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Topics - AnMinecraftUser

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Getting To Know AnMinecraftUser
« on: February 16, 2014, 03:35:54 am »
Okay, so to start off with, As most of you know, i"m from Canada, Hence the title "Canadian", I'm 14 years old and i live just north of Toronto, Ontario Canada. No, I Don't in fact ride my moose to school which is a igloo thank you very much. ;) ;). I'm 14 years old, or young or whatever you 'd like to say, I enjoy talking on minecraft as well as occasionally building things of not great importance. I'm a trusted Here at opticraft, I've been trusted for over a year now and I am not planning on losing that any time soon. I dislike stupid people who have the worst canadian stereotypes and ask me them i.e if you die in canada do you die in real life"?

My favourite colour is Red

My Favorite animal is a American

so yeah, thats all for me  ;D

Trade Central / (Auction) 18 stacks Of Iron Ore
« on: April 15, 2013, 12:21:36 am »
Item: My items are stacks of iron (18)
The starting price:40,000$
Bid increase: 500$
Buyout price:55,000$
End of auction: Tuesday , April 23rd at 7:00 GMT: -5

If you have any questions or concerns please send me mail or message me in-game @ AnMinecraftUser

AnMinecraftUser  :)

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] My Ban
« on: January 16, 2013, 10:42:55 pm »
Hello, My name as you know is anminecraftuser, I was banned for using bad launguage Twice. I am NEVER allowed back on. I dont understand why, Ive never been banned before and i am really sorry, I ment no harm, Really. Please don't never allow me back on, I Am Honestley heartbroken. I feel really super bad and im sorry.

I know my Trusted rank will be taken away, (that is if i'm ever allowed back on)
And I fully unterstand that for what i did. It was a joke and will NEVER happen agian.

AnMinecrafUser :)

Rejected / Mineville-AnMinecraftUser
« on: November 14, 2012, 11:12:04 pm »

City Name: Mineville

Biome: flat, As I have made it

Mayor; Only one( Me )

Dimensions: 1000 x 1000

Number of active residents:15

Number of finished Buildings: 40
Why should Mineville Become a Protected city?
In Our city we are determined to having a big, Working town. Although I an mot trusted i know that i am Responsible enough to own a city like mine. Our goal is to expand and keep the city growing.  We currently have about 15 residents full-time With trusteed in my city and recommendatoins from them, Brookeness, Quattro944, Quinton_P. I think My to city deserves that Beacuse we are hard working and worth it.
Thank you

Ban Appeals / [Sircy] M1NECRAP Appeal
« on: September 01, 2012, 04:16:48 pm »
My name is M1NECRAP.. i was at jug sebs house and accedintally clicked on his glass. I replaced as fast as i could then I payed him 1000$ and he said it was okay... BUt i stilll got banned?

Pages: [1]