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Topics - wakkorotti

Pages: [1]
We demand a very detailed sprite of Nick and Relkeb kissing each other. Get to it. It is crucial for the server as it will show us all that our admins share a very strong and special bond of love which can never be broken. As we all know, power of love conquers all <3

I don't know how to sprite, so I leave this idea to you, Monkey.

Here's a video to motivate you:

Offtopic / It's been fun Opticraft.
« on: October 25, 2011, 06:30:57 pm »
The time has come for me to take my leave. At least from my Operator duties and in the worst scenario, minecraft and opticraft.

It's been a fun 4 or 5 months, but nothing lasts forever and it seems my time came earlier than I ever expected. I did hope to stay on for a year at least, but life happens. I might come back one day as an Operator or just a normal player if I ever get the time. But for now, I will only appear on the forums every once in a while.

Stay safe people and thanks for the good times I've had.

Your lovely,

Offtopic / Pure win.
« on: August 04, 2011, 02:36:04 pm »

Rejected / [Operator Application] Wakkorotti
« on: July 03, 2011, 03:35:00 pm »
GMT+2 Helsinki
Join date:
23.06.2011 [DD/MM/YYYY]
Forum Join date:
24.06.2011 [DD/MM/YYYY]
Current rank:

Reason for application:
I am applying for Operator due to the fact that the current Operators are facing a huge workload and even though they do a great job with what they have, they cannot be on the server 24/7 watching out for mischief. And I am not saying that if I became an Operator, all the troubles would be solved. No. We need more competent people Operating and helping out the server to make it a better place. Teamwork is something very essential in accomplishing this and the Operators have done a good job in that department. I am applying so I could be an addition to this competent and great staff running the server day to day, making their workload slightly lighter and being of help to the players.

There have been several occasions where I've been on the server with no Operators online and I get guests pleading out to me to ban griefers, but all I could do was stand by and watch as the guest desperetaly tried to prevent his building from getting vaporized. This drove me to apply here, so that the next time a guest is asking out for my help, I can actually help him and put end to the griefer destroying his/her house.

Why you should become an operator:
I am very confident in myself being mature and competent enough to take on the huge responsibility that being an Operator bears. I've been working in similiar positions in different games in the past, so I have slight experience about jobs like this, which means that I am fully aware of the stress the job can and will cause time to time. So I ask you to consider me as a Operator canditate, as I believe I would have much to offer to the server itself and the wonderful team of Operators we have right now.

I really like the server and it's people and I would like to give something back to the server and all it's friendly people. I figured that becoming an Operator would serve that purpose the best.

Have you been temp-op before?:
No I have not.

Extra information:
I am aware that I've been on the server for only 13 days and I rised up the ranks fast, but I am not applying here for the "cool" cyan text. I am applying here to make the server a better place to build on. I hope you all realise that I am totally sincere with this application and all I want is to help out the great people working on the server. Even if I do get denied for any reason, I will help out the server as a builder to the best of my capabilities.

Thank you.

Creations / The Rainbow Towers
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:17:15 pm »
Alright, so out of boredom and lack of inspiration after my last build, I made something pretty unoriginal. Two rainbow coloured towers.
This was my last build on the recruit world so have some cake.


Feel free to comment and stuff.

Accepted / [Builder Application] Wakkorotti
« on: June 27, 2011, 08:43:41 pm »
Ingame name: wakkorotti

Join date: 23.6.2011

Briefly describe all your creations:
My first 2 builds were fairly simple and small due to the lack of space. The other was a fire and water themed pyramid and the other was a plain mansion. My third build is a simple replica of the finnish congress house (Parlament house).

What worlds are the creations on:
Guest world
The old Recruit world
The new Recruit world

Links to screenshots of the creation:
The Wakkorotti Mansion
The Opposite Pyramids
The Finnish Congress House

Names of players who helped contribute:
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?:

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):
As I mentioned earlier, the main reason why my first 2 builds were fairly small was because there simply was no space to make anything too big and complex. I tried to make up for it by my most recent build.

I would like to become a builder for two reasons; To get access to more build space so that I can improve in all ways possible when it comes to building in minecraft. The second reason is that with the rank, I would gain access to the TP command, which would make it possible for me to teleport around helping guests with various things much more easily as I would not have to navigate to them manually anymore.

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:
Of course.

Creations / Finnish Congress House (Complete!)
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:31:50 pm »
So, I decided to make a very simple replica of the finnish congress house by using a picture of it. It took around 15-17 hours of building to get it done. Every and single one of the blocks have been placed by me one-by-one without any help from the Cuboid gods.

I did not do a very good job copying the interior, but Im still happy with it. The interior was copied out of this.

You can find the build on the new recruit world. I'm posting screenshots of it, but you will get the best experience by visiting it yourself.


Once again, feel free to comment.

Introductions / Wakkorotti Introducing himself.
« on: June 25, 2011, 09:04:51 pm »
Hello my fellow Opticrafters!

My name is Wakkorotti. I am a finnish 16-year-old male teenager currently living in Finland and studying in a High School specialized in Theathre and Drama. My hobbies include Wall climbing, acting and playing different games. This summer I am a part of organizing a variation of the secular coming of age ceremony in the form of a "Prometheus camp" which is a camp meant for 15-year-old teens who wish to expand their view of the world in a completely neutral ground where invidivual and opinion is accepted. Over 300 camps are held every summer.

I also work in a finnish TV Studio every once in a while. I love to listen to the music from 50's to 80's and wish they would still make music like that. I also very much like doing volunteer work, both in real-life and on the internet which is one of the reasons I love Minecraft, as it gives you a chance to make a difference on a server and improve it in different ways.

I found minecraft a few weeks ago, but was not too impressed with the servers filled with griefers and nobody to get rid of them. Two days ago I found the Opticraft server and was impressed at the quality of the grief protection and staff banning them. Something that really blew me away was the case where about 5 different operators and an Admin hopped into my case when I had gotten banned overnight. Thanks for that! So now I'm planning on having fun on the server, using my very very poor building skills to build something decent on your servers while assisting people on the server as much as my powers let me.

Let's have a wonderful time, shall we?

Wakkorotti is out!

Creations / The Opposites.
« on: June 25, 2011, 07:41:50 pm »
So this is my second build on the server. I am truly not gifted in the arts of minecraft, but it doesn't hurt building stuff does it? This build consists of two pyramid like constructions linked together. The other one is filled with fire and lava while the other is filled with water. Inside them you can find ancient statues and those who are brave enough to venture inside the construction will find a golden statue as a reward. I'll try to make something more decent in the upcoming days.

This can be found in the recruit world.

Here are some pictures.


Feel free to comment!

Creations / The "Wakkorotti" Mansion!
« on: June 25, 2011, 02:42:29 am »
Hey there guys. I have some screenshots of the first building I've made on these servers. I earned the rank of the recruit in the process. All of the blocks were manually placed one-by-one as I cannot use draw commands.


This certainly wasn't anything special as I only spent around 3-4 hours doing it, but feel free to comment on what you think about it. You can find this on the guest world. I might expand this some more in the near future.

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