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Messages - Zeradeth_

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 18
Ban Appeals / Re: [Zeradeth_] Ban Appeal
« on: October 18, 2015, 08:30:35 pm »
Given that it's been a couple of years and you seem genuinely remorseful for what you did, I'm willing to lift your ban. The rules have changed since you last played, so make sure you read the rule book before you get going again. You can do this by typing /rules when you get online. This will be your last chance, so make use of it.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:28:58 am »
Those hunters are quite cute!
Speaking of making ugly things cute...
Would you be interested in drawing a Kawaii Hydra? (the greek one)

Don't see why I can't try!

Also, imgur didn't seem to like this, but I it. I made it.
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WARNING: I have NO idea how to make it smaller, so when you open it, press ctrl and the - key to zoom out. This drawing is freaking huge.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: June 01, 2015, 01:04:58 pm »
I honestly didnt read your post very well
Well, at least you're honest about it XD And thanks! It takes forever to draw them because of all the fiddly little lines, but I think they're adorable and precious little babs. I will never stop drawing them.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: June 01, 2015, 12:39:10 am »
So my friend gave me the idea that I should draw hunters from Prototype. They're these ugly things:
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So I made my own versions, and I think they're utterly adorable:

Hunter in a tutu, the other one's wondering where his is:
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Hunter cuddling with his new favorite chew toy:
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Hunters playing follow the leader (big guy is a leader hunter, a kind of hunter that's harder to kill and much bigger):
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Hunters bothering Papa hunter:
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Baby hunter is super proud of his chew toy:
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Papa hunter's mad that Alex (main character from Prototype) was picking on his baby:
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Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:31:16 am »
So I sat down tonight to talk to dougtato, and lo and behold, he got me to draw something not half-hearted and trashy. Here's this adorable creature, which I discovered exists just now:

The Mighty Chocobo!

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you artists should probably make a deviantart account, it's a great art community!

Also, in regards to this ^ I have a Deviantart. None of you are EVER getting it out of me. I made that account when I was 13, and it will stay smothered in the depths of the internet where it damn well belongs.

Ban Appeals / Re: Razuler's Ban Appeal
« on: May 08, 2015, 02:59:41 am »
Next time, you might want to follow the guidelines of how to post a ban appeal. Here's your ban history
Also, you might want to at least make your case before I say no.

Offtopic / Re: Happy Birthday Optical!
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:45:54 pm »
Happy birthday, Opti! Glad to have ya around.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:44:13 am »
Alrighty, so I got a hankering for some realism, so I took one of the animal combinations I posted earlier and made this:
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I need some help naming the thing, though. I need a species name and a name for the subject of the picture. It's a combination between a horse, a deer and a lion. Any suggestions for a name are welcome, but pm them to me so we don't steer this thread off-topic--hehe, irony, you see that?

I'll update this post when I find one I like!

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:43:11 pm »
So I did another thing. I've found that doodling while listening to audiobooks is strangely soothing, and I decided that drawing regular animals was getting boring. SO. These resulted from said boredom:

Not sure what to name any of these, so I'll just list what animals I tried to combine.

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Bull Terrior/Dachshund/Reptile
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There are four here, the largest is a Bat/Monkey/Feline combination. Then there's a Galago/Monkey combination beside it, a Porcupine/Rat and a failed Owl/Monkey beside the Bat/Monkey/Feline's tail.
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Close up of the Galago/Monkey and Porcupine/Rat
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Salamander/Frog (this one was fun to draw, like holy crap snakes are little piles of blorp)
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I think this was supposed to be a Door Mouse/Kangaroo thing, but I don't even know
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Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: March 28, 2015, 01:16:02 am »
Cat blob looks awesome! :)

Cat blob lol thanks. I might do one in honor of my dog. I might also try an owl, they're fun to draw. Feathers...*shudders*

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: March 25, 2015, 11:00:44 pm »
Drew a thing. Might draw another thing later.

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Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: March 01, 2015, 06:26:20 am »
Made a doodle of some drakes. (Drakes are smaller than dragons and have the ability to use magic.) The one on top's name is Xander and the bottom one's name is Ethelin. Dunno about the little one, just threw him in for kicks. These are two characters from a novel I'm currently working on.

I'm still working on drake anatomy...feet especially. And wings. Fuck wings. Nobody ever draw wings, you'll only make yourselves sad. They're stupid.

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Offtopic / Re: The Opticats
« on: February 19, 2015, 07:08:23 am »
Me next Zera? <3

Shoot me a pm with what you want your cat to look like. I need fur color, eye color, position and any extra objects you want in it. If you've already pm'd me, I've managed to lose it, sorry. You'll be up next.

Offtopic / Re: The Opticats
« on: February 19, 2015, 01:15:22 am »
SJ321987, here's your opticat. Enjoy!

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Offtopic / Re: The Opticats
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:55:02 am »
I'm doing these a bit out of order maybe (forgot to write names down....) but here's one I finally finished. Tomrizz, I hope it's up to your standards.

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