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Topics - Wratkie

Pages: [1] 2
Trade Central / [S] 2 Diamond Protection Stones (Discounted Price)
« on: May 02, 2013, 04:10:41 pm »
Item: Two (2) Diamond Proction stones (41x41x41)
Enchantment(s): N/A
Condition: N/A
Level Enchanted On: N/A
Starting Price: $90k for both or $45k each
Price Increase: $500 per bid.
Buyout Price: $105k OBO
End Of Auction: A few days or until topic is inactive.

Notes: No need for these anymore moved and don't require, like new probably have about 4 months of use on them, like new, no dents, minor scratches, can be buffed out, originally bought from the original market in early 2012 so they are in fact antique. pre registered so you can bypass the legal processes, looking to sell them to some who knows what I'm talking about, no low ballers. have original receipts for both, wont find a pair like this anywhere. Any questions contact below! Thanks.

It is not ok to contact this seller with commercial or business advertising. All replies to the buyer must be made on this topic, buyer will not accept pm offers.

Server News / 1.5.2 - Safe to update
« on: May 02, 2013, 04:03:19 pm »
Server online: smp.opticraft.net

It is now safe to update to 1.5.2

The new 1.5.2 update will not work with the server's current version.

To continue to play on our server, just hit "not now" when asked to update.

If you already have updated, the server will be updated A.S.A.P. please be patient.

Crzy has provided a link to the New Launcher, you can play 1.5.1 on there.

Sorry for any inconveniences.

Offtopic / Long time staff member
« on: January 08, 2013, 05:24:43 am »
Today I will have been with the Opticraft staff team for a year and 2 days. that was the day I was "accepted" as an operator on the classic server. Since then I have have been every staff rank possible except for admin. during this time I've made friends and maybe a few enemies but I enjoy everytime I can actually help a member with an issue. I hope some of the new staff members will stay with the community as long as i have and realize that tho it's just a game it a fun learning experience. I plan to stay as long as I can and continue to serve the community, thanks for the oppurtunity to help!

Offtopic / Awesome! x20,000!
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:10:04 pm »
There is offically over 20,000 registered users now and thats insane compared to when we reached 10,000 because we gained 10,000+ members in a matter of a few months! The release of the 1.0 server really did numbers for the server. Can't wait to see some of the planned stuff Optical has for the server, keep up the great work on the BEST server community out there!

General Discussion / Wratkie's random drop parties!!
« on: March 29, 2012, 11:02:57 pm »
As some of you know I have occasional drop parties from time to time. I'm going to continue this trend and when i have a party I'll be taking screen shots and posting them here. See if you can find yourself in the screens!!

Drop party 3/29:

This topic is not for asking or requesting when the next one will be, they will stay random, but may be held on certain special occasions which I may let you guys know ahead of time.

Have fun, stay friendly! :D

Suggestions / Item of the week!
« on: March 02, 2012, 07:30:41 am »
I have a good idea that others thought I should suggest.

Item of the week, have a special spot when you first walk into the market that has an item display with a different item each week, could be and item on sale, or an item not normally obtained from the market (grass block, blaze rod, other items)

It would be a pretty fun idea I think and would be enjoyable to our members. I've never heard of this for another server so it would be something original. It wouldn't be too hard to implement either.

Give me feedback! ;)

Suggestions / Like/Thumbsup
« on: March 01, 2012, 03:19:17 am »
I'm sure this has been suggested before but if there is a way to implement a Like button (or similar concept) then a lot of people would be happy.

I know a lot of sites use this but its just a fun feature to show when you agree or get a good laugh, or were thinking the same thing.

I also don't know how the site works and if its even possible to add features like this but its a suggestion.

ex. of use (FAKE)

"Optical: We just upgraded the server guys, have fun!!"

if you added a like button your probably thinking "We would need a dislike button." but i think a dislike button could start some tensions as it could be used negatively. Were as a like button could mostly be a positive thing, unless on a hate comment.

Anyways tell me what you guys think!

Discussion forum / "Happy Valentines day..." [My Bday!]
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:02:33 pm »
Happy valentines day everyone! hope you all have a nice fun filled day with or without love! I know I will because this will be the 19th year it has been my birthday!

From Logan,

From Jewnier,

From Impish and Noobies,

From Angus,

Thanks everyone you guys a great!

Discussion forum / congrats opticraft
« on: January 27, 2012, 10:00:57 pm »
So today we passed a milestone, 10k registered members! Awesome job optical, cant wait to see what more this community will have to offer!

Projects and Creations / End dragon's keep
« on: January 22, 2012, 09:22:00 pm »
This is the tower that the End dragon guards, It is made 100% out of end stone.
I cant really think of anything else to put on the exterior and the interior isn't entirely completed.

Offtopic / Mumble
« on: January 20, 2012, 09:40:40 pm »
Hey everyone,

   Some of you newer members may not know what Mumble is, It's a voice chat client that you can keep in the background while you play. Its sort of like playing Xbox live or PSN or anything else where you can talk to others while you play.

If you haven't checked it out, you should, and now would be a great time! We have a decent amount of people in the opticraft mumble server right now, so come on and get to know us better, it is a lot of fun!

Google, Bing, or just search Mumble and you should be able to find it, download it and join the server.

Nedded information:

 IP: Mumble.Opticraft.net
 Port: 64738

When you choose a name, it would be easier to use your username in-game just so we know who you are right away, but you can choose whatever, just let us know.

ALSO: NO mic is required because there is a chat box available with a text to speech system that reads your text to us!

So come on and have so (more) fun with us all on Mumble!!

Support / Animals
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:19:28 am »
I assume it was right after the server restart but I'm not positive but a lot of people including myself lost our farm/bred animals.
In my case I lost a lot of chickens, some people lost their snow golems and I'm not sure what all was effected. BUT... Obviously there was some error around the time of the last server restart, or maybe this was done one purpose. but this thread is just to notify that there MIGHT be some issue somewhere regarding animals.

The image shows a few people that were effected, but also shows a pig (Wild) that wasn't so I'm thinking it may have been only SPAWNED animals like chickens from eggs and snow golems, but I really don't have any clue why this happened.

Support / Text colors
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:38:49 pm »
I guess it works for some but another person said they had the same thing happen.
Once i updated to 1.1 all the colors in the chat didn't work, like the ones for ranks, server news/notices.
Idk if this is something on my end or on the servers end but if anyone has any helpful info please post it.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Wratkie
« on: January 12, 2012, 08:21:36 am »
Age: 18
Location: New York
Timezone: EST
Join Date: October 24, 2011
Were you recommended by anyone?: Nick3306
Why you should become a moderator: I believe I should be a moderator because I am always happy to help out here. I always treat everything in a decent way to make sure server is fun for guests and the ones who play often. That is the way it was for me and how it should be for others. If I am to become a moderator then i can help keep the server friendly from random spammers or rampant swearers, and be able to help those who aren't sure how to get going in SMP for their first time on the server. I would also make sure everyone is getting along and arguments don't get out of hand.

General Discussion / Your SMP names
« on: January 12, 2012, 08:04:18 am »
Just to end a little confusion.

I've noticed a few people that I know have a different account that they use for classic or a different name on the forums than the account they use for SMP. If you are one of these people (that i havent listed) post here and I'll put it here in the OP.

Forum name:                                                 Smp Username:

Ouch_Ouch                                                   Arsenic_Shark
EliteDelta                                                      ZenotropicTiger
Nyssa                                                           Dedlymagik

[If there is a thread like this already please let me know thanks.]

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