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Topics - Roza

Pages: [1]
Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Kansas
« on: June 10, 2016, 05:44:47 pm »
Project name: Kansas

I named this place Kansas because it’s about making as many functioning farms without red stone as possible in one place and the Kansas flag has a nice farm on it.

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):

New Member world

Live map http://www.opticraft.net/map/smp/#/814/64/1949/-2/3/0

Interior pictures (multi levels built underground)   http://imgur.com/a/wESVS

Contributors: dogwell; cora; penguin; b1ueJ0ker, Lipperdie; Grootensliven; Gavin; MikeJones; and many others over the years it took to work this place into what it is now.

Mayor / zone owner (Only one - this is the zone owner): Roza

Approximate dimensions: x 664 – 897  z 2088 – 1841

Requested Flags: item frame protection

Number of active residents (if applicable):1

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:2

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
Currently the tree farm and the first level are mostly complete, the barn has to be finished, the house and garage are complete, the gold / XP farm at the bottom still needs a lot of work, may add a slime farm, villagers? Cactus, purpur flowers, I will build farms that are do not use red stone and that look like a ranch or as nice as possible.  I intend to close up areas that are not as nice to look at, and decorate the user friendly areas. 

Why should we grant this project protection? 

This is my home now, and I have been griefed several times.  I can’t protect it all with ps as the space is just not feasible, goes to bedrock level.  Even now there is a bridge built to my island that was built without my knowledge or consent and all I could do was remove the blocks actually attached to my man-made island.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Astoria - COMPLETED
« on: February 24, 2016, 02:26:09 am »
Project name:  Astoria

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):
/home roza astoria

Contributors: 100penguin, grootensliven, lando_v, hoaxz, fireball, Quattro, and many others who dropped by to help on occasion

Mayor / zone owner (Only one - this is the zone owner): Roza

Approximate dimensions: expands roughly (not square) X 633 to 974 and Z 2172 to 2423

Requested Flags: no mobs, no snow, no pearling no moving objects in item frames.  Must be able to activate Redstone using buttons to "play the bones"

Number of active residents (if applicable): Roza

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 13 completed and 3 ships plus a few more need interior

UPDATE:all surface buildings and landscaping is done.  The tunnel is also done.

What remains to be completed is the ship's cavern and exit.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: its nearing completion but there is still a lot of work to do, the tunnel under the moving fireplace, landscaping the town area and the pirate ship area.  The tunnel and town is all built on an interpretation from the movie The Goonies,

Why should we grant this project protection?

There is a lot of detail involved and expensive blocks on the rich side and on the ship, its too big to protect with ps.

Rejected / Twinsands project protection app
« on: January 17, 2016, 04:33:33 pm »
Project name:  Twinsands

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):

New member world

approx. coord z 1865 - 2400
y 588 to 984

Interior images

minecraft overview

please note that another player built a bridge to my island without permission and it remains in view and parts are included in above coordinates  We would have to work around it.

Contributors: 100penguin, grootensliven, dogwell, lando_v, fireball, lipperdie, notabronie

many others have stopped by to help on occasion and I am sorry for missing anyone

Mayor / zone owner (Only one - this is the zone owner):Roza

Approximate dimensions:
approx. coord z 1865 - 2400
y 588 to 984

Requested Flags: no mobs on the red sandstone island and the underwater monument and the ships in the harbor however  the white sandstone island requires mobs allowed.

Number of active residents (if applicable): 2

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 5

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:

The project is at least half way, penguin is building a pirate ship in a cave inspired by the movie the goonies, once done then the landscaping can be done around it again inspired by the movies

the sandstone island made around the iron farm will have the water cleared to the bottom, the first outside level is a tree farm with every type of tree, the second is an animal farm and the third will be the displaced villagers currently in the main house on the red sandstone island.  the monument is done

I plan to make this my home base as my current base is being overrun by munchkins :) (with my permission)

Why should we grant this project protection?

its a big project and a lot of people come to see it, the main island (red sandstone) needs to be free from mobs so that the design can be left as intended with limited lighting and no need to worry about accidents when killing mobs.  also as you can see with the bridge, grief is becoming an issue. 

Projects and Creations / Public Guardian Farm at /home roza gfarm
« on: October 12, 2015, 01:45:55 am »

Most of you know I have a public guardian farm, and it was and wasn't working so it has been modified. 

When you go too the farm stand on the glass floor and all the shards, crystals and fish will come to you.  nothing to do but collect your stuff.

Thank you Lando for making it happen.



Offtopic / thank you
« on: July 16, 2015, 03:00:16 am »
I want to thank all my mc friends for their birthday wishes, the signs at grootensliven's home and the videos played by cora at my party.  You all helped to make the day special and memorable.

Thank you

Projects and Creations / Ocean monuments built on new member
« on: April 11, 2015, 04:46:24 pm »
Hi there

I have built two new ocean monuments

One on dry land  (really in the ocean but under glass) with extra lighting, and vines for climbing between levels.  This dry one can be found /home roza ocean  

The second one I just finished a little while ago and it was built underwater in a guardian spawning area.  The link below shows pictures at different stages of the build.  


This monument can be found at /home roza monument.  To explore this monument you will require the ability to breath under water (potions and/or enchanted helmets) and of course you will have to watch out for the guardian's.  The guardian's have really taken to protecting the entire monument inside and out.  If you are lucky you may find a sponge room before you run out of air.  There are protection stones so you will not be able to create your own air pockets.

(please note I only build on the smp server)

I hope you have fun exploring these monuments.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Project Protection App for Casa Roza
« on: November 22, 2014, 10:06:55 pm »
Project name:  Casa Roza

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/1325/64/-80/-2/3/0

Additional photo album with interior views available at


Contributors: Codepmman, Ecorrigall, 2crzy4uall, B1ueJ0ker, 100Penguin

Mayor / zone owner (Only one - this is the zone owner): GrannyRozannie Roza

Approximate dimensions:  track is 123 x 42  castle and Ranch area is approx. 102 x 165

Number of active residents (if applicable): 1

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 3 plus 4 towers

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:

I have been working on this project since the new member world was created.  I gathered most of the materials myself and on occasion have bought some.  The outside of the buildings is complete along with the terra forming, inside the ranch house itself is complete, although I recently added another floor to the storage area.  The track is complete however I would like to add a timed starting gate at some point.  The main ballroom for the castle is now complete along with torture and gas chambers leading to the dungeons.  Indoor farms have been built.

There is also a train station now that runs to 100PENGUIN'S build.  go to my /home to access the station.  taking a ride on this rail gives a player their rail achievement and the iron doors to the station are all public.  please remember to close the doors behind you.

I plan to maintain this build as my primary home.  

Why should we grant this project protection?

This build is less than a day from the east warp which makes it easy to get to and a target.  Protection would allow me to add a flag so that mobs can't spawn there.  The dungeon is outside the indicated protection area so mobs could still spawn there. There are no doors on the castle itself so that people are free to run through and visit the build.  With protection I would be able to free up the numerous protection stones for other builds and all areas would be protected not just the ones currently covered by PS.

This build is large enough and has a lot of detail work in it.  I believe the quality of this build warrants protection status.

Thank you

Accepted - Mod Applications / Mod Application - GrannyRozannie
« on: April 24, 2014, 08:57:39 pm »
Age: Older than Cora, after all I am her mom  :)

Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Timezone: GMT -5

Join Date:Oct 2013

Were you recommended by anyone?:Ecorrigall, w0n3, 100penguin

Why you should become a moderator:

I have been enjoying the game and learning a lot all the time.  I have accomplished many builds and have helped a few new people when able.  I am always willing to help out anyone who needs it when I see a need.  I love to play on Sat and Sunday mornings and most evenings after my birdie is in bed.  This means I have a lot time to be available to assist as required.

If you would like to donate cobblestone or furnaces I have two donation chests at my /home

Thank you, all donations are very much appreciated.

Update, I have finally finished the furnace walls thanks to all who donated and to notabronie for providing the last 48 stacks of furnaces.

I used over 29,000 furnaces to complete the walls from level 72 to level 10 (approx. 2stacks wide by 2 stacks long) and I couldn't have done it without all the help I received so thank you everyone.  Alicia and crew were instrumental in clearing out the last 30 layers.

Now for the fun stuff  :D[/b]


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