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Messages - lillobby6

Pages: [1]
Server News / Re: Congratulations Tobs
« on: January 24, 2014, 12:37:29 am »
Congrats Tobs!  :D

n Game Name:
Age (Optional):
Time Zone:EST
The House You Would Like To Choose: Ravenclaw
Why You Want This House: I am very creative and smart so it really fits me.

When You Die, How Would You Want People To Remember You: I want people to remember me as the person who invented a crazy thing and thought of Lobstoria.
You Come To An Intersection In The Walkway; Do You Go Left To The Sea, Straight Towards The Forest, Or Right Towards The Castle: I go left to sea because sea is home to many living creatures yet unclassified and i love the ocean.
What Do You Fear Most: Getting a C on my report card
At Hogwarts, What Would You Focus On Most; Bravery, Slyness, Power, Intelligence, or Kindness:
I focus most on Intelligence because well if you arent smart why be in Ravenclaw??
You Come To A Chest Of Objects, Which Do You Choose; The Dagger, The Old Book, The Rusty Key, Or The Empty Vile:
I choose the old book. Why??? Because it could be a book of spells that no one has uncovered in decades.

Accepted. I will let you know as soon as hogwarts is finished.

Your House: Ravenclaw

n Game Name:
Age (Optional):
Time Zone:EST
The House You Would Like To Choose: Ravenclaw
Why You Want This House: I am very creative and smart so it really fits me.

When You Die, How Would You Want People To Remember You: I want people to remember me as the person who invented a crazy thing and thought of Lobstoria.
You Come To An Intersection In The Walkway; Do You Go Left To The Sea, Straight Towards The Forest, Or Right Towards The Castle: I go left to sea because sea is home to many living creatures yet unclassified and i love the ocean.
What Do You Fear Most: Getting a C on my report card
At Hogwarts, What Would You Focus On Most; Bravery, Slyness, Power, Intelligence, or Kindness:
I focus most on Intelligence because well if you arent smart why be in Ravenclaw??
You Come To A Chest Of Objects, Which Do You Choose; The Dagger, The Old Book, The Rusty Key, Or The Empty Vile:
I choose the old book. Why??? Because it could be a book of spells that no one has uncovered in decades.

Offtopic / Re: Suggest-a-Book
« on: December 31, 2013, 09:05:20 pm »
Any Peirs Anthony Book.
First Thing The Series Are Long. BUT They Dont Continue The Same Thing For The Entire Series.
Kinda like and episode of Doctor Who (Not one with parts) They Have A Story And Then Its Over After The Episode.
My Recommendation is Incarnations Of Immortality.
Book 1 On A Pale Horse. Which Is About Death. Thanatos
Book 2 Bearing An Hourglass. Which Is About Time. Chronos
Book 3 With A Tangled Skein. Which Is About Fate. Atropos, Lachesis, and Clotho
Book 4 Wielding A Red Sword. Which Is About War. Mars
Book 5 Being A Green Mother. Which is About Nature. Gaea
Book 6. For The Love Of Evil. Which Is About Evil. Satan
Book 7. And Eternity. Which is About Good. God
Book 8. Under A Velvet Cloak. Which Is About Night. Nox
(click to show/hide)
Piers Anthony also has the Xanth books. 38 of them All follow a different story.

Offtopic / Re: Suggest-a-Book
« on: December 31, 2013, 09:04:44 pm »
Any Peirs Anthony Book.
First Thing The Series Are Long. BUT They Dont Continue The Same Thing For The Entire Series.
Kinda like and episode of Doctor Who (Not one with parts) They Have A Story And Then Its Over After The Episode.
My Recommendation is Incarnations Of Immortality.
Book 1 On A Pale Horse. Which Is About Death. Thanatos
Book 2 Bearing An Hourglass. Which Is About Time. Chronos
Book 3 With A Tangled Skein. Which Is About Fate. Atropos, Lachesis, and Clotho
Book 4 Wielding A Red Sword. Which Is About War. Mars
Book 5 Being A Green Mother. Which is About Nature. Gaea
Book 6. For The Love Of Evil. Which Is About Evil. Satan
Book 7. And Eternity. Which is About Good. God
Book 8. Under A Velvet Cloak. Which Is About Night. Nox
(click to show/hide)

User Events / Re: The Crippn's Wedding!
« on: December 31, 2013, 02:43:54 pm »
Indeed, right now I need a lot of cake. I want to build a giant wedding cake, made out of normal cakes. Kinda like this but with the white wool as cake blocks. If you make them, you can drop them in my donations chest at my /home. Thanks! :)

Just incase you need it, here is the recipe for cake.
Theres one problem with that mopar.
For One Someone might sneek up and eat 1 of the blocks from every one.
For two Cake takes up half a block. Hence it Would Look Weird. Heres a tip. Make the giant cake you posted and put cake on top of all of the exposed white wool.
PM me if you need a visual example.

Suggestions / Re: Minecraft Dynamic Map
« on: December 31, 2013, 02:36:26 pm »
This is a great idea. Except for one thing. This plugin is harder to install that LogBlock. (in my point of veiw) When I used to run a server i couldnt even download it. So... I support if optical is willing to put a lot of effort into this plugin.

Download it as in add it to the server.

Use the "modify" button - Tobs

Suggestions / Re: Factions or Pvp World!
« on: December 22, 2013, 10:58:46 pm »
We already have PvP arenas.
Next time please read the suggestions portal... Thanks :)
If you don't know how to get to the arenas, go to /warp pvphub ingame.
No i mean and entire world were you can walk up to someones house and kill them.

So you're saying people can build in that world?

Like chief149 once said:
"Free diamond blocks at my /home!"
And he could have his home set in the PvP World. They teleport to his /home, whaddyaknow. He kills them, gathers his stuff. We already have PvP arenas.

This would be a completely seperate world that would be optional.
And this is a server you would be able to transfer that stuff.
We already have like 5 worlds, including one that was made just this month. The staff have to work very hard to get another world. So like gogar, sorry. I have to disagree with this.

Im Not El Kingo Of Java Script But there could be a script added that says are you sure you want to go to the PVP/Factions world. Then You answer yes or no.

Suggestions / Re: Factions or Pvp World!
« on: December 22, 2013, 02:54:21 am »
We already have PvP arenas.
Next time please read the suggestions portal... Thanks :)
If you don't know how to get to the arenas, go to /warp pvphub ingame.
No i mean and entire world were you can walk up to someones house and kill them.

We don't define ourselves and a pvp/faction server, we deal with more of a smp feel. Although I really like the idea and how it is on other servers, I just don't think the rules would be very well. You could have people who just make traps in front of their house and take your items. Also, new players would not have the supplies to deal with some of the people who have like "god gear." Mainly it would just be very unfair and messy with traps. So I kind of have to disagree with this. Sorry.
It would only be like that if breaking blocks were allowed. If they're not allowed breaking/placing blocks, that would be much more convenient :P Except if that were the case, ... The world would be too boring.
Of course they could change that on this one world.

We don't define ourselves and a pvp/faction server, we deal with more of a smp feel. Although I really like the idea and how it is on other servers, I just don't think the rules would be very well. You could have people who just make traps in front of their house and take your items. Also, new players would not have the supplies to deal with some of the people who have like "god gear." Mainly it would just be very unfair and messy with traps. So I kind of have to disagree with this. Sorry.
This would be a completely seperate world that would be optional.
And this is a server you would be able to transfer that stuff.

Merged your 3 posts, please use the modify button if you want to add more. And dont double post.

Suggestions / Factions or Pvp World!
« on: December 21, 2013, 04:33:18 pm »
Factions is a very fun thing to play. I can name alot of people who love factions. My Idea is that JUST 1 world should be completely pvp or factions.
Please Support.Please...

Server News / Re: 1.7 Ready to update
« on: December 07, 2013, 01:09:39 pm »
Yay we can finally do the weird fishing. but we need a new member world for 1.7.2.

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