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Topics - square_skull

Pages: [1] 2
Forum Games / Ye old riddles
« on: June 05, 2014, 11:07:58 pm »
Since afro is (apparently) inactive, let's see if we can start up a new riddle topic...

The mountains is where I once lived, and when I roamed was when the land wept. Me having a body of fiery red, roared and roared, and spewed fire, until the land was dead. And then I slept once more, but when I look around, I find my body is like ore!

What am I?

Rejected / Moderator Applictation - square_skull
« on: April 22, 2014, 07:22:46 am »
14 (turns 15 years old on the 24th May)


New Zealand

+12 New Zealand Standard Time

Join Date:
August 21, 2012, 06:37:04 am

Were you recommended by anyone?:

not yet

Why you should become a moderator:
Although I'm not generally associated with seriousness nor am I an outstanding example of friendliness, I make it my personal goal to give 100% when I commit to something (as seen through some of my previous/current projects). I have been made known to many players through my post dedicated to making skins for the community, and I am generally active when it comes to the forums. Because of my previous computer's death, I may have not met the newer generation of players, though I hope to meet and become friends with them some day. I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst either, give me a chance to help the community, and I will put in my best to help them.

Offering his service,

Offtopic / Disturbed smilies, for all those mental smilies!
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:33:51 am »
A little topic for people who have seen or made messed up smiley faces  ;D.

If you are frightened by the scary face, well sue me.
(click to show/hide)

If you don't speak epic title  ;D, then let me tell you what I want...

A long time ago (up until the days when the Redstone update only just came out), I used to skin very nice people and give them to people, but I can't do that now since skincraft (the skin editor I used to use) refuses to obey my will. Me, the skelly some of you were familiar with, was of course, to say the least, a little ticked off (note: millions died that tragic day...).

 Now I am in need of a new editor, and after being out of sync of the minecraft universe for so long, I have no idea which one I should invest in, so I need you, my fellow Opticrafters, to suggest that most advanced and reliable skin editor you have ever laid eyes on!

Note: it would be appreciated if you can give me a description (brief or lengthy) about any of the editors you recommend, thanks!

Note 2: please don't bring up Photoshop, as I have already tried it out.

Introductions / Heeeeeere's SKULLY!
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:21:09 pm »
Hello Opticraft! I'm baaaaack!
In case you don't know where I have been, I'll sum it up for you. Laggy Hell. Ever since my computer got broken (more than usual), ive been without minecraft for about a year and a half.

In case you have no clue about who I am, I am a skelly who likes making skins! I should be getting a new computer sooner or later, so I will be able to go on the server/forums more.

Note: I may start doing skins again. ;D

General Discussion / technology hates me, it's official
« on: June 30, 2013, 09:51:09 pm »
in addition to me being busy with some projects (out of server), it appears my computer has
broken down, right now i am typing this message on a school computer which won't even let
me open my files from a USB.

So just to let you know, i definitely won't be on for a long time...

Offtopic / Game Guru, please help me!
« on: June 26, 2013, 01:36:01 am »

As you might have noticed, i have been offline trying to start creating a game.
the thing is i've recently learnt the original game creating software i was going
to use wouldn't work for the type of game i want to create. If anyone knows
any good 2D game making software, can you please tell me? Thanks.

Offtopic / I Need A New Avatar!
« on: April 11, 2013, 01:32:15 am »
Hello, as the title says, i need a new forum avatar, and you can help out
by helping me choose which one you think is best (when i mean help out,
i mean vote, thnx!).

here's the options:
- Face A

- Face B

- Face C

Also, can someone please tell me what format the image has to be to be
able to add it as a forum avatar, as i have forgotten.


Rejected / square_skull applying for moderator
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:49:44 pm »
Hi, I'm square skull, you would probably know me as the guy who made the first skin
topic or that guy who likes making in game undead jokes. Please read my following

13, turning 14 on the 24th of May

Auckland, New Zealand


Join Date:
August 21, 2012, 06:37:04 am

Were you recommended by anyone?:
Well, I believe the following recommend me: Duinis, Hydrofrog, Caanite, Deathiswating,
(turns out they have to be moderators to recomend)

Why you should become a moderator:
I believe I should beome a Moderator because of my current and future displays of service
to the opticraft community, I set up the first opticraft skin channel and I am one of the
founders of the current skin channel I am serving in on the opticraft forums.

I also am in the progress of making a town, which once I am done, it will allow locals and
guests to the town to get access to free items. I also take the role of moderator seriously,
and I have been studying responsibilities of a moderator, and I am willing to help others over
myself. I also attend the opticraft server multiple times a week, making me a regular.

I hope that I get accepted, but I know that I might not, so I am prepared either way.

Yours willingly,

It's Official! If you have seen my last post about this project (the one where I
needed tips), you would be aware that I WAS considering making a snow town,
well now its decided, I Will Make SnowyTown!

Of course for this project I will need 25 Protection Stones (coal) to make the basic part of
the city, the rest I can handle by myself. To fundraise for the protection stones I am
selling HEAPS and HEAPS of 8 minute invisibility potions, for the price of only 200 dollars
for for 7 potions (cheapest deal you'll find)!Of course to speed it up you can simply donate.

When I have completed the "basement/fondation" of the city I will need builders to build
some of the basics of the main buildings with the following specifications:
- the main building/application desk will need to fit into 1 lapis PS
- the basic structures i need you to make have to be Igloos, and constructed well enough
to look like if you saw it from a distance it would look like part of a sphere

I will reward you if you complete it to my expections (which I will Msg you if you are a

Thanks for your help!
Square_Skull (future mayor of SnowyTown, to be constructed)

General Discussion / The Optiskin's Gallery! Post your skins here!
« on: March 08, 2013, 11:26:32 pm »
Hi, this topic will display skins made by the optiskins group and
ones YOU want to show to others, every skin is great so post
here! You don't have to post any skin you don't want anyone
else to have, just the ones you want to show.

one of your OptiSkin's gallery hosts,

Offtopic / Hunger Game Champion, Violent kills with limited resources
« on: March 06, 2013, 11:25:22 pm »
Ok, heres how the game works:
1. someone starts off with a certain resource (me)
2. you have to kill the last person who posted last with
one of the resources they used, and you also have to
use another resource not mentioned in their last post
troller demonstration guy:"I have got wool"
violent asassin:"I strangle troller with the wool and use
a sharp rock to finish him off with a flint stone to the head,
you get it? ok, i'll start:

"I have a plank of wood"

Personally I don' want my home trolled so I was wondering if there was
a way to modify the "/back" command so it doesn't make you go through
things. If it's a too difficult task or too annoying, forget I asked.

thanks for the consideration,

The title pretty much answers it, so what would you do? I know
I would personally pay him all the money I got and shower him in
items with my friend caanite.

General Discussion / I'm considering making a snow town!
« on: March 06, 2013, 06:58:48 am »
Hello fellow opticrafters!
Like it says in the title, I'm getting interested on the idea
of building a snowy/ice town by the name of "Snowy". Of
course when i say "interested" I mean "I might or might not
build it". this is because:
- I need to know how town protection works
- I need enough resources, Once it is confirmed I'm actually
going to make the town
- I need confirmed how much people would be interested in
building such a structure
- And a good location in a snow biome, preferably a long way
away from other structures, to avoid griefing to occur
- I need to sort some things out in real life about how I'm going
to access a computer which isn't equivilent to a broken
typewriter covered in glue (AKA the laptop I normally use to play
minecraft, which is living hell for those who are not used to extreme

I need You to help me with the first three things (not the last
one, that one I'll have to do by myself).

REMEMBER, I may not end up creating a town, but I will still be
interested in founding one if my plan doesn't work out.

Yours interested,

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