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Topics - codepmman

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / thank you for the opportunity
« on: April 22, 2014, 12:01:33 am »
Hello there

Most of you don't know me but I was a moderator for the better part of 2 years on Opti and I just wanted to say thank you!! It has been a wonderful experience but my life is busy and I never really had time to play but in seeing the email of my demotion it inspired me to wright this and let everyone know that I really appreciated the opportunity!

I had fun, met some wonderful people (most of whom have moved on mind you), and overall really enjoyed the experience!

my only regret is that I couldn't do more for the server. I have been expecting this demotion for some time now and in all actuality am really surprised it took this long.. I know I probably should of resigned or put in an absent form but I always had the hope that I would get back into the spirit of opti and play more, you never know it may still happen!! and when I do I will defiantly try to be a better player and get more involved

again thank you for this wonderful opportunity you may see me on for short bursts here and there but im waiting till life settles down. until then I will miss you all and will see you when I can

Offtopic / test adventure map
« on: October 24, 2012, 12:50:40 am »
so im makeing an adventure map and im just trying to sort things out.. i would say im about halfway done one of the components and wanted to see what people thought.... i tried to set it up so all you would need is in the chest at the start... explore the temple and let me know what you thing any problems let me know... thanks

here is the download


Suggestions / friends list/notifications
« on: July 17, 2012, 09:12:53 pm »
kinda just want to see if pople would think a friends list would be a cool idea... you could add people to it and if they accept your invite then they can see when you are on and pm you easily and vice versa. there could be other things intagrated into this but just something i was thinking about

Rejected / mod app- codepmman
« on: June 04, 2012, 01:54:53 am »
Age: 23
Location: Timmins Ontario Canada
Timezone: ESt
Join Date: March 9 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: ecorrigall redchecks leganie relkeb
Why you should become a moderator:Because im honest, Trustworthy, and despite my recent absence i am loyal. i enjoy helping people and i have made some very good friends on opti and would like to further my opti experience
thank you for your time

Pages: [1]