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Topics - theacp127

Pages: [1]
Helpful articles / How to play Minecraft Classic with a Mac.
« on: August 21, 2013, 02:39:06 am »
Thousands of people have tried to play Minecraft Classic, but can't since Java 7 doesn't work right. First follow this article/tutorial on how to switch internet java back to Java 6 in order to play Classic.http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5559??
Now make sure to follow this article exactly or it might mess you up.

After you have completed this, go to http://minecraft.net/classic then chose the mode you want to play on (singleplayer or multiplayer). After you do that you will most likely see a black square on the screen with the java logo on it. Some messages will start asking permission to use java for minecraft. Instead of clicking anything yet, reload the page while holding command+shift. Don't let go of command+shift, now move your mouse over the black box. A white windowed edge will appear with the normal red exit button and such. Drag the window with your mouse. Once the window is moved a bit, let go of command+shift. The same permission messages will start displaying, press "Always allow" for each on until they stop appearing. If everything worked, then you should have a playable Minecraft Classic. Enjoy.

I'll make a video tutorial if there is a lot confusion about how to do this. For other simple things just ask here. Also, if it works for you tell me so I can know if my information is accurate. Thanks.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Theacp127
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:22:23 am »

Location:Southern USA


Join Date:May 2013

Were you recommended by anyone?: Not this time

Why you should become a moderator: You may be asking, "You've been inactive for the last few weeks. Why would you be a good mod?" Well, I've been working on a massive project in single player to build a large castle. But that doesn't really matter because I'm almost done so I'll be on like I used to. I've always be able to respect people and make good decisions in tight places. I know that I'm normally quiet and don't talk much in the chat so I won't be the most well know mod, but moderator is not about being popular on the server.
             I'll do everything I can to make a good example to the community for whats fair and just on the server. I know many of the people here and have always loved the server. Some people say being moderator is more work that it is fun, but I ask, "Why would work not be fun?" I've always loved doing service work for others, and if being a moderator is that postion here, then that's my goal. I hope you have a nice day, and thanks for reading. ~theacp127

Rejected / Moderator application- theacp127
« on: January 30, 2013, 04:15:58 pm »
Age:15 (16 in a few days)
Timezone:Central Time
Join Date:Around May 23rd 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Chipaton
Why you should become a moderator:
             I believe I would make a good moderator for my willingness to serve. I have always found serving others enjoyable. I like to joke around, but know when to take things seriously. I enjoy the company of other people, and always quick to say hi to my friends online. Recently, I've been less active that normal, but that was only a temporary happening so I will be on for at least an hour about every day. I have always looked up to the moderators as leaders in Opticraft, and I would like to show that I can be one of those leaders. I would be honored to join the ranks of Logan5353, Chipaton, joshkiizz, and other great contributors to Opticraft. As moderator, you will never have to worry about me leaving the server or becoming inactive. I don't like tekkit and other servers are not as good.
            I will make sure that I live up to all expectations of an honest and hard working person, and will hold myself responsible for any mistakes that may occur. Always thoughtful in my actions and words. Your acceptance will not be in vain and I will always make sure it stays so. Thanks. ~theacp127

General Discussion / Mellon selling
« on: December 27, 2012, 06:15:53 am »

Ban Appeals / Jhood13 doesn't need to be banned. [Winniedoxie]
« on: December 02, 2012, 06:46:22 am »
Jhood13 and I built a melon farm and he got banned for "griefing" but it was mainly his building.

Rejected / Moderator application- theacp127
« on: November 27, 2012, 02:12:31 am »
Location:South East U.S.A
Timezone:CST -6:000
Join Date: May 23, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Chipton, (put your name here if you recommended me and I forgot you)
Why you should become a moderator:       First off, I would like to share the biggest reason for wanting to be a moderator. I want to be a moderator is because of the amount of service that would go into helping the other players. My own personality has always been service oriented, and I find much joy in helping other people. For most people moderating is just something that they can do that will help the server, but for me, it's much more than that. It will be an opportunity to do what I really like to do, help people.
           I also believe that I not only meet the requirements for being that mod that everyone appreciates, I hope that I will be the mod that everyone loves. I'm not the most popular person on the server, but I want to prove that I'm one of the most dedicated. I've already spent much time going over the rules for my own reference and also for settling some disputes between other players already. I've not waited until I got mod to help people. I've been wanting to help people ever since I got on the server. As a relatively long time player I have gotten to know many or at least met, most of the opticraft community. I have 0 bans and no kicks. I'm always doing my best to keep Opticraft an enjoyable place. I also know the commands that mods use fairly well. I've even made my own local server to practice with some that I could find. I am semi-active on the forums as well. I also get on mumble a good bit.
          Having me as moderator will be a big help to the server as I will solely dedicate myself to this server if you so choose to promote me. This server is the best server I've ever played on, I wish you a good day, and I hope the staff makes the best decisions for the server. Thank you. ~theacp127

General Discussion / Not working...
« on: November 12, 2012, 01:00:06 am »
I like to get on classic every now and then, but since a java update on my mac. Classic cannot be loaded at all. Here is the error message that I get when I try.
(click to show/hide)
Does anyone have a way of fixing this? If not, I won't be able to play classic. :(

Offtopic / beacon not bacon
« on: October 29, 2012, 03:43:38 am »
Just wondering, how many other people thought that beacon said bacon at first? I was so excited, but then sadly realized that it said beacon.  :(

Discussion forum / 1.4.2 pre-release
« on: October 25, 2012, 02:44:06 am »
Here is the link to the pre-release for those impatient people.

Trade Central / Auction Over please lock
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:01:46 am »
This auction is for an unused efficiency 4, fortune 3, and unbreaking 3 diamond pick. Auction will end Friday at 7:00 P.M. CDT.

Projects and Creations / Sweet statue of myself
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:54:23 am »

A cool statue of my skin.

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