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Topics - jh2018

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Support / Help updating
« on: April 30, 2016, 03:21:05 am »
Hey guys! Haven't been on here in a while due to school stuff and other things. And so I've forgot how to install the .jar file for the new 1.9 update... And my minecraft launcher doesn't have the 1.9 .jar available for download. Help.

Offtopic / Message
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:04:33 am »
Hello Opticrafters,

I don't post here often anymore due to school and stuff, but I have one request. I have been playing the Grand Theft Auto V Online Heists, but I barely have any friends to do the setups and the finales. If you're interested, add me on Xbox One: xxScavRaySh0txx.


P.S. I miss you all.


Since nobody wants to make me a skin, I have come to the decision to see who can make me a skin. (Note: this is not a contest.) Message me and I will send you the details.

Paying the 5k to whoever can make me a skin with Reference photos and a template.


Support / Spawn Problem
« on: July 14, 2013, 07:00:59 pm »
Hi there,

When I go to the spawn, about every 3 seconds I have spawned, Magic Launcher exits off. I do not know why this is happening, because when I do Regular Minecraft, It doesn't do the exiting out. I don't want to use Regular Minecraft Launcher, because I don't know how to install Optifine to Regular Minecraft.
This video will show you how it goes

Thank you.

Support / LWC Help
« on: July 03, 2013, 09:06:03 pm »
So I wanted to shut a door in Minecraft, and it goes right back to open. I suppose this video will help you guys out. Last night, I /helpop ed, and they suggested that I relog. So I did, and It didn't work.

Offtopic / WWE Raw Arena
« on: July 01, 2013, 06:02:53 am »
Hey guys.

So I was working on my project for a WWE Raw Arena, and this is what I started with.

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So I showed the SMP Server, and they really liked it. And then, just now, as I was flying really high, and I saw the ring and the entrance stage was crooked to the arena. The line in the picture represents the Middle of the whole arena.

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Yeah. Ouch. That hurt.
Anyways, I'm gonna keep you updated on how the whole thing is going, and so yeah!

Rejected / Moderator Application - jh2018
« on: June 20, 2013, 04:47:37 am »
Age: 13
Location: Tennessee, United States
Timezone: Central Standard Timezone [GMT -5]
Join Date: May 24, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No [Feel Free to add your name]
Why you should become a moderator:The reason I am putting a Moderator App in, is because I have been on the server, quite a while now, I have familiarized myself with the server's plugins, and I am very great with handling people that get angry due to grief, or need water or lava, I am always there for them. When people yell "Grief", I usually tell them to use /helpop (Helpop is broken, so I try to notify a staff member as soon as possible.) I am always active, although my computer was getting fixed, I try to keep my activity levels high, and so I am extremely active when there's not any school. I have had past experience with the rank, and so I know if I need to ban a player for how long, rolling back grief, etc.

General Discussion / Possibly gone for a while
« on: June 07, 2013, 01:43:32 am »
Hey guys,

Unfortunately, my computer's stupid internet doesnt work, and it says "Not Connected - No Connections are available"

I ran a Kaspersky Virus scan, because it says "Computer security is at risk." I go to try to fix the problem, but 2 threats were active (they're neutralized now.) I shut down my computer, and then I turn it back on, and then it launches this thing avout windows recovery. And then I look at my internet, and its completely broken. If anyone knows how to resolve the problem, it would be extremely helpful. So basically, my computer is now declared "Broken/Dead/In a coma/"

Support / How to change your timezone on the forums?
« on: May 03, 2013, 02:38:47 am »

I was a bit of a n00b when I was registering for Opticraft Forums, and, I did not know what timezones were, or what timezone I was in. So, I know now, and I need help on how to change my timezone.


Suggestions / Tamed Horses teleporting to your home with you
« on: April 27, 2013, 07:53:58 pm »
I thought this could be a suggestion because When you tame wolves, they follow you around, and I was wondering if Horses could follow you after you tamed them, and then it would be less stressful to make a stable and you can't set a home there because you used your amount of homes on there. So, I thought Mules, Horses, and Donkeys could follow you around like dogs can. For instance, when you are far away from a dog, they teleport to you, and so do cats.

Trade Central / SOLD! Please Lock!
« on: April 20, 2013, 04:12:44 pm »
Subject: Diamond Pickaxe (Fortune 3, Unbreaking 3, Efficiency 4)

Item: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchantment(s): Fortune 3, Efficiency 4, Unbreaking 3
Condition: Unused
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 1k
Price Increase: 1k
Buyout Price: 7k or higher
End Of Auction: 4/25/13 4:30 in the Afternoon

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Suggestions / Live Map suggestion
« on: April 09, 2013, 11:31:45 am »
Ok, so I thought that We can have a live map edit, and then we can see where we all are without trying to spam up chat with "What's your coordinates?" Plus it has a tool that can see what players are saying. THis is good for Moderators to look at the live map, and if they see someone harassing one another, they can just come straight in-game.

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^^^^^ I was the only one on the server at the time

Rejected / Moderator Application- jh2018
« on: April 01, 2013, 08:13:57 pm »
Age: 13
Location: Tennessee
Timezone: GMT -5 (Central Standard Timezone)(US+Canada)
Join Date: May 23, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: No.
Why you should become a moderator:I believe I should be a Moderator because I am very prepared for being in the position, I have had past Experience of Moderating a server, and I have been very loyal to the people on here. I have placed water for people, I have helped out Moderators when they needed it, and I know that this server is a High Traffic Server, and the server gets many players daily, and we do have a LOT of griefers, and I am willing to moderate the server, and I am willing to try to make this server an awesome place! Thanks!  :) ;) :D ;D 8)

Offtopic / Jh2018's birthday! :D
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:51:11 pm »
Hey guys,

It's my birthday, and i am going to be 13 today!!! I am in-game right now, and if you want to see me, come on in!!!

Offtopic / 1001 YouTube Videos! (Any!)
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:12:33 am »
Just like the title says, if you have any youtube videos to post, Post em here! No explicit videos.

1. Kid goes crazy over Pokemon cards
2. Kid gets slapped with iPad

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