards to all and thank you for taking the time to read this.

Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application - a1374thspartan
« on: January 30, 2013, 04:31:55 am »
Location: Alabama, USA
Timezone: Central
Join Date: Late August 2012
Reccomendations: 2crzy4uall, Saeberus
Why I should become a moderator:
I believe Iwould be a good moderator, I love to help people and people seem to love it when i help them. I have always been as helpful and generous as I can be and try to help people with whatever problem I have been having. In these few months that I have been playing on this server I have come to love it, everyone is nice and we are all like a big family. Seeing as the Opticraft community has been so nice to me I I've tried my best to be as nice as I can back to them. I love this server and the people in it and I hope I can repay them for all they have done to me. One of the best things about the server overall is the staff, they have all been extremely nice to me and very supportive. Big thanks to all of you guys and what you do and I hope I can't thank you enough for what you guys do. All in all i believe I  would become a great Moderator if given the chance. Cheers and I hope you agree as well.

Rejected / Moderator Application - a1374thspartan
« on: November 27, 2012, 01:01:35 am »
Name: a1374thspartan
Location: Alabama, USA
Timezone: Central
Join Date: Mid-August 2012
Reccomendations: Any would be appreciated
Why I want to Be a moderator:
I've always loved this server, I have tryed many other servers but many of them were full of griefers ans class A baddies. This server is full of kind and happy people. The moderators and staff especially are extremely generous. I have been on this server for a couple of months now and i have thouroughly enjoyed my time on it. I also liked that the staff was always helpful and there for you when you needed something. I wanted to pay them back in a way so I thought i would apply to be moderator. I have been on this server long enough to know the rules and follow them accordingly. I've always been as helpful as possible to anyone that needed it. After a while I earned the rank of trusted(big thanks to 2crzy4uall for the reccomendation and raul7legend for granting it)and I was very honored tobe granted it. I am always on this server and you don't have to worry about me not being on for long periods of time because im not exactly the athletic type. I am proud to say that I have never been banned and i would be ashamed if I did. I would also like to give a big thank you to optical for making the server and to the staff for managing it so well. I would be proud to join the ranks of the opticraft moderators and I hope you agree as well.

Projects and Creations / Halo pixel art room
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:00:51 pm »
Hey guys, I'm planning on making a large room underground to celebrate the launch of Halo 4. It will be a 35 by 35 cube. I know this doesn't sound like a lot but its going to be one of my biggest builds so far. Hopefully I can gather enough materials for it all! I appreciate any support and advice you guys can give me!

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