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Topics - Ramkitty

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / Civilization V Tournament! All welcome!!
« on: January 27, 2015, 06:33:44 pm »

Civilisation V tournament

We have decided that we want to run a Civ V tournament for all players that would like to join!

The tournament will be run with a series of 1v1 knockout rounds.

If you want to sign up, please post your name and civ that you want to play as below.

It will be upto you to contact the player you are against to arrange the match. It might also help if people post their steam names below so we can setup a group and add each other!
Current Players:
  • Ramkitty (The Netherlands)
  • Raul7legend (The Huns)
  • MikeW (Germany)
  • VoreReznor (Ottoman/Russian)
  • DjAlphaWolf (Japan)
  • Clawstrider (England)
  • Titans55 (Spain)
  • Chipaton (Mongolia)

Please post any suggestions on game types/setting etc like that so we can standardise games!

Offtopic / Mix Requests
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:53:48 pm »
As most of you might know i am a dj, i just wanted to start this thread to ask people if they have requests for mixes they would like to hear i will try to record them then i will post them on my souncloud channel which is below!


General Discussion / Friday Nights On Opticraft
« on: December 03, 2012, 07:57:27 am »
Hi guys,

So as a few of you will have discovered I like to DJ, if you were on mumble on Friday you would've found this out! I was djing in the music channel non stop for about 7 hours playing all sorts of music I am open to requests I will try my best to get them and add them to the playlist. So this is what I propose every Friday night after work I will be on mumble for a few hours in the music channel playing all your favourite music, lemme know what you guys think about thi. I know there is already a thread about this but I received such a good reception and everyone thought this would be a good idea.

Probably between 7pm-12am

Guys feel free to put requests in the comments below, or pm them. I will see what i can do :)

Set Times:
7pm-8pm- Pop & Chart Hits (Requests taken)
8pm-10pm- Dubstep, drum & bass & many more (Requests taken)
10pm-12am- Requests

Please check out my soundcloud, share, download and tell your friends!


General Discussion / Server Troubles
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:29:56 pm »

we seem to be experiencing some troubles with the server at the moment, we are trying our best to contact optical to fix this

General Discussion / My Return
« on: April 10, 2012, 08:19:01 pm »
Hey guys,

its good to say that i am coming back to the server now :), i know this has taken a little bit more time than i said it would that would be because at the end of march i had a couple of weeks away at work but i am glad to say that i will be on a lot more now.
its good to finally be back and to serve this community again

hope to see everyone ingame


General Discussion / Leave of absence
« on: February 21, 2012, 05:40:43 pm »
Hey guys,

As of today (21/02/2012) i am officially taking a leave of absence from the server. For the past few days i have had a decision to make about wether i am leaving for good or for only a short amount of time, i chose to take a leave of absence instead. This is due to a couple of factors one mainly being school, this year is a big year for me as i have applied to university but i need to get the grades to get in, currently i feel i am slipping behind because i have not found an equal balance between minecraft and school. I cant currently say how long i will be gone for. I will be on the forums and mumble from time to time but not in the game. if you need to speak to me for any reason please PM me.


Projects / Rome??
« on: August 14, 2011, 01:03:05 pm »
What is happening with rome because now that forsaken has become an op i have not seen much progress on this world and i am worried that it will just lay dormant, now spartan has left you have no one to build the colliseum and it seems like people have given up. this could be a good world if it is completed to the high standard that i know you guys have so please carry on, :)

Projects / Sol Garden?
« on: July 29, 2011, 10:56:15 am »
Hey i was wondering what is happening with Sol Garden it hasnt been touched in ages, and it is just a dormant world that could be used for something else or it could be finished, if someone could give me some insight into what is happening with this world it would be greatly appreciated. i feel if completed this world would be a good contribution to the lobby if its going to be used.


Creations / Courthouse By Ramkitty & Gurgonis
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:12:17 pm »
Here is a project me and gurgonis made in a day, it took us about 5 hours to build really impressed with how it came out, hopefully we will be able to finish the interior.

Tell us what you think

Offtopic / What Weapon Would You Use In A Zombie attack
« on: May 18, 2011, 04:23:13 pm »
Please tell me your weapon of choice in a zombie attack :)

General Discussion / Work Trip
« on: April 21, 2011, 07:12:03 am »
Hey guys i have work from today until monday so i will be unable to get on the game :(.

I will be back on teusday.


General Discussion / unnecessary writing on the WoR walls
« on: April 20, 2011, 10:02:32 am »
so i was in the New WOR today and i saw two pieces of writing on the wall, that do not need to be there. in my opinion are taking up valuable building space on the wall.

here are the images:

Projects / Maclaren f1 car
« on: April 16, 2011, 08:26:59 am »
 i am interested in spriting this. has anyone got some valuable advice on how to scale down and how to start,


any help would be greatly appreciated :)


Introductions / Helllo
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:05:52 am »
Hi im Ramkitty :)

Accepted / Operator Apllication - Ramkitty
« on: April 11, 2011, 07:25:00 am »
Timezone: GMT+0
Join date:27 March 2011
Forum Join date:02 April 2011
Current rank:Builder
Reason for application: i am applying to stop all the griefers that are ruining peoples experience on the opticraft server. also there is not many ops on during my timezone and i want to become a valued member of the opticraft team

Why you should become an operator: i believe i should become a operator because i am a very helpful and calm person that will listen to people and will make sure that they have greifed a person work or are towering then i will ban them with proof, also i dedicate about 3 to 4 hours of my day to opticraft, and more on weekends so i will always be available if there arent any other ops on. i understand that if i am accepted then building will not be my main priority and that i will have to be dedicated to helping new users and banning persisten greifers. i am commited to help improve this server and to give everybody an enjoyable experience without the griefing.

Have you been temp-op before?:Yes
Extra information:

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