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Topics - Wone

Pages: [1] 2
Introductions / A Proper Culmination
« on: February 08, 2016, 01:56:52 pm »
But first, let me apologize for posting this in the Introductions section, as it is quite the opposite. But this is a good section as any.


Hello there, good people of the Opticraft community.

It is I, Wone (or most commonly known as w0n3). I've been away for so very long: mostly from being busy, and from losing interest in Minecraft in general as time went by (I'll address this point later on in this post). I tried to return to the game, to the community again eight (8) months ago, and it did not go so well. And as I am going to be more busy than I ever was before (moving to Australia to pursue my degree), I don't think it'll be any easier to return.

Therefore, I am making this post as a proper farewell to those who mined and built alongside me and those who know me. I figured that if I am to go away, I'll notify people of interest instead of just fading away. Assuming that things didn't change much since 8 months ago, I'd like to have my Moderator rank removed from both the SMP server and the forums. There are people far more qualified and dedicated as I am to that cause; might as well hand them the torch. Besides, should I decide to return in the future, I'd like to relearn the ropes of Minecraft and the server itself from the beginning. To rediscover the things that got me playing. As for the fortunes that I have mustered under my account, just leave them be until I can decide what to do with them.

To the people who I played with: It has been a great run playing and getting to know each and every one of you. You guys are great lot of fun to play with. I'm a man of few words, so my thoughts are limited to the amount of beautiful sentences I can construct when it comes to socializing. But do know that I mean what I say (read: type)
To those that I might have offended before: I thoroughly apologize. Do realize I am but a stranger on the internet, but I still seek forgiveness to those who I owe apologies to.

And there you have it. This is Wone, signing off.

TL; DR version: I won't be returning soon. Demote my ranks, but leave my stuff alone. I'll be back when I feel like I can and want to.

Offtopic / Happy Birthday, daniblue182!
« on: November 05, 2015, 06:41:14 am »
It's November 5! It's Bonfire Night! It's also the birthday to a decorated moderator of the SMP server (I'm not sure about the Creative server as I haven't been there for like, forever), daniblue182 aka Danielle!

Happy birthday, milady. Have a good one.

Offtopic / How is everyone?
« on: December 28, 2014, 01:46:41 pm »
Hello there,

I have been away for quite a some time, and I thought I'd resume my forum stalking which I had put on hiatus a while back.
I am just curious on how things have been, both on the forums and on the server (both SMP and creative); how the community is holding up, etc.

To start things off, my family and I have just recovered from a flood that seems to be coming annually now. Yesteryear's was worse, but this one is not too good, either. No natural disaster is. My family did not suffer much, unlike the people of a neighbouring state (or county, what have you) that have been struck by the flood very severely, with water levels at some places reaching four stories high. The casualty is horrendous. Anyways, I am fine.

Enough with ill news, I know. We've had enough of that.

I wish that the pessimism brought about by these events will not affect us now that a new dawn, a new year is approaching.

I wish you guys a Happy New Year, in advance.
Filled with sunshine and happiness and unicorn farts and whatnot

Offtopic / Happy Birthday, Dani!
« on: November 05, 2014, 12:07:05 am »
I would like to wish my favourite SMP moderator / Creative operator, daniblue182 a happy birthday! :D

Give the lady some love!

This post is made in accordance to the time in the UK.

Trade Central / Buying 10 Stacks of Oak Logs
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:45:05 am »
I'm looking to buy 10 stacks of oak wood logs.
/mail me, /msg me in-game or reply to this thread for offers.

Trade Central / Decent Sword for Sale!
« on: February 01, 2014, 01:18:36 pm »
I'm selling a Diamond Sword with the following enchantments:

Sharpness IV
Fire Aspect II
Knockback II
Unbreaking III

Starting price: $6k
Buyout price: $12k
Auction ends on 5th February, 5.30am GMT+8

Offtopic / Happy Birthday, Italian_Crafter!
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:56:01 am »
So it's 20th January (or still 19, for those who are in the States and other relevant locations by the time I posted this)

Happy birthday to Italian_Crafter/Hearty Italian!
Congratulations for yet another lap around the sun.

General Discussion / Public Blaze Farm
« on: January 13, 2014, 10:17:46 pm »
I would like to announce that my public blaze farm is operational.
It's at /home w0n3 publicblaze

So yeah,
maybe whack them blaze for a lot of enchanting for as long as it only takes xp to enchant items.
Have fun.

Offtopic / Suggest-a-Book
« on: December 21, 2013, 05:21:30 am »
So when I cannot play Minecraft and got disinterested in doing anything else, I like to read.

I would like you guys to suggest books, novels and whatnot that might be interesting that you had come across before. I'm looking forward to your suggestions.

But please, not books that has a lot of sequel like Harry Potter or LoTR.

Thanks for reading this post.

Suggestions / Refresh the Information page
« on: December 13, 2013, 11:31:02 am »
Nothing major, really.

I think the Information page should be updated, especially the prices of Protection Stones and maybe mention that we have arenas to do PVP.

"...You just have to look at things objectively, see what you don't need anymore, and trim out the fat." - GLaDOS

That is all.

Introductions / Unassuming Introduction of Potentially Little Significance
« on: December 01, 2013, 08:26:52 am »
Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read my introduction.

My in-game name is w0n3, a leet spelling of Wone. I joined the forums in April 2013 after a week of playing on the server, driven by the recommendation made by benjamin117. I stayed since.

There aren't many things to describe me. I'm 18 by the time I posted this. I'm an avid PC gamer, albeit I don't have much game accounts to share due to restricted access to the internet. I love to eat, and yet my weight is similar to those who suffer from aneroxia nervosa. I like to make friends regardless of how old they are or where they dwell in. I will treat you with respect, provided I get a similar treatment.

That is all, and thank you for being such a good sport for reading this awfully long entry.

Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application - w0n3
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:04:31 pm »
Age: 18
Location: Malaysia
Timezone: GMT +8
Join Date: 21st April 2013
Were you recommended by anyone?: daniblue182
Why you should become a moderator:
Why not? I'm not going to ramble here on how excellent I can be. I believe that actions speak louder than words, hence it will be pointless for me to point them out here. I rather show my charisma in-game, and you can judge me there. All I can say is that believe I can be a good moderator and I won't let you down.

This is my 2nd mod app, by the way.

Thank you for your time.

General Discussion / What is this?
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:23:10 am »
I don't get this.
Anyone please explain it.
Nothing important, just asking out of curiosity.

Trade Central / Be Smitten - Smite 4 Swords for sale
« on: September 03, 2013, 03:28:18 am »
I have lots of smite 4 diamond swords
some with fortune, some with fire aspect
I'll be posting the whole list later

if you are interested to buy any to enrich your zombie/skeleton grinding experience, msg me ingame, or send me a mail on either the forums or the ingame mail system

General Discussion / What to Expect For 1.7
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:57:11 am »
I know it is kinda early to ask, but I can't help pondering bout the update and how it is going to affect the server.

kindly enlighten me.

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