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Topics - Bearfish

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Is it grief or not?
« on: September 12, 2014, 08:15:55 pm »
So the other day someone warped on into the old homestead to have a look around.  While they were there they good naturedly placed some blocks about.  If I happed to remove those blocks would I get nailed for griefing, even though it is my house and everything around it I placed myself?  Just curious...

Introductions / What does a bear do in a mine?
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:12:42 am »
    I have been on for a couple of months now and finally saw this forum.  After playing on the Xbox version and the single player on the computer I really enjoy the little world here. While I won't reveal my true age I will say that I am old enough to be most everyone's father.
    I really play to relax and just build stuff.  I try not to say too much and keep to my little corner, although, I do enjoy the banter sometimes as it reminds me of my two teenage boys.  They don't play unfortunately and that leaves me here with all you!
    I like to do all the stuff that us older folks do, stuff most of the younger crowd just doesn't seem to care about.  University of Georgia Football is a big one for me as well as a lot of other things about Athens.  Veggies out of the garden and watching my boys play soccer.
    There are several projects that I am working on: a village, evil tower, tree farm and tree house.  I am hoping to maybe join the village and the evil tower complex with a roller coaster.  That all depends on how the gold farm does.  I hope to have the Evil Tower done by Halloween and we can see who can run the gauntlet!
    Anyway I really enjoy the server and hope to be here for a while!

Thanks!  Bearfish... ;D

General Discussion / Trouble with Zombie Villagers
« on: August 18, 2014, 12:22:43 am »
So I have converted or cured three zombie villagers now only to have them vaporize while I am off doing other things.  Has anyone else done this and had this problem?  I can't get the second villager to have the two make little kids because the first one vanishes.  Any suggestions as to what to do?  It is very sad to build a village with no villagers...

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