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Messages - Lando_V

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General Discussion / Re: Nocheat and Spigot updates.
« on: May 03, 2016, 09:11:16 pm »

If Optical is the only one then he must have done it.

We have 1.9.2

Bugs have been fixed and stuff works!

Thanks Optical!  :)

Support / Re: Help updating
« on: April 30, 2016, 08:45:51 am »

Start your Minecraft launcher, on the bottom left click "Edit Profile"
Then inside the Profile Editor at "Use Version" scroll up and choose 1.9 and then click "Save Profile" at the bottom right.
Then just click "Play"

General Discussion / Re: Nocheat and Spigot updates.
« on: April 30, 2016, 07:52:29 am »
Also, Spigot for 1.9.2 is out, why are we still in 1.9 ?

How many threads do you normally need to get an update around here??

While I agree with everything you're saying and think that removing nocheat would be best at this point, I want to remind you that people (including optical, as in the only person who can do all of this) have lives. It sucks, but you're just going to have to be patient and wait.

You are 100% right and usually I am an extremely patient guy, very boring even.

The reason for that reaction was the attitude I encountered, as if we first need a couple of threads, at least, before we get an update. That's the most ridiculous thing I even heard!
In practice, due to admins/owner being very busy, a couple of threads may have appeared before each update but that's irrelevant. They would have updated anyway, threads or not.

Also the use of the word commotion, while in fact it has been very very silent for quite a while.

Usually I wouldn't start a tread like this, we'll get the update anyway, it might just take some time.
But now I feel it's different.
The silence on the server is the result of bugs that could be fixed right now!
And we are all aware of these bugs, it's all in another thread.
So while usually time isn't a big factor, it is now!

And I'm still a very patient guy.

General Discussion / Re: Nocheat and Spigot updates.
« on: April 29, 2016, 04:49:16 pm »
So basically remove nocheat and update to 1.9.2? I don't get what all the commotion is about, this is probably the first thread I've seen about this.

Commotion?  What commotion??
I wish there was some commotion....

Just one example....
Have you tried the Elytra?
Why do you think the server is empty??

First thread?
How many threads do you normally need to get an update around here??
Actually, the problems have been mentioned in another thread and you even posted there: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=20956.0

Normal to me would be, that we shouldn't have to point out at all that updates are needed and available!
Especially when everybody knows how bad the situation is.

Basically update or remove nocheat and update to 1.9.2

I think he is just strictly talking about the smp server.

Yes, smp,  ty Nick.

General Discussion / Nocheat and Spigot updates.
« on: April 29, 2016, 09:35:41 am »
Every once in a while  we update to a much wanted newer version of minecraft and then it turns out stuff doesn't work. (Not talking about the horrible lag.) New features don't work, and old features are broken as well. So in fact, the situation is worse than before the update. Most of it has to do with Nocheat not being updated. That's because there isn't any new release for Nocheat available yet. (They're slow.)

If we keep going on like this the server will be terrible to play on for most of the time.
By the time Nocheat has a new release there is a new version of Minecraft available and we would have to wait for the next release of Nocheat to fix things again.
Imo, waiting for Nocheat till we upgrade Minecraft is not an option. We would always be behind other servers.

Would it be possible to run the server without Nocheat, so we can at least play the bloody game? So only use Nocheat when a proper version is available?

Another option is to install a non-released build for the time being. The recent #960 build looks quite decent and has a lot of fixes already. (Elytra, noob tower, sweep attack  and loads more.)
Maybe we should update Nocheat more often.

Also, Spigot for 1.9.2 is out, why are we still in 1.9 ?
Updating would fix the hopper bug and maybe the lag as well.

What do you guys think?

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 30, 2016, 04:41:54 pm »
I see what you mean now, just one problem, how would we start trading when noone has any money? Where would we get the money?
Everybody would have to start off with a certain amount when they first join the server, or, for players already on Opticraft, when the economy changes. For example, everybody (including new players that would join) could start with $1,000 just to start off with. Also, perhaps give people an incentive to vote for the server by giving money too (this isn't really part of my idea for economy due to the higher inflation of money that would inevitably come, but still a thought for how to 1) Not run out of money and 2) have people vote).

Those have been around forever, it just turns parts of the server into a spamfest of chests, that's what I meant by messy
What if chest shops could only be opened in one location? Like a market, but player oriented. Thereby allocating all the chests to one spot (possibly even a chest limit per player so that it doesn't get out of hand) Or also possibly letting players open their owns shops where the mess would be their problem to deal with if they don't make it look nice. And honestly I see that as a means to an end to have those chests if it meant that the economy would be player run (and if it was done right to where it was built in a way that doesn't look messy which I don't think would be too bad to do).

I agree with everything Hedgehog's suggested about the money supply and avoiding a spamfest of chests.  But again, there looks to be some GUI-based economy plugins out there.

I think giving money as a voting reward would be a less disruptive reward than diamonds, and would be a good way to get money into the system.  But, as Hedgehog mentioned, could result in ever increasing inflation.  We could also make the money supply dependent on certain resources that have to be mined (i.e. nothing that could ever be farmed), like gold or iron ore.  Players could trade those in for money at a fixed rate.  I dunno, just a thought.

Looking at all Nick3306's comments the idea is not having any money. I think that was pretty clear from the start and I like it that way for a survival server.

How are diamond rewards for voting disruptive? I think that's a very reasonable alternative for the fact that the amount of land we can mine is very limited. To be honest I don't mind if it stays or goes now that we have the new end world providing us with awesome diamond gear.

The player trading system would be block for block, it creates more of a fail safe so someone doesn't take your stuff then not give you theirs.

Nick3306, could you elaborate on that trading system,  pls?
eg Would it be like a /trade command and a trade menu pops up or signs or chests?
How many stacks could be traded at once? Maybe even double chests full of...dirt or so.
And also, when will all this be implemented?

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:51:26 pm »
Tbh, I don't know much about how this all works and all with plugins, but if you're really looking for one this isn't messy perhaps this:
I'm not sure but that one seems to work with money. Isn't that the same as what we have now?
When the money is gone, how would it work?

I think we need to find one that does items for items. Or just build them ourselves.
I'm in favor if a money economy, but one where players strictly buy/sell things with other players at shops rather than selling things at the market. Nick asked for a plugin that would work for that that isn't complicated.
I see what you mean now, just one problem, how would we start trading when noone has any money? Where would we get the money?

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 26, 2016, 08:57:13 am »
Tbh, I don't know much about how this all works and all with plugins, but if you're really looking for one this isn't messy perhaps this:
I'm not sure but that one seems to work with money. Isn't that the same as what we have now?
When the money is gone, how would it work?

I think we need to find one that does items for items. Or just build them ourselves.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:05:03 am »
I have never once proposed the idea of continuing to wipe the server over and over again, I would agree that several wipes would do nothing more than end Opticraft. I do not know what might happen after the server wipe and that concept is what excites me, that fact that anything could happen, a lot of which could be good for the server and community where as if things stay the same, I know exactly what will happen.

Sure you may have not used the market for your farms, and that is perfectly fine, but can you seriously tell me that for the majority of players that created farms, it was not for pumpkins, cacti, wheat and the most popular, melons? As far as I'm concerned, those are what kicked off automated farms in the first place for the sole purpose of getting money, not supplies. It is true that now we have more advanced farms like iron, gold, witch, and ender farms, but again, many of those are used to get money as well, if not selling the products from them, then selling access to them to players. A server wipe in conjunction with Nicks proposal of the points system and no money, the only incentive to build a farm would be either you enjoy how they work and enjoy building them, which players like you and gavin do, or for the resources which players like roza and several others use them for. I am alright with farms for the purposes of building them for the enjoyment and resources and team efforts in building them, not building them with the only incentive in mind being getting rich, but that's just me, and a wipe with the points system in place would fix that.

You want to level the playing field. In order to keep it that way you need wipe after wipe after wipe, otherwise it will turn into what we have now and that is not what you want.
If the money is removed, the whole idea of farming for money would be gone too. So removing the economy would be enough to stop the extreme farming. Actually, the items people were farming for money have been taken off the market so it has already stopped. Farming for resources would stay of course.

It is just a question of what is considered a rare item.
I guess that would be things like:

-Horse armour

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 25, 2016, 12:50:30 pm »
My argument to wipe the server to level the playing field is not a void point. I am mainly speaking of the newer players vs older players, where as the older players have had more time to play, the newer players would not be able to ever catch up in terms of wealth. And when I say wealth, I am in no means only referring to money, but supplies in general.

You say that if a server wipe were to happen, the division of wealth would be pretty noticeable within the first few days. I disagree, mainly because the players that have overwhelming supplies will no longer have these, there will be no easy way to get back to where they once were. I am also in favor of the economic changes, to get rid of money all together and make the only opportunity to get resources that players have is to either get it themselves or work with others in order to get it. If farms still arise after that, I am perfectly fine with it, but players will not have such things as the market to help them get there, things like the price of melons helping them get all the money they would ever need to help support their later farms.

You are correct in calling me out on end cities, I was not aware that the end was now infinite, however, I assume there is still a boarder on it as there is with the main worlds and nether worlds, so there is still a finite supply of these cities.

But it is a void point! After a whipe the current situation would appear again, farms would be built again and large differences will be noticeable within a few days.
You speak of the use of the market to build farms. I didn't use the market at all for my farms. When I joined I began at zero and there were players with millions. That didn't hinder me in any way to build and develop myself and look where I am now. New players wouldn't be able to catch up? I did!

Regarding the new end world, yes you are right, there could be a border (the  borders are  somewhere but it is unlikely because I'm already 30.000 blocks out and the cities keep coming. (And that's just in one straight direction.) So the amount of cities is overwhelming and more than enough for hundreds possibly thousands of players.

Your idea of this server is wipe after wipe after wipe. Because that is what you will need to level the playing field. Differences will occur in no time at all so you would need another wipe. And you will have to repeat that  because else the current situation will appear again and again. Huge farms will be built without the use of a market and we will be back where we are now.

That's not how I would like to see this server. I like the developement, the history, the differences.
My idea is "Live and let live". I'm not in any way hindering you from playing the game, developing yourself, building, etc. But you are hindering me when you ask for a wipe. My developement would be gone, my builds would be gone, etc.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 24, 2016, 03:19:15 pm »
As far as i'm aware, you cant change your vote once you have voted, so anyone who voted no is still recorded as a no in the poll. Very few people have voted since we have took the first option off. Keep in mind that even before it was removed, yes was still winning by 4 votes.
I'm just saying that at the time that I voted it said the wipe was off the table. If it goes back on then I should have the right to change my vote. Otherwise there's no reason to have a poll at all. Afterwards you could just change it the way you like.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 24, 2016, 01:23:13 pm »
Some players are saying the wipe should be back on the table. I'm glad it's not.
I voted "I support some of them" as in "No Wipe but I like the other ideas." If the wipe would have been back on the table, my vote would be "No".
And I know some other people who would do the same, eg Roza would change her Yes into a No.
Don't let the result of this pol cloud your vision because the amount of No voters would be a lot bigger if the wipe was back on the table.

Some players keep mentioning a wipe because they have reached their endgame. I'd like to repeat, what's stopping you from starting over yourself? Please don't drag us all down with you by asking for a full wipe.
IF there would be a wipe and all players would be put together on a new world, how long do you think it would take before the first one is bored again? Months? Weeks? Days? Then what? A new wipe? And another? And another?
A wipe doesn't solve the fact that certain players reach their limit in MC quite fast while others can continue for many years. Some players simply lack the imagination, drive, passion, knowledge, will, (IQ?) etc. etc. to keep going.

But you need *something* besides straight barter.

Perhaps, if the idea of a server wipe isn't completely out of the question, a compromise is in order? For example, I liked the idea somebody brought up to have applications be open to have builds transferred over to the new worlds.
My activities on the server are mostly about building farms, and far less about building houses etc.
Would staff transfer my farms to a new world? I doubt it very much. Appart from the fact that eg Guardians and Witches spawn only in certain locations, staff wouldn't be very keen about transferring big farms. So, why would they transfer any other builds? And if builds from four worlds were transferred, wouldn't the new world be full quite fast? I predict HUGE problems with this idea.

The main reason I am for a server wipe, as I briefly mentioned above, is to pretty much level the playing field again. Adding new worlds doesn’t work very well when old players that have vast amounts of resources such as armor, weapons, pearls for travel, and food can quickly run through the worlds, claim their lands, usually larger than they need, and quickly develop a build while newer players have to take their time to get settled in. The most recent case is the new end world. I would be willing to bet every castle was raided, claimed or deconstructed for materials within the first day or two.
This is why I believe the server should be wiped and the worlds put up for downloads. A fresh start would be a nice chance of pace.
So you have a problem with the differences in wealth. Contrary to real life where wealth is obtained over the backs of others, in Minecraft everyone could be equally wealthy. All one has to do is put some effort into it.
If there would be a wipe, how long do you think it would take before there would be large differences again? I'd say just a day or two. That makes the "wipe to establish a level playing field"-argument void.
Your example of the so called End Cities is false too. The End has no border, it has an unlimited amount of End Cities. If players have raided the ones closest to the portal, you just have to travel a bit further to find untouched End Cities.

A wipe is a short term solution that would only make a small group of players "happy" for a short period of time. It would be devastating for the rest of the players and for the server as a whole.

The only reason for a wipe would be that the server cannot handle our worlds. In that case we have a much bigger problem than anyone has realised so far.

Is there anything wrong with leaving the old worlds, and creating new ones besides principals?
When I joined the server I only had 2 options, Guest or Member. I chose Member for a reason. I figured Member would be the place where dedicated players would be, where the bigger builds would be, where it wouldn't be a big mess, where people would stick around for a long time unlike guests. So I expected Member to be a somewhat more "permanent" world than Guest. So Member is where I built almost all my builds. Later a New Memberworld was added but since I already had built my home and farms in Member I didn't rebuild my stuff in New Member. That would have been a bit odd.

Anyway, if any worlds had to be removed I want it to be the messed up Guest worlds and not any of the Member worlds.

But I guess that some players specifically chose (no idea why) a Guest world to build in. So for the sake of those players I don't want those worlds to be removed either. Oh and the Guest worlds are our only worlds with Mushroom biomes...

but the people that are saying it are saying it for themselves, not others
Them saying they already reached their endgame is one thing. I doubt anyone has a problem with them saying that. But asking for a wipe is something completely different.
A wipe would not only mean a wipe for themselves, but also for others.
Let them find a solution for themselves, not one that is a disaster for others.

I understand very well that some players already have reached their limit in MC, their endgame. But does that mean they should ruïn it for others by asking the server to be wiped? They can simply start over for themselves. Just toss your crap into lava.
Does the fact that others are wealthier influence players that are making a new start? It doesn't have to at all. There is plenty of unused land, there is plenty of unmined area (eg below the sea) and there are plenty of ways to get good stuff (eg the new end world). If players aren't lazy they shouldn't have any problem developing themselves!

I'm still very much in favour of adding a new 1.9 world to the existing ones.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 22, 2016, 11:10:28 pm »
Regarding a reset. It is understandable that some people have reached their limit in Minecraft and want to start over. It is also very understandable that others can go far beyond that limit and want to keep going. I don't see why those that have reached their limit cannot start over just by themselves. Instead they want to reset the server, not only for themselves but also for those that do not need/want a reset at all.

I'm glad that a reset is not an issue anymore. It could have meant the end of Opticraft.  (I've experienced similar situations on UO servers, long ago.)

Regarding the economy. I think it's a good idea to remove it and focus more on survival. I mentioned this in 2013 and I'm glad more people would like that too now.
I'm on /Baltop  No. 1 so I actually have the most to lose from it but I don't mind losing it all if the entire economy is removed. A survival server with an economy isn't realy a survival server.

Btw, the fact that we cannot sell items for money doesn't mean we are less wealthy. Resources mean wealth too.

Regarding farms. That's something that will always be a part of minecraft and it will always make certain players wealthier than others just because they make more of an effort to collect items. People should remember that there's nothing unfair about it, everybody can do it, you just have to put time and effort into it. Farms are what drives me to play MC.

Regarding pvp. I think it would be wonderful if we had an extra separate world, but with pvp allowed on it. You don't want pvp? Then just don't go there.

Regarding a player trading system. I'd like that very much. Safe trading, no cheating. Would be great.

Regarding a points system and a protection system. No idea how this would work but if there's any easy way to protect your builds, without complex side effects, by gathering points, I'm game!

Lastly, I'm very much in favour of adding a new 1.9 world because just updating the other worlds doesn't mean they have all the 1.9 features.

Offtopic / Nerfinator1K's birthday!
« on: October 10, 2015, 07:27:56 am »

Happy Birthday Nerfinator1K !!!    :D

Server News / Re: LWC & Hoppers
« on: October 07, 2015, 04:10:44 pm »

It doesn't work when I put a hopper-minecart under my own chest inside my own town. It does work outside my town.

Can you fix it? Because I need it for my industrial smelter.

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