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Topics - zwaan111

Pages: [1] 2
Rejected / Operator application - zwaan111
« on: April 25, 2015, 09:48:36 am »
In-game name: zwaan111
Age: 16
Location: The netherlands
Timezone: GMT + 1

Join Date: Smp: june 29 2012, creative: from the beginning

Were you recommended by any staff?: daniblue182 100penguin, Matthius

Why you should become an Operator:
I have played on the creative server for quite some time now, although i took a 2 month break recently. However, i returned about 2 weeks ago.  Sometimes when I get online, there is no staff member ingame, which makes me think that the european staff team could use another member. I have been moderator on three other servers, because of this I already have experience moderating. I am currently quite active, however i have finals in about 2 weeks, which will probably reduce my activity a bit, however im sure i will be able to play at least a hour a day while having finals. Because of my past moderating experience, I have experience with banhammer and logblock (also some worldedit, however quite limited). I feel like I am mature and active enough for this position, and I believe that I would make a positive contribution to the staff team by becoming op.


Rejected / Builder Application - zwaan111 (2)
« on: November 30, 2014, 07:50:52 pm »
Ingame name: zwaan111
Join date: creative: from beginning
Briefly describe all your creations: (the new ones) floating islands with houses and a sphere with houses inside
What world/s are the creations on: recruit3 and recruit4
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/DHzU61W,KJcmrpt,nVimG1V,EVkRkwX#0
Sphere: /home zwaan111 sphere
Islands: /home zwaan111 home

old builder app (with more builds): http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,20011.0.html

Names of players who helped contribute: (new builds) none, i got the circle diagrams for the sphere (for the main circles) from internet though.
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I tried to show different skills than in my other builds in these builds, like terraforming and building more old-looking houses. The island build can be considered finished, in my opinion the sphere build is finished too but I could add some underground structures (as that space is currently unused).

Rejected / Builder Application - zwaan111
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:19:15 pm »
Ingame name: zwaan111
Join date: creative: from beginning
Briefly describe all your creations: a skyscraper (my house), a train station with trains and tower from WoT (still unfinished)
What world/s are the creations on: guest, recruit 2 and recruit4
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/fW9RQ93,XUDRM02,zwLb6oe,sc7gsSs,P8RUioI,tGLvNug,qV0wfUc,Q0pIuYg#0
House: /home zwaan111 old
Train: /home zwaan111 train
Tower: /home zwaan111 tower

Names of players who helped contribute: Xeadin helped me design the staircase in (zwLb6oe, nr 3)
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): The tower build is still unfinished, the complete project is however quite big and completing the entire structure would require a lot of time. All builds are detailed and the tower and my house are furnished.

Rejected / Operator Application - zwaan111
« on: November 18, 2014, 06:37:27 pm »
In-game name: zwaan111
Age: 16
Location: The netherlands
Timezone: GMT + 1
Join Date: Smp: june 29 2012, creative: from the beginning
Were you recommended by any staff?: Not that I know of, if you do please edit your name in here
Why you should become an Operator:
I have played on the creative server for a little over two months now, and been recruit for a timespan that is roughly the same. I noticed that the amount of european staff members is quite low. Most time I am online, there are no staff members online, and because of this I believe that the european staff team could use some reinforcement. I have been moderator on three other servers, because of this I already have experience moderating. I am currently quite active, I play ~4 hours daily, and I can keep that activity up easily. Because of my past moderating experience, I have experience with banhammer, logblock and worldedit. I feel like I am mature and active enough for this position, and I believe that I would make a positive contribution to the staff team by becoming op.


General Discussion / zwaan's treasure hunt
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:51:05 pm »
I decided to make a treasure hunt.

I filled 3 single and 1 double chest with items of varying value, they are well hidden and require quite some time to find. Some parts of the treasure hunt have to do with things i built. I estimate that the treasure is worth around 150k.


- dont grief anything.
- dont change any signs.
- when you find the treasure, make a post about it on the forums, so others can visit the location too.
- (staff only) no fly in puzzles.
- if there are other rules stated in a puzzle, follow them!

The first clue is in my first house.

My first house is somewhere near the Northwest warp.

Good luck to all people who participate.


Rejected / Moderator application - zwaan111
« on: April 23, 2014, 04:52:59 pm »
Age: 15
Location: The netherlands
Timezone: GMT + 1
Join Date: June 29, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: If you reccomend me, feel free to edit your name in here
Why you should become a moderator:

First of all, i applied because there are not that many european mods, and sometimes when i join, there is no staff on. Also, opticraft isnt doing quite well, and i think that i could contribute positively to this minecraft server. I know that i have not been very active in the past few monts, only hopping around once every 1 or 2 days. This was mainly because of matters irl. Recently, i started a new project, and i am fully active again. I have been moderator on some other servers and already have quite some experience moderating. On those servers i worked with coreprotect and logblock.

I like to help people and inprove the community and the server in that way.

Thanks for your time,


Suggestions / Restoring a mistake
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:18:10 pm »
I dont know whenether this has been suggested before, but i made this thread anyways.

Please read the entire topic carefully BEFORE making a post.

one of the biggest mistakes in opticrafts history needs to be restored in my opinion, the market needs to be removed.
Technically, the market was only created as a last resort for players needing items, at the moment, it is being abused and ruins the survival aspect of the game. In the past, the market only caused trouble and anger: when the melons got removed because people were abusing them, people raged; and now too, because the iron and gold are getting removed.

When the market is removed, opticraft can truly have an economy, because everything is regulated by supply and demand then. At the moment, all prices are set by the market. Because there still needs to be an inflow of money into the economy, i tought about changing voting for diamonds to voting for money; each vote gives you between $100 and $150.

Some items must still be sellable / buyable: ps stones, mob heads (excluding wither head), horse armor, the special slab blocks (those next to the nether quarts in the new guest world market), chain armor and beacons. Otherwise these items would become discontiniued and their prices would skyrocket then. The sell price must be equal to the buy price so money will not be destroyed by buying and selling them.

Without a market, it would be impossible to become rich by afk farming, because then the supply would greatly exceed the demand, and the price would drop to somewhere near 0.

Please dont immediately shoot this idea down, and think about the good and bad things about it.

I would like to hear everyones opinion about this.


Rejected / Moderator application - zwaan111
« on: August 20, 2013, 03:58:45 pm »
Age: 14 (15 in a month)
Location: Netherlands
Timezone: GMT+1
Join Date: June 29, 2012, 02:23:58 pm on the forums and June 18 on classic.
Were you recommended by anyone?: hammysandwhich. Others, feel free to add your name here.

Why you should become a moderator:

I made this application because i saw that there was a shortage of european mods, most of the time when i am on none or only one staff member is on.

I started playing minecraft in alpha 1.0.17_04 (this is 2.5 years ago) because of this I know a lot about the game itself, i also play on this server for more than a year already.

I can be online around 2-4 hours each day, I am building a project at the moments (my pyramid) but i am quite being quite lazy on building it. this means that i have a lot of time left to moderate.

Sometimes i ask myself; why do i want to become a mod. Being a mod on another server, i know that it is a heavy duty and not as fun as many think. The reason why i want to be a mod is to help the server; the server has been a place where i had have fun for almost a year, now i want to do something back.

When I just joined smp, I made some mistakes (this resulted in my two grief trap bans), now i understand that it was totally unacceptable. I have not had a ban for amost a year and i havnt been kicked for a long time.

I will not give up trying to become mod;
Last year there was a academic competition, I didn’t write myself in, because I thought I wasn’t good enough. This year, there was another academic competition and I did join, although i didnt win at the end at the international competition, this proves me that i should never give up.

Thanks for reading my mod app

sincerely, zwaan111

Projects and Creations / Pyramid minigame
« on: July 30, 2013, 08:07:52 pm »
Name: to be decided

as some people already know, i am building a pyramid minigame with various kinds of challenges.

in the pyramid there will be various kinds of challenges, like parkours, mazes and puzzles. it is quite dangerous inside the pyramid with a fair chance of death. because the pyramid isnt finished yet, it is still closed to public.

Current state: unfinished

Location: /home zwaan111 desert

Rules: (all rules are also written down in the start room of the pyramid)

1. NO items exept food are allowed (this is to prevent enderpearl cheating and possible loss of items)
2. you are NOT allowed to teleport back into the pyramid after you teleported out of it
3. you are NOT allowed to share the codes of doors inside the pyramid in any way (also not the codes of puzzles)
4. we are NOT responsible for any deaths
5. (staff only) no flying
6. (staff only) no godmode
7. just to clearify this even more: NO enderpearl usage

it costs a huge amount of money and materials to build this minigame, and all donations are happily accepted;

We are in need of the following items:

Any type of sandstone
Any type of redstone
Pistons (normal and stickey)
Cactusses (for harming puzzles :P)
Ps stones

(there is a donation chest at /home zwaan111 desert inside the starting room)


(click to show/hide)

ps: plz make some suggestions for a name :D

Rejected / Moderator application - zwaan111
« on: June 20, 2013, 06:11:14 am »
Age: 14 (+ 3/4)
Location: Arnhem (The Netherlands)
Timezone: GMT+1
Join Date: June 29, 2012, 02:23:58 pm on the forums and June 18 on classic.
Were you recommended by anyone?: hammysandwhich, GirlLuvzerMac  Feel free to add your name here. :D

Why you should become a moderator:

I started playing minecraft in alpha 1.0.17_04 (this is 2.5 years ago) because of this I know a lot about the game itself. I know that I haven’t been online very much for 3 months, but this was because school and technical problems with my laptop. The summer vacation has started yesterday and I will have time to be online ~6-7 hrs a day.

I like to help people a lot, in real live, I give extra math lessons to 7th graders. Because I helped, their marks went from an F to a C. I also sometimes help people in the 10th grade with assignments.

I want to become moderator to help people and do something against griefers, spammers, xrayers, etc. I know some commands for mods and I know all the rules for non staff players. Opticraft has the best community of all servers I have ever been, and I want to do something back. I have played opticraft for 1 year by now and I have been top voter once. I am not building any serious project at the moment, all things I do is mine and remove bushes from my jungle. Because of this, I have a lot of time to moderate.

When I just joined smp, I made some mistakes (this resulted in my two grief trap bans), but I have changed since then. I have not had a ban for 10 months and I have not been kicked for a half year.

I will not give up trying to become mod;
Last year there was a academic competition, I didn’t write myself in, because I thought I wasn’t good enough. This year, there was another academic competition and I did join, and now I am going to <some country> for an international competition. This proves to me that I should never give up. Because of this, i will never give up my tries to become mod.

Thanks for reading my mod app

sincerely, zwaan111

General Discussion / gone until 17-6-2013
« on: June 10, 2013, 06:31:26 pm »
next week i have a week with a lot of tests before the vacation. i will be gone some time because i need to focus on tests. after that i will be on a lot :D.

remember: im not leaving, i just need to focus on tests.

can a staff member plz lock this??

Project name name: The ways

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): Live map link -; Coordinates: -451, 397; World name: GuestWorld_nether

Contributors: -

Mayor: zwaan111

Approximate dimensions: 200*150

Number of active residents: 1

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 10 waygates, the ways itself arnt finished yet

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: build until you can travel from 1 side of the world to the other with the ways.

Why should we grant this project protection? the ways get griefed a lot, it is accessible from a lot of places in the new guest world, and it looks nice, so griefers want to grief it. it takes a lot of time to find all grief, and i cant leave holes in the paths, because people might fall into the lava if there are holes.

there are not many valuable blocks in the ways, only obsidian and (the not so valuable) endstone. the griefers grief it mainly because it is big and it looks nice.

griefers cant acess the ways very well atm, but when i fixed the portals (im rebuilding them) they will be able to enter again and then the ways will be griefed again.

because there is no nether live map, i made some screenies:

Trade Central / 4 stacks of obsidian
« on: May 26, 2013, 12:39:37 pm »
im selling 4 stacks of obsidian (256 obsid)

the starting price is 4k
there is no buyout price

the auction ends on may 28

happy bidding ;D

Trade Central / i need obsid
« on: April 09, 2013, 03:35:16 pm »
im buying obsid for $1000 a stack,

/msg me if you want to sell obsid to me, or reply to this topic.

Introductions / Introduction of zwaan111 - a little late
« on: April 04, 2013, 04:52:33 pm »
fist time that i scrolled trough this part of the forum XD

im zwaan111, i live in the netherlands and im 14 yrs old.
i have been playin on opti for the last 8 months, because of that, many ppl might already know me.


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