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Topics - Tobs

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Offtopic / It's Alicia's Birthday!
« on: November 23, 2015, 07:12:21 pm »
It's Alicia's birthday! Happy birthday Alicia, hope you have a great day!

Server News / Creative Top Voters - June & July
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:46:50 pm »

Sorry these haven't been posted until now, I haven't had broadband the past month or so! The top voters for the Creative server in June and July are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the Creative Donation Store respectively. Winners can PM me here on the forums if you would like to receive the coupon!

Top 3 creative for June are:
  • AliciaMai (1st) 66 votes
  • VoreReznor (2nd) 45 votes
  • SJ321987 (3rd) 43 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • UNKNOWN0701 - 38 votes

Top 2 creative for July are:
  • SonicHogSpeed (1st) 9 votes
  • VoreReznor (2nd) 7 votes

Thank you to all the top voters and everyone else who voted for us the last two months, lets keep on voting and see what we reach at the end of this month!

Offtopic / Minecon 2015 (4th - 5th July)
« on: June 22, 2015, 01:22:47 pm »

This topic will be for the discussion and information about Minecon, London 2015. If you don't know what Minecon is, it is an official Minecraft convention held at different places around the world every year or two, the last being held in Florida in 2013. There are panels, lots of people and everything you could want Minecrafty with other Minecraft fans.

So, what do you want to see this year? Are you or do you want to go? Looking forward to the frequently awkward costume contest? What did you like about previous Minecons?

I'll be attending as a Minecon Agent this year, I'm looking forward to hopefully having a go at the Microsoft's Hololens with Minecraft. So long as there's not an overload of people trying it (which there probably will...), it looks like awesome new angle of Minecraft.

Server News / Creative Top Voters - May
« on: June 01, 2015, 07:44:36 pm »

The top voters for the Creative server in May are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the Creative Donation Store respectively. Winners can PM me here on the forums if you would like to receive the coupon!

Top 3 creative for May are:
  • veloticy (1st) 37 votes
  • zwaan111 (2nd) 34 votes
  • VoreReznor (3rd) 28 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • VoreReznor - 28 votes

Thank you to all the top voters and everyone else who voted for us last month, lets keep on voting and see what we reach at the end of this month!

Server News / Introducing Creative Spleef!
« on: May 29, 2015, 12:58:11 pm »


Hello everyone! Today we are happy to have released our custom spleef plugin onto the Creative server. If you haven't heard of spleef before, the aim is to be the last player standing in the arena and destroy the blocks below your opponents to make them fall into the pit below, without down falling yourself - if you fall, you lose. This is a fun little game that we hope everyone will enjoy!

To join a spleef game simply type /spleef in any world and you will be placed into the queue. Once the game starts, you will be taken to your spawn point in the arena. You can also see other players playing by typing /j spleef to enter the world.

  • /spleef command
  • Queuing system
  • Up to 4 players
  • Automatic repairs
  • New statistics
  • Winner announcements

We have found and fixed as many bugs as possible (if you find any we have missed be sure to let us know) and also made it as simple and quick to use as possible. So, what are you waiting for? /spleef!

Server News / Creative Top Voters - April
« on: May 01, 2015, 09:28:19 am »

The top voters for the Creative server in April are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the Creative Donation Store respectively. I will PM you on the forums, if you have not received your reward in a week message me.

Top 3 creative for April are:
  • zwaan111 (1st) 38 votes
  • VoreReznor (2nd) 28 votes
  • _WindowCleaner_ (3rd) 19 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • zwaan111 - 38 votes

Thank you to all the top voters and everyone else who voted for us, don't forget there is another /vote site so getting the random bonus is now even easier!

Lets try and push for votes this month! To vote type /vote in game and follow the links, or click the buttons on this page - try and do this every day, lets see how many votes we can receive throughout May and don't forget there are rewards.

Server News / Creative Top Voters - March
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:54:33 am »

The top voters for the Creative server in March are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the Creative Donation Store respectively. I will PM you on the forums, if you have not received your reward in a week message me.

Top 3 creative for March are:
  • VoreReznor (1st) 32 votes
  • 360OLLIE (2nd) 28 votes
  • TarynMai (3rd) 16 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • 360OLLIE - 28 votes

Thank you to all the top voters and everyone else who voted for us, don't forget there is another /vote site so getting the random bonus is now even easier!

Sorry it took a while to get these out I've not had a great deal of time, next month lets try and push for as many votes as possible and get people playing, we shall open a new event and hopefully look out for some new things ingame, on the forums and maybe the Opticraft YouTube channel during May too - don't forget to subscribe!

Server News / Creative Top Voters - February
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:47:26 pm »

The top voters for the Creative server in February are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the Creative Donation Store respectively. I will PM you on the forums, if you have not received your reward in a week message me.

Top 3 creative for November are:
  • 360OLLIE (1st) 64 votes
  • RamKitty (2nd) 61 votes
  • TarynMai (3rd) 56 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • TarynMai - 56 votes

Thank you to all of them and everyone else who voted for us, don't forget there is another /vote site so getting the random bonus is now even easier!

Server News / Creative Top Voters - January
« on: February 03, 2015, 09:44:34 pm »

The top voters for the Creative server in January are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the creative donation store respectively. I will PM you on the forums, if you have not received your reward in a week message me.

Top 3 creative for January are:
  • awesomealicia (1st) 57 votes
  • 360OLLIE (2nd) 38 votes
  • VoreReznor (3rd) 33 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • RamKitty - 20 votes

Thank you to all of them and everyone else who voted for us!

Server News / Creative Server Player Stats
« on: January 17, 2015, 04:13:57 pm »

I know a fair few of you have been asking for stats for a while, and those of you wanting to see and compare them to one another will be happy to know the Creative server now has fully functioning statistics for players loaded onto it! These statistics include...

  • Join Date - The day a player joined (DD/MM/YYYY), will start recording from today.
  • Last Online - When a player last logged into the server, or if they are online.
  • Total Logins - How many times a player has connected to the server.
  • Time Online - Total time a player has spent on the server, currently in seconds.
  • Blocks Placed - Total number of blocks placed by a player, doesn't include World Edit.
  • Blocks Broken - Total number of blocks griefed. Uhh, I mean, broken (please don't grief).
  • Lines Spoken - How many times a player has sent a chat message, doesn't include commands.
  • Total Votes - Total number of votes a player has attained, will not reset at the end of a month.

To view a player's stats, simply type /stats <player>

The stats are updated every time you log out of the server, so they will not update instantly when you are on the server. Because of the way this is set up it might be possible for web stats in the future, but for now, enjoy seeing how much life is wasted doing what you love! Big thanks to DeeKay for creating this additional part to the custom plugin!

Events / [COMPLETE] Build Event #3 Winners
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:48:21 pm »
Welcome to the signup thread for Event #3. Read what this event will be about and what will be required below and add a reply to this thread with your in-game name so you can be added into the list of participants. If you do not sign up you will not be able to join. You have until 21st January to sign up!

What is the theme?
The theme for this event is more specific. You might have seen the Metropolis city some of the staff have been building, and for this event we will be looking for modern themed skyscrapers to fill the downtown area of the city.

What are we looking for?
We are looking for clean, modern looking skyscrapers that fit with the scale of the Metropolis world (/j metropolis). Builds don't necessarily need an interior, but make sure the detail on the outside makes up for this! Bright pale colours for the building will probably look best, but again it's up to you if you think you can work around it.

Resource pack?

Minimum rank?

How long?
3 Weeks | 21st January - 11th February

Participants: (19)
(click to show/hide)


Prizes will be coupons for the donation store, $15, $10 and $5 - they can be redeemed at a later date if you want to save up for something.

All builds that have reasonable quality and are finished (or close to finished) will be used within the downtown area in the Metropolis world.

Good luck to all who sign up!

Congratulations to the winners of the third build event! The three winners that will receive a coupon code each for the Creative Donation Store are as follows...

1st place winning $15 - Micah56
(click to show/hide)

2nd place winning $10 - triibalturtle
(click to show/hide)

3rd place winning $5 - TomRizz
(click to show/hide)

Thank you to everyone who took part and took the time to build something, there were some incredible builds! Winners will receive the code via PMs within the next few days, use as you wish.

Projects/Creations / Metropolis
« on: January 11, 2015, 02:15:27 am »

This is the elusive Metropolis build thread, which is a project that a group of SMP staff members begun a long, long, long... Long, time ago.

Ever wanted to see Metropolis?
Well, now you can using /j Metropolis or view it on the live map:

This map is fixed, but updates as soon as a new tile is rendered:
(click to show/hide)

Below I've put together a FAQ...

What is Metropolis?
"Metropolis" if you haven't already taken a guess from the name is, a large and modern  looking city consisting of a large downtown area full of big skyscrapers, home of OptiCorp, large roads, an industrial area, large sandy bridges, the Metropolis suspension bridge, the OptiStadium and a lot more to come.

Who is working on it, can I join?
I'm not going to say you can't ask, but if the answer is no don't ask again (the answer will most likely be a no, sorry). This doesn't mean you can't contribute! If you've made a nice looking skyscraper and think it'd look nice in the world, feel free to send me a message on the forums with some pictures and I'll happily take a look if it's decent (remember, the floor in metropolis is at Y 65 (ish) so nothing too huge *looks at doug*).

Myself, Loaf and Nick are currently the main contributors and myself and Nick are the project leads. As for members, we have some, will make sure everyone knows what they are doing at some point.

What have you got planned?
I have so many ideas, I'll split it into what is planned for the near-future and anything else...

Near Future:
  • Finish the river edges - Gotta be done before adding water
  • Finish beach - Again, needs to be done to add water
  • Add roads - Other side of the river, around OptiStadium (south), residential area (east)
  • Continue adding skyscrapers to downtown - Needs to be filled!
  • Big highway - Off the ground, 3+ lanes, got a neat idea and a "spaghetti" junction
  • Continue industrial area - Add more warehouses, factories, oil plant etc
  • Rail system - Linking up cargo transport in industrial area, possibly large passenger station
  • Metro / Subway system - There are some station entrances set up, will create a map of routes eventually
  • "Tobs the bridge isn't finished" "When's the bridge gonna be finished?" - On the todo list...

Possible additions:
  • Residential houses
  • Schools / Universities / Colleges
  • Parks
  • Airport (I really want to do this when I get a chance and space)
  • Zoo (DK is lead zoo keeper)
  • Car race track / Grand stands / Pits etc.
  • Theme park (no, penguin. bigger - like didneyworld)
  • Hospital

We are focusing on the downtown and main city part for now however.

Can we see some fancy pictures?
Soon, yeah. Or come see yourself in the meantime.
<pics here>

I will be updating this post soon and the people taking part in the project will be able to post updates of their builds if they like. I hope you guys like it, I'm looking forward to seeing it develop even more!

Server News / Creative Top Voters - December
« on: January 01, 2015, 09:44:15 pm »

The top voters for the Creative server in December are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the creative donation store respectively. I will PM you on the forums, if you have not received your reward in a week message me.

Top 3 creative for November are:
  • douglas_anthony (1st) 42 votes
  • 360OLLIE (2nd) 33 votes
  • Tiggy26668 (3rd) 29 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • Tiggy26668 - 29 votes

Thank you to all of them and everyone else who voted for us!

Server News / Creative Top Voters - November
« on: December 02, 2014, 08:10:08 pm »

The top voters for the Creative server in November are listed below. The prizes are $20, $15 and $10 in coupons for the creative donation store respectively. I will PM you on the forums, if you have not received your reward in a week message me.

Top 3 creative for November are:
  • Tiggy26668 (1st) 55 votes
  • zwaan111 (2nd) 48 votes
  • Mattkkk12345 (3rd) 46 votes

Winner of 20 vote bonus coupon:
  • 360OLLIE - 23 votes

Thank you to all of them and everyone else who voted for us!

Events / [COMPLETE] Build Event #2 Winners
« on: November 26, 2014, 01:03:29 am »
Welcome to the signup thread for Event #2. Read what this event will be about and what will be required below and add a reply to this thread with your in-game name so you can be added into the list of participants. If you do not sign up you will not be able to join. You have until 3rd December to sign up!

What is the theme?
This theme will be focused around the holidays, and anything relating to the season! This could be stockings, Santa, snow or anything else to do with this time of year - it's up to you.

What are we looking for?
We will be looking for a build that reflects the theme of the event and shows good use of blocks and design. We hope the builds you create will look good and fill the space you have to build well.

Resource pack?

Minimum rank?

How long?
2.5 Weeks | 5th December - 24th December

Participants: (17)
(click to show/hide)


Prizes will be coupons for the donation store, $15, $10 and $5 - they can be redeemed at a later date if you want to save up for something. Good luck to all who sign up!

Congratulations to the winners of the second build event! The three winners that will receive a coupon code each for the Creative Donation Store are as follows...

1st place winning $15 - That1Gie
(click to show/hide)

2nd place winning $10 - TheWholeLoaf
(click to show/hide)

3rd place winning $5 - VoreReznor
(click to show/hide)

Thank you to everyone who took part and took the time to build something! Winners will receive the code via PMs within the next few days, use as you wish.

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