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Messages - FrostyStorms

Pages: [1] 2 3
Offtopic / Re: Kootra detained. Swatting
« on: September 01, 2014, 09:35:01 pm »
yea first whiteboy now kootra... all live-streamers are at risk. if you watch the video you can see they're being waaaay too overly aggressive. Especially with a foot (steel toed boots) on kootras head. The officers should have saw that the man is a 20 y/o nerdy white guy playing video games. This is police brutality at the finest. Just my thought.

Stay Frosty
Did you even bother to look at the second video? they had the whole area on lockdown. The police were told Kootra was a terrorist. I think they acted the way they should have.

However when they swatted him they should have used common scene and analysed the scene. But instead we have police in military gear (coming out of my 6 digit tax money) and wanna play dress up and act way to aggressive. Its ridiculous that you guys are agreeing with the police militia. But then again you guys are probably under 18 and don't understand this.
Lmao frosty. Im actually 20 and serve in the military. You seem to be one of those trendy folk who believes everything the media has to offer. They did act appropriately. This is obviously not routine. They had no clue what to expect. Sure they could have acted differently after seeing he was just playing a game.  I have many friends who are policemen and had to recently lock down areas of my city for drug trafficking reasons and they told me how sketchy this stuff can be. They are trained to be prepared for the worst case scenario. In this case they did, as if Kootra did shoot someone or whatever the kid called the cops for.
im 24, well 18 is not a magical number... its just when your not dependent as much on your parents. Well this is a very opininated question. Its like argueing religion, theres no awnser. Im just going to stop posting, everyone is entitled in thier own opinion. And thank you for you service. (father ex airforce)

Stay Frosty

Offtopic / Re: Kootra detained. Swatting
« on: September 01, 2014, 07:30:11 pm »
yea first whiteboy now kootra... all live-streamers are at risk. if you watch the video you can see they're being waaaay too overly aggressive. Especially with a foot (steel toed boots) on kootras head. The officers should have saw that the man is a 20 y/o nerdy white guy playing video games. This is police brutality at the finest. Just my thought.

Stay Frosty
Did you even bother to look at the second video? they had the whole area on lockdown. The police were told Kootra was a terrorist. I think they acted the way they should have.

However when they swatted him they should have used common scene and analysed the scene. But instead we have police in military gear (coming out of my 6 digit tax money) and wanna play dress up and act way to aggressive. Its ridiculous that you guys are agreeing with the police militia. But then again you guys are probably under 18 and don't understand this.

Offtopic / Re: Kootra detained. Swatting
« on: September 01, 2014, 05:55:01 pm »
yea first whiteboy now kootra... all live-streamers are at risk. if you watch the video you can see they're being waaaay too overly aggressive. Especially with a foot (steel toed boots) on kootras head. The officers should have saw that the man is a 20 y/o nerdy white guy playing video games. This is police brutality at the finest. Just my thought.

Stay Frosty

Offtopic / Calling out all PC GAMERS!
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:29:50 pm »
Hello, im Frost. First let me say pc master race XD. Ok now getting into the meat and bones on why i posted this forum, im a seasoned PC gamer now ive been on pc for a few years. However i was looking for new friends to join me on Steam and origin. The type of games vary on whatever is most popular. So any comments post down below.  Btw: Steam id: FrostyStorm   Origin id: FrostyStorms

Stay Frosty

Forum Games / Re: A-B-C Game!
« on: July 09, 2014, 07:36:24 pm »
dude lol how long has this topic been alive!

Introductions / Frosty not really new but...
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:01:10 am »
Hey its frostystorms or other wise known as simply "frosty." Im not necessarily new but alot of people still don't know who i am so if you ever see me on a forum  or in a game don't feel timid to say hello. And ive made mistakes on opticraft which i regret caused beef but its all settled now anyways Hey! nice to meet you!

Offtopic / Re: How are you feeling today?
« on: July 07, 2014, 11:54:10 pm »
How are you feeling today?
Ill start. Im feeling good.

this seems to be an odd fourm topic but decent but dizzy  :o

I forgot to get it :/ God damn it.

Oh well, I guess I could just you know...buy it.

You guys are freeloaders anyway.

i bought it last year... well im a pc enthusiast anyways

Server News / Re: Top Voters - May (Belated)
« on: July 07, 2014, 11:46:23 pm »

Offtopic / My signature (staff)
« on: June 25, 2014, 07:44:35 pm »
basic question is my signature too big? and is it appropiate i just dont want to be banned to please any admins, ops or anyone in the staff category reply!

Suggestions / Re: jail in opticraft
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:09:20 pm »
what if we added a jail house to put the players not obeying the rules in there for an amount of time depending on the persons history or rule broken we also mute them

This would be awesome, for like spamming or just cursing too much.

Offtopic / Re: Pc gamers unite! pc talk ;D
« on: May 05, 2014, 02:43:11 am »
I have a MacBook. It is excellent at browsing Facebook and Googling shit, which makes it unique and therefore needs a 550$ price tag. Oh well. Getting a gaming PC in summer so that will be nice

I'll just steal Liek's Commodore instead.

Console gamers be like: PC sucks because you don't get all the cool games on console like cod and bf4 and Titanfall and you don't get quicks coping either and all you n3rdz do is play WoW for 12 days straight you freaking hardsc0ping noobs ur mom has better framerate last night lol wow high five that was a cool comeback because I said ur mom haha ur mom so funny haha we get better graphics too plus keyboard sucks l0l bye haha ur mom lol n00b

lol, txt me anytime. I can help you make a pretty good pc for cheap.  ;D

We already did this a while back, plus some random idiots I hate helped pick out some parts anyways
alright this quote is starting to get pretty big lol.

Offtopic / Re: Pc gamers unite! pc talk ;D
« on: May 04, 2014, 09:07:15 pm »
I have a MacBook. It is excellent at browsing Facebook and Googling shit, which makes it unique and therefore needs a 550$ price tag. Oh well. Getting a gaming PC in summer so that will be nice

I'll just steal Liek's Commodore instead.

Console gamers be like: PC sucks because you don't get all the cool games on console like cod and bf4 and Titanfall and you don't get quicks coping either and all you n3rdz do is play WoW for 12 days straight you freaking hardsc0ping noobs ur mom has better framerate last night lol wow high five that was a cool comeback because I said ur mom haha ur mom so funny haha we get better graphics too plus keyboard sucks l0l bye haha ur mom lol n00b

lol, txt me anytime. I can help you make a pretty good pc for cheap.  ;D

Offtopic / Re: Pc gamers unite! pc talk ;D
« on: May 04, 2014, 06:58:43 am »
Why wouldn't you start off your own topic?

kinda just did...

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