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Topics - FrostyStorms

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Calling out all PC GAMERS!
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:29:50 pm »
Hello, im Frost. First let me say pc master race XD. Ok now getting into the meat and bones on why i posted this forum, im a seasoned PC gamer now ive been on pc for a few years. However i was looking for new friends to join me on Steam and origin. The type of games vary on whatever is most popular. So any comments post down below.  Btw: Steam id: FrostyStorm   Origin id: FrostyStorms

Stay Frosty

Introductions / Frosty not really new but...
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:01:10 am »
Hey its frostystorms or other wise known as simply "frosty." Im not necessarily new but alot of people still don't know who i am so if you ever see me on a forum  or in a game don't feel timid to say hello. And ive made mistakes on opticraft which i regret caused beef but its all settled now anyways Hey! nice to meet you!

Offtopic / My signature (staff)
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:44:35 pm »
basic question is my signature too big? and is it appropiate i just dont want to be banned to please any admins, ops or anyone in the staff category reply!

Offtopic / Pc gamers unite! pc talk ;D
« on: May 04, 2014, 04:57:15 am »
First to kick off this thread lets all compare pc or lap top specs. Then talk about whatever you like! Get the ball rolling anyone. Since right now i made opticraft chat filled with pc talk, so instead compile your thoughts here.

Ban Appeals / [daniblue182] FrostyStorms Appeal
« on: March 30, 2014, 11:02:14 pm »
I'm sorry, for greifing i am new to the server it was an accident there were mobs after me. Its ok if you dont believe me but know that i apologize to you directly. I actually love the server and am pleading not guilty. But i am sorry. Could you please unban me, or at least lower the sentence. Its my first time ever "greifing" i am very sorry.
thank you,
Frosty Storm
Username             Banned By        Reason                                                               Set date               Expire date
frostystorms   daniblue182        griefed sugarcane in my town total 59 blocks   2014-03-30 17:37:39   2014-04-19

Support / Teleportation
« on: March 30, 2014, 12:48:39 am »
 >:( ok first, i am not that new to opticraft and correct me if im wrong but wasnt the teleport command free before? So why do we have to pay for it?
(click to show/hide)
>:( lol im raging so hard right now.

Pages: [1]