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Messages - Tobs

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 82
Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - adunc19
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:46:46 pm »
As you stated, applications are still closed and while this is a well thought out application I'm going to reject it.

Suggestions / Re: Add stats in forum.
« on: October 04, 2016, 11:16:36 am »
We do not track any sort of stats on SMP currently, are you sure you're on the right server's forums?

Discussion forum / Re: what is the ts ip?
« on: October 04, 2016, 11:14:48 am »
We do not have Teamspeak, however we do have Discord

Rejected / Re: App's DonAleckey from Mexico
« on: October 03, 2016, 09:51:32 pm »
Hello, I think you have the wrong server/community forums. Also our applications for Moderator are currently closed.


Server News / Re: Introducing OptiQuest!
« on: August 07, 2016, 01:42:34 am »
Building is going very well, at least 3/4 of the way done.
I'll add this is for OptiQuest's Alpha release, we want to expand the world even further when we can.

Here's an update: Picture of one of my towns I've been working on. http://imgur.com/zpfMWqa
Fantastic view!

Projects and Creations / Re: Candyland
« on: August 02, 2016, 09:34:51 pm »
Tasty, nice work!  :)

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: June 06, 2016, 12:41:50 am »
If you have any additional input feel free to add it, as for what has already been said; we've talked about it and not come to any definite decisions/future polls as of yet since we've all been kinda busy so we can still discuss stuff, but it is clear a large amount of players  (48/64 votes, 75%) want some sort of change. I don't know if Nick has attempted any sort of market/pvp replacement coding-wise yet (or if he is planning to). As said before, we don't have any idea when/if stuff will be implemented, and while we can do stuff in-game any plugin changes Optical gets the final stay in.

Projects and Creations / Re: Railway
« on: May 11, 2016, 10:38:23 am »
Nope not going to allow World Edit on this I'm afraid, sorry guys. But good luck making this, I'm definitely going to want to go on it when its done. Might help if i get bored too (provide moral support, duh) :D

Would be neat to have a subway type map mapping the finished thing too, the great Member Circle Line.

Ban Appeals / Re: I Regret The Sins.. Lion Turns Over A New Leaf
« on: March 30, 2016, 03:40:38 pm »
Hey, a few points I would like to mention;
1 - I think the word you are looking for is "proxy"
2 - You don't have 94,000 accounts
3 - We have commands to protect the server, you are not scary - sorry!

Good luck with your future, please control your anger and grow up. Thank you.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 25, 2016, 05:02:54 pm »
PVP everywhere is a terrible idea, the entire reason i have stayed on Opticraft for years and years is because there was no PVP. I do not like having to have the best armor and to have to worry about people coming after me when I am trying to build. However why not make a PVP only world in a 1.9 world. This way people who want PVP and new world can go to the new world, and at the same time they can still talk in chat.
We will not be adding PvP everywhere, merely expanding on the current PvP system that we have (which is currently half-assed). Opticraft has never primarily been about PvP, however since very early on a fun PvP system has been something a lot of people have wanted.

I would support a change in the Economy, however whenever you (the staff) want to do a change, why not ask us here on the forums for our input. That way there can be discussion and people can be happy with a change. But just removing a block based on all of your (the staff) dissucssions, would make people angry like the incidents with the Melon, Pumpkin and Iron blocks.
This is what everyone is discussing currently, if we didn't care we would go ahead and remove it without even talking about it. Removing specific blocks is a completely different matter, we had left them able to be sold for months - not to mention giving everyone a weeks notice, but that's beating a dead horse.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 02:51:41 am »
I feel while Bungeecord is a big task, it's the last thing that would make the servers feel "complete" again - just gotta find the time I suppose. World wipes I have always been on the fence about; on one hand it'd be nice for fresh worlds and everyone to start on the same level, on the other the nostalgia and evolution of people's builds - probably lean more to fresh, but if people desperately don't want this I certainly wouldn't want to force. I definitely would like new 1.9 world(s), but I don't like the idea of it being 'used' purely for resources, adding new worlds on top of these seems messy. As for the End, because of the big updates in 1.9 I'm wondering people's ideas on a reset of the End dimension?

PvP was simply to be an improvement on the current (terrible) system, nothing game-changing but hopefully more interesting than what we botched together - I guess similar to your plugin idea years ago, something that isn't tedious, but instead more fun.

I believe Nick or Deekay had some pretty different possible ideas for an alternative to what is the current economy, it is also something that has always been a bit ,"eh" and disjointed. This was one of the first thoughts and would tie in well with a wipe, but as that is pretty much off the cards, finding new ways for this to be worked into the current setup would be good.

Edit: It's 3am, alright?!

Ban Appeals / Re: Wanted to know why i got banned.
« on: March 01, 2016, 07:33:34 pm »
witch one do i go to then

You... Literally said the site URL you need to visit. Good luck, locked.

Accepted Crafter Apps / Re: Crafter application - dfroster mk II
« on: February 18, 2016, 02:18:51 pm »
Woohoo, we got us a crafter! Congrats doug!

Server News / Re: Introducing OptiQuest!
« on: February 17, 2016, 04:56:48 pm »
Will there be dragons?
There will most certainly be dragons.

Server News / Re: Introducing OptiQuest!
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:13:52 am »
Looks really good! Would you be making a custom texture pack for it?
Can't wait!


There are no plans for this right now, a lot of the default textures fit nicely as it is!

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