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Messages - Luminaeus

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Suggestions / Re: a creative server/world
« on: December 22, 2013, 10:32:30 am »
Plots suck. We need to do creative right and let people build whatever dimensions they want.

Why do we need creative mode again? I built this today, and you can't ever see it in person because it's stuck on my computer.

Resized those a bit

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Luminaeus
« on: November 29, 2013, 06:17:21 am »
Thanks for the support.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Luminaeus
« on: November 28, 2013, 09:46:28 pm »
Age: 29
Location: Nebraska
Timezone: UTC -6
Join Date: Jun 2011
Were you recommended by anyone?: Awesomealicia clawstrider daniblue182 Zeradeth_, GirlLuvzerMac
Why you should become a moderator:

I was an operator on Classic two years ago for quite a while managing 200+ daily players, the most of which were nubs leaving a trail of grief in their wake. Before that, I was a Crafter. I have been a part of SMP since the server came out, playing off and on over the years. A few months ago my interest in Opticraft has been renewed and I have been playing actively since.

As an older gentleman, (at least from the perspective of the average age of Minecraft) I will bring experience and patience to the team of Mods. I'm not sure what the official policy on using Mod powers to assist others with building, but I would like to use the position to encourage and assist the server population to focus more on building marvelous creations rather than filling chests with resources.

Suggestions / Re: Revitalize Server Listings
« on: November 11, 2013, 03:29:22 pm »
It also wouldn't hurt to re-educate our existing members on the importance of voting. Not just clicking the buttons and closing the new windows/tabs but actually filling out the captchas and clicking 'vote'.

General Discussion / Re: $1,000,000 GiveAway - Less Than 1 Hour to enter
« on: November 11, 2013, 12:02:08 am »
Free money, yay.

Suggestions / Revitalize Server Listings
« on: November 10, 2013, 01:25:41 pm »
Our description on server listings is a bit... outdated. The descriptions haven't been changed since we first turned on SMP.

I think, when we upgrade to 1.7.2 and introduce a new world, we should announce that on all the server listings and forums. We need to do something to draw more people in as it's been getting a bit quiet lately.

You should show off our good builds instead of wandering around the wilderness with Captain America. Instead of the music, you should get some audio from Opti or Nick explaining the purpose of the server and what makes us unique, such as the community that is older than SMP itself, and the custom server mods that aren't available anywhere else.

Sweet, thanks!

Update: I've created an off-site 'home' for my storage and crafting needs. It's connected to the main build but lies behind a secret piston door. I hired the help of Grimspell to excavate the main hall.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Project Protection, Lumi's Palace
« on: October 13, 2013, 04:05:45 am »
I've been working on this build for quite a while. The plot and underground area has been in place for over a year. I've come back to it with renewed zeal as I actually have a plan to finish it now.

I would like everything from 806, 0, 505 to 930, 256, 629 protected. This will protect the physical structure as well as the landscaped region around it. I've made a lot of progress on the build itself, but it will not be finished for quite a while as it will span from bedrock to max height.

The palace resides above ground, greeting visitors with high ceilings, an elaborate floor plan, and a spacious main hall. Rising high above the main palace will be a tremendous spire that pierces the heavens. Excavated beneath the palace is a perilous dungeon, full of dangerous monsters, that snakes down to bedrock.

The build needs to be protected because all of it will be open to the public. I will be constructing a new personal in an off-site area.


People can bug creative stuff into SMP fyi ....also why don't u just gather stuff to build ur awesome builds? XD

Yeah, that's great if you're building with dirt and cobble. Anything else either takes forever or is impossible to gather large amounts of. Building a 256 height tower out of obsidian and diamond block? Not going to happen on SMP.

In other news, progress on the server is going well. I'm using Remote Desktop to control the 'server' from my 'client' laptop :)

Like I said before, the initial versions will be nothing more than a series of bukkit plugins... and most of those will be forward compatable anyway.

Since cuboid alternatives already exist, it seems like a lot of redundant work to port Cuboid to 1.25.

Should this be moved to suggestions?
He's not forwarding this to optical or cschurz, his just discussing some ideas of it and who is willing to help him with it.

Just ask Opticalza, I've suggested this many times already. ;)

Hopefully this can be made with existing plugins. Later I can work on tailoring the code more specifically. I would love to bring cuboid over to SMP... :)

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