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Topics - Zeradeth_

Pages: [1] 2
Accepted Operator Apps / Operator Application--Zeradeth
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:52:17 pm »
In-game name: Zeradeth_
Age: 17 (to be 18 on November 6th)
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA
Timezone: GMT-8
Join Date: February 28, 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?:
Why you should become an Operator: I've been a moderator on SMP for over a year now. I know the people on the server and I know how to work with the staff. I don't know much about world edit, but I know I can learn quickly. One thing I'm good at is resolving issues before they arise and I can dedicate a lot of time to this server while also maintaining the SMP server.

Thank you for your consideration.

Offtopic / What's for Dinner?
« on: February 20, 2014, 03:09:15 am »
So, as of late, I've come to find myself incredibly bored with my own diet. It consists of very few dishes and no variety. Where cooking is concerned, it's a passion of mine, and I love it. I will cook till the cows come in. But I am very limited in what I have for dinner on a day to day basis. This is mainly my mother's fault, but I cook more often than she does. As a result, I come to the largest community I know that is guaranteed to have varying dishes.

What do you all eat for dinner? This can be something you have every other night, or something that's special to your family. Something traditional to your heritage or something eaten often in your country/area/province etc. Something different, something yummy!

Recipes would be appreciated, but are not necessary. I can google recipes. I just need ideas for dishes.


Offtopic / Join Me!
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:51:47 pm »
Alrighty, so this is kind of an iffy topic, but I've seen some pretty weird ones. I thought it'd be a pretty neat treat if you guys could watch me while I draw (and to be honest, I draw significantly better when I have someone watching) your cats. So, here we go!

To come and watch me draw, click here!

User Events / King_Prankstar's Road Runner Marathon
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:03:27 am »
King_Prankstar calls upon the masses to aid him in the building of his marathon track! Many people will be needed for clearing land and building, and if you want to help, you should reply to this post, or message king_prankstar in game.

Here's some general information about the marathon!

Where: Peace City
When: Start of project is as soon as possible! End of project should be around 5 weeks from today, the 30th of September.
What: Help build and clear land for this project! You will be rewarded for your participation!
How: Message king_prankstar or respond to this post to get more details!

Donations will be very appreciated!

Offtopic / Not sure if this goes here, but let's give it a shot...
« on: August 25, 2013, 08:05:13 pm »
Alrighty, so a few times every day, this thing pops up on my desktop:
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and I'm not sure what it is. It popped up out of nowhere, I've never heard of it before, I've googled it and some of the results said "How to remove the winzip virus manually" or such like that. I'm worried that this might hurt my computer, but I don't know enough about it to be able to tell if it could also help my computer.

I come to you guys for this because you're the only ones I trust to be able to tell me if I should remove it from my computer (I didn't download it, mind you!) or leave it. Also, I'm not sure if this should go in the Support topic, but feel free to move it, my fellow staff members!

Thank you,

Offtopic / Your Username?
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:34:20 am »
How'd you get your username? Did it come to you in a dream? Did you get it from a friend? Did an angel from outer space descend unto your keyboard and type out a prophetic word that you just HAD to use as your username?

Tell me how you got your minecraft name! I'd love to hear!

For example:

I got my username from a friend who allowed me to use his account. I became known to the community as Zeradeth, so when I got my own account, I pawned the name off of him. He made the name because of something to do with the words The Red Death. He would often say it with a funny accent, which turned it into Zee Red Death. Then, he just mushed it together and out came Zeradeth, all shiny and new, ready to be stolen--*coughcough* borrowed.

Edit: I was not aware this topic had been made at least 4 times; I was told it was made like once before but it would be majorly necroposting if I were to comment on it :O Sorry! Still interested to find out your stories!

Support / Voting Fail?
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:50:18 pm »
Heya, I was trying to vote this morning, and I clicked on all the links on the vote page. I found it odd that this came up:

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It's never done this to me before, and I wonder if it's happening for anyone else, or if it's just something wrong with my derpy internet.

Offtopic / The Opticats
« on: August 07, 2013, 04:03:42 pm »
Alrighty ladies and gents, I decided I a few months back that I was going to take on a little challenge. Draw every current staff member as a cat. I scrapped the idea because I thought it would be creepy, but upon mentioning it to other staff, I was coaxed into going through with it. Through much arm/hand-cramping, blood, sweat, and tears, I have finally completed my challenge and thus artistically birthed The Opticats. Here they are for your enjoyment:

The Opticats:

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Individual Opticats:

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2crzy4uall (sequel):
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codepmman and ecorrigal:
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crippnfoot and crippnfeet: (retired)
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Felix_De_Kat: (retired)
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GirlLuvzerMac (Guest starring Gabriel):
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hammysandwhich: (retired)
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Joshskiizz: (retired)
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Morrison1996: (retired)
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Mr_Mr_Mr: (retired)
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Mr_Mr_Mr (sequel): (retired)
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Nikoljan: (retired)
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Relkeb: (retired)
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Saeberus: (retired)
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TheRealFamous: (retired)
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ViperZeroOne: (retired)
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winniedoxie: (retired)
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Special thanks go out to ecorrigall, and theone7142 for  keeping me on track with these and offering suggestions where needed and ideas when my own ran dry. Thanks to you two and everyone else who pushed me to finish these dastardly things.

And Felix. Hope you like your damn tank. Never drawing a fishbowl again.


Support / Text in Chat Illegible?
« on: July 06, 2013, 06:03:27 am »
So...I signed on for the first time today to find myself unable to read anything in chat. I couldn't even read the options in the start-up menu, which leads me to believe that this is most likely client-side. I've tried and cannot fix it myself. I'm simply not good enough with install/uninstall/techy stuff >.> I know, I should know this stuff, leeme lone.

Anywho, this is what I get when I try to type in-game:

I've tried switching back to the default Texture Pack, and the exact same thing happens. I've also tried restarting Minecraft, and it doesn't fix it.

Any suggestions on what to do to fix it would be welcome!

Trade Central / Protection Stones for sale!
« on: May 11, 2013, 09:44:38 pm »
I currently have 4 lapis protection stones for $7,000 each. That's $3,000 less than at the market.

No bidding or price negotiations. The prices are set in stone...metaphorically. I could try to make it physical, but that would require effort.

Sale Closed

Trade Central / Six Spider Spawners Up for Grabs
« on: May 08, 2013, 09:43:22 pm »
Selling the location of six cave spider spawners on the Member world. Make an offer, and if I think it's enough, I'll tp you to me and you get the lot.

Trade Central / Cave Spider Spawner for Sale
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:07:54 pm »
Found a cave spider spawner on the new guest world. Removed spider webs, otherwise intact.

Selling for: $500

Trade Central / Skeleton Spawner Location for sale!
« on: April 21, 2013, 04:51:50 am »
Allo. I had a skeleton spawner...started to make it functional, got distracted, don't want it anymore. It's basically untouched, but I've got some cobble under it where a hole used to be. chests and mossy cobble are gone, though.

Selling for $500. I'll tp you to it, or give you the coordinates.

Forum Games / Let's Play a Game!
« on: March 23, 2013, 11:33:03 pm »
So. It appears that there's a little glitch on the server involving the /seen command. I've logged off several times within the last day, and it says I've been online for over a day. I think we can have a little fun with this while it lasts. Post screenshots of your /seen and let's see who can get the longest!

NOTE: Going afk does NOT count. Play fair!
'NOTHER NOTE: No prizes :3 Just for fun.

Here's mine!

General Discussion / In Regards to the Update...
« on: March 14, 2013, 06:34:34 am »
As discussed here, http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,16890.0.html , the 1.5 update has just come out. And now comes the onslaught of "When will the server update?" This happens every time there is an update, and while it is expected, it is still annoying. No, staff members do not know when the server will be updated. No, we will not ask those responsible for updating the server to hurry up. Simply put, the server will be updated soon enough, and please, please don't go so far as to personally message staff members on the forum. Not only is it inconvenient, but it clutters up our inboxes and just generally gets annoying when we have to repeat ourselves for the millionth time.

Thank you, and enjoy your day.


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