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Topics - ModernCreator.

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Operator Application - ModernCreator
« on: April 25, 2015, 10:35:04 am »
In-game name:ModernCreator (also know as king_prankstar)
Location: Australia
Join Date:  SMP: September 18th, 2012  Creative: January 18th, 2015  
Were you recommended by any staff?:
Why you should become an Operator:
As growing in a community that i have know for a long time, i am knowledgeable of the rules and customs that come with being a Operator. Being me, i am not a expert at building or constructing a major project, however, this position is most suited in my opinion. Be assured that i will enforce the rules and customs and will deal with any rude or disrespectful players. I’m an active advocate in the creative community. I have committed my self to play several hours a day and will continue to do so. I feel that I’m capable and mature enough to fulfil this position in the Opticraft Creative community. Good luck to all who wish to apply and i thank you for taking me into consideration.

Ban Appeals / [Ban Appeal]-prince_prankstar
« on: May 19, 2014, 09:13:39 am »
Hi guys,

Its king_prankstar, just wanted to inform u that i'm switching accounts to prince_prankstar, since my password for my other account is not working. I am sorry for what my brother has done to the server to be rude, hateful or has griefed other players works, but he wont be using this account anymore. I have changed the password so my brother can not go on the account anymore. Im sorry for being inactive for i have not been minecraft heaps. But i want to get back into a lovely community so please take note of my ban appeal.

- Did you break any of the rules? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you grief another players work? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you swear excessively? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you upset an operator/ moderator or cause general disrespect to other members/ players on the server? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)

Thanks for reading my Ban Appeal.
Yours Truly,

General Discussion / Question- And im back (Hopefully)
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:50:29 am »
Hi guys,
Srry ive been inactive, i was wondering if i could change accounts and use the prince_prankstar account, even though u have banned my brother on this account for griefing, so iwas hopeing if u can uban for iw ould like to use this account for my future, and i promise i wont do anything bad.

Thanks king_prankstar

Ps. I will still use this account for all my posts.

Rejected / Moderator Application- <king_prankstar>
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:35:02 pm »
Timezone:GST +10:00
Join Date: 2012 Late September, 18th
Were you recommended by anyone?:Nope (If u do recommended me please fill free to slot your name in)
Bans:(I know it is not part of template but u might wanna check my ban) 1, http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=king_prankstar
Why you should become a moderator:

Moderator in my opinion is a person committing themselves to a team of individuals helping other players, wether it is dealing with bad behavior or it is Undoing grief. As a moderator, you have to commit yourself to duties that have been set from higher ranks than yourself. As were i stand, i stand as a trusted looking to give this position a go. In the community of opticraft i have made many friends and i am amazingly addicted to playing and chatting with the fellow community. However, some of my builds are not that good. I consider myself and average builder, but when i find that someone has built something and i have a idea, i expand on that idea giving them a result of what many people can do to expand there minds & or builds. I also want to point out that I understand that becoming a moderator is a big responsibility, and I know that it does not benefit me in anyway unless I enjoy helping out the community which is what i'm planning to do. Anybody that knows me either in person or from opticraft or from other server knows that I am all about confidence and giving 100% effort in everything I do, and being a moderator would be one of them. As moderator commands go, i am experienced with many command and inexperienced with some as well, but i am looking forward to learning them if i receive this opportunity. I hope this application has showed a bit about my self and what i can achieve with moderator, also my enthusiasm, committing myself to the community of opticraft.
Thanks for reading

Yours Truely

Hi there guys! My City, Peace City is growing slow but surely now that the second sector is open! I will list some Information about the Town and plots and stuff here-

     A little about the town:
     This town started at sometime in the beginning of July 2013. Owner king_prankstar built the town structure with next to none help and only a few little donations of dirt. The town slowly grew and is now expanding. I will need  Co-Mayor to help me develop the city. We have been creating new things with our ideas. We hope to expand our city town into a much larger project. I will keep updating this forum on the development of my city.
City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/3891/64/526/max/2/0 ,
X: 3891
Y: 64
World: Members World

      Current projects:
* More Plots
* Parks
* Spleef
* Public Mines
More will be added.

      Buildings/projects done:
* Spawn
* SkyScrapper
* City Shop
* Parkour
* Public Farm

      Future aspects of the town:
* Lighthouse (Guaranteed project{Will double as a hotel})
* City Shops
* Community Farm
* Fishing area
* Town Bulletin Board
* Town Info Building
* Maybe a tree farm
* Casino
* Police Station
* Mc'donalds
* Church
* Town Hall/Mall

* Mayor: king_prankstar
* Co-Mayor: web64

      Town Residents:
(Will be added)

      Town NOTES:
(None Yet)

     Donations accepted so we can expand:
* Dirt
* Cobblestone
* Stone
* Stone Bricks
* Oak wood for wood battlements on walls
* Glowstone
* Wool/string (making a lighthouse A.S.A.P.)
* Glass or sand for underwater section
* Gravel too fill in the space in the underwater section.

* Will receive Prizes for there donations (if they are used in city)/    

     Plot information:
•   9x9= 40$
•   10x10= 50$
•   11x11= 60$
•   12x12= 70$
•   13x13= 80$
•   14x14= 90$
•   15x15= 100$

Order Ur plots On this Fourm :)

Identification blocks:
* I have an idea.  Now we will place a Gold Block on the corner of your plot saying this:

* These Id's are NOT allowed to be destroyed. If you destroy your you will be fines $100
* This is designed so we can tell who owns the plot without logblock

* No Griefing
* No racism
* Must allow king_prankstar to ALL types of doors (doors, gates, trapdoors, Etc.)
* IF you are offline for over a month your plot will be confinscated and if you are perma-banned it will be destroyed.
* Dont steal
* Height limit is 20 Blocks, for every block you go over it is 150$
* MUST build INSIDE  the cobblestone area
* NO bad/ugly structures
* Have fun, make friends! Get to know the Mayor! [king_prankstar]
* Follow all the rules!
* No dirt or cobblestone buildings
* Town citizens may own only 2 plots. Town staff may own up to 3 plots.
* You may not destroy the Plot Identefication block.

    Application to join the town:
(click to show/hide)

      Builder Application:
(click to show/hide)

Ordering Fourm For Plots

(click to show/hide)

      Please realize when applying for Builder that we will pay well if the job is done well.

    To visit the town type this: /home king_prankstar

Rejected / Moderator Application-king_prankstar
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:33:13 am »
Location:Australia, Sydney
Timezone: GST +10:00 AEST
Join Date:2 years Ago (1 year Trusted)
Were you recommended by anyone?:(if u recomend me please support and put ur name in comment section :) thanks )
Why you should become a moderator:

As I've said in my first mod app and elsewhere, one important fact you should know about me is that I don't build that often. Almost never really. I mostly love helping paly that need assistance with any kind off help. As i have been in this position before, i am comfortable with all of commands that are needed with dealing with grief or anything that needs fixing, i can do it.  

In my time as moderator on another server, I had developed a love for the position. The fact that I could undo the grief that plagues the community daily and help them with difficult problems that I never had the necessary tools to deal with, gave me immense satisfaction. But sometimes i do struggle but i do not fall down. I lift my head up and do what is told of me to do. I respect that others players do need help so if i do get accepted one of my responsibilities is to drop what ever I'm doing and to ask the person what is needed of me, in anyway.

I have many friends on opticraft that have help me along the way (Special thanks to bwookwork and aceBwakers srry if i spet ur name wrong u to are the best and helpful guys :) :D) and i have respected there help allot and i thank u guys all. I would really love to be in position of mod so please think of me as a friends and or as a brother or sister :) i am here to help. I will strive to be people roll models through opticraft by giving them advice on somethings that are needed advice and anything else that is needed.

I have made 3 of the mod apps i think so far, this would be my forth.


So if u accept this app i will accept my responsibilities of being a mod....(i will still respect  if u decline.. Im always ur lebanese trusted guy :) Thanks)

Speacial thanks to all those peeps out there who suported me in my city app, however REJECTED ;"( I am very sad but i will try to learn from my mistakes.

Thanks for reading my app.  I'll respect whatever decision you guys make.

Video Ive Made for Opti:


Rejected / Peace City- City Application
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:47:03 am »
City name: Peace City

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/3891/64/526/max/2/0 , X: 3891 Y: 64 , Members World

Contributors: Pimkey5 , Imagamer02 , Lipperdie , web64 anymore please leave ur name in comment section

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): king_prankstar

Approximate dimensions: 80x90

Number of active residents: 5

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 10 :)

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Work in progress, i would love to make more buildings (spleff arena , apparments , staff hq etc)

Why should we grant this city protection?My city has been worked on for quite awhile. More people are starting to join the town so its starting to get bigger i hope so i would love this city to be granted city protection. This town is for any one. To make what ever type of house the can build the best. This town is still got lots more to come so more people will join the city. The city will also suppllie farms and much more (mines etc). I looking to change a few thing, roads and maybe spawn for city.

Thanks for reading my City Application, I will respect ur choice ;)

Your only Lebanese Friend-

Kings Industries.Copyright

I, king_prankstar, present you with Kings IndustriesCopyrigth.  Here at Kings Indusrties. Our aim to produce a beautiful and rich company, rich i mean clear (and money) :P. Hypothesis: To consider wether this company can go far. Method:
I am the head owner/Director and need a board of staff, as of this moment I am looking not to have this board filled straight away so please do not get sad if u are rejected. Just keep on trying.   The application shall be below:  

(click to show/hide)

So the current positions available are:
- Owner/Chairman/CEO: king_prankstar
- Co-Owner:
- Vice Chairman:
- Director:
- Market Manager/Financial Adviser:
- Treasurer:
- President:  
- Technical Engineer/Assistant:
- Secretary/Assistant:
- Planner (2):
- Diamond Donator/Share Holder (Donate the largest amount of some object):
- Iron Donator(Donate the second largest amount of some object):
- Gold Donator(Donate the least amount of some object):

What is Kings Industries.? King Industries. is a company that want to help opticraft around the world. Like i say kings go far but friends make it further. I Have not found a place to place this lovely company but if u have any suggestions please fill free to place your name & /home so i king_prankstar can check it out.

I will soon be building a HQ For the staff and my self. I will also need builders to build the main Building of the Kings Co.

The main factory needs to be built so we can start to defeat evil and also make money so please be cautious of were u suggest for my company to stand.

We need people to place the name and apply quickly for some our company will try and team up and destroy us. I will not let this stand so i need builders fast as i can blink. I will also accept any donations from anyone. U will be reward for your donation :)


Owner/Director. ~~~King~~~

Projects and Creations / The Land Of The Kings
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:13:07 am »

As you guys haven meet me yet my name is...acually my ign is king_prankstar and i have anccouned a new town that is being built or contructed. In this, i will need people who can stand up and help me with this construction


In the comment secction please apply and use this format:

Why u should be in this position:
What u contribute to:
Why u should be apart of my new town:

Rules are all on the Wallf of Grace (Straigth in front of your face when u type in chat /home king_prankstar)
If any question please /msg me on opticraft or msg me on this fourm.

Rules are quite simple to follow, and most of all USE COMMON SENCE :P
Mailboxes will be put infront of every house that is built so u much check it every now and then

Plots are as follow:
(So far)

Many more to come.

Rejected / King_Prankstar-Moderator Apllication
« on: June 26, 2013, 09:33:08 am »
Join Date:1 and a half years ago
Were you recommended by anyone?:
Why you should become a moderator:Time and time again I have applied for this position, wondering if I would ever achieve such rank. Why quit? I told myself. Just keep going until you finally achieve what you are going for. I applied 3 times last year. Sadly, I was denied. After some consideration, I decided why not give it another go.So.. Lets see if my hard work pays off again.
I have worked to get myself this far. Joining a little over a year ago, I have met  a lot of people on here. I decided to stay because of the community always giving me a say such as "Hi king, can i have help" And i am dedicated to help with anything that need to be done. I have the qualities a moderator would need to get the job done single handedlly I understand a moderator has to be mature to do what he is asked of. I just ask you to look past my mistakes in past and look foward into the future of this server. What is done is done. I know the commands. A little rusty on them, but that can be fixed. I come home from school somedays thinking when i want to start play opticraft just excited. I do this because i know that opticraft will go a long way.  I do this it out of my own time to help people on optiraft that needs help. So i will strive to be of any assistance. If u need me i will be there, just say my name and your whises will be granted.

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
C. S. Lewis

General Discussion / Smp Or Pvp? Vote here.
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:44:45 am »
Do u like opticraft as smp server or pvp.

Vote in comments Yes/No and say why.

Rejected / Moderator Application-King_prankstar
« on: December 02, 2012, 04:52:39 am »
Moderator Application-King_Prankstar

Location: Australia
Time zone: Sydney
Join Date: Not Sure
Were you recommended bye anyone: Yes
Why you should become a moderator: I think I should become a moderator because need of assistance kind I will do my best to help people, if help is need  I try and help the person in need of help, and I tell/say that if u are using something wrong or not do the right thing I try to fix it. I will commit my self to any things that need to be sorted  with. When a Person is new to server i will greet them with respect and hope they have a nice time on server. I will also strive to do a tour of server if they are new to the server. I will help them if they are griefed or in trouble. I will face and mod job that is easy or hard to do

Regards, King_Prankstar
P.S Opticraft Is the best   
  I really would like this experience also have a wonderful christmas and i hope all ur dreams come true

Rejected / Moderator Aplication-King_Prankstar
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:40:00 am »
Moderator Application-King_Prankstar

Location: Australia
Time zone: Sydney
Join Date: Not Sure
Were you recommended bye anyone: Yes
Why you should become a moderator: I think I should become a moderator because need of assistance kind I will do my best to help people, if help is need  I try and help the person in need of help, and I tell/say that if u are using something wrong or not do the right thing I try to fix it. I will commit my self to any things that need to be sorted  with. When a Person is new to server i will greet them with respect and hope they have a nice time on server. I will also strive to do a tour of server if they are new to the server. I will help them if they are griefed or in trouble. I will face and mod job that is easy or hard to do

Regards, King_Prankstar
P.S Opticraft Is the best  ;)

Rejected / Moderator Aplication-King_Prankstar
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:47:45 am »
Moderator Application-King_Prankstar

Location: Australia
Time zone: Sydney
Join Date: Not Sure
Were you recommended bye anyone: Yes
Why you should become a moderator: I think I should become a moderator because need of assistance kind I will do my best to help people, if help is need  I try and help the person in need of help, and I tell/say that if u are using something wrong or not do the right thing I try to fix it. I will commit my self to any things that need to be sorted  with. When a Person is new to server i will greet them with respect and hope they have a nice time on server. I will also strive to do a tour of server if they are new to the server. I will hel them if they are griefed or in trouble.

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