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Topics - 100penguin.

Pages: [1] 2
Projects and Creations / For all those Prince fans out there...
« on: February 16, 2017, 06:55:43 pm »
I was bored, so I made an easter egg. You can reach it at /warp market, just gotta find the secret button. Got to love a bit of prince.


Happy Gaming!

Events / 2016 Event
« on: October 01, 2016, 04:15:57 pm »

And welcome to the Penguin Annual Event 2016!

Finally opened on October 1st 2016, this event will test various skills to be found in the game. It is made up of 5 stages each made up of sub sections. At the end of each stage you should have gathered 6 numbers. These numbers are used to open the next stage using a 9 digit key pad door.

Rocks ‘N’ Stuff
The Friendly Forest
Icey Exploration
The End???

Elements of parkour, PVE, and puzzle solving will be required for this event.

Disappointingly for some, this event has no prize, however I feel it is more conducive to a healthy community if people do it just for fun. Please do not cheat using enderpearls or elytras, as this just makes it boring.

All of the stages are region protected, however do not grief or attempt to grief anything. Enderpearls, /home, /warp and teleport commands are not allowed in most areas, and it is advised that you set homes where possible.
Before I hear squeeks of indignation, the 9 pin door locks are quite difficult to use. Don't button mash, but operate it quite quickly. If however you do find a true problem please let me know as soon as possible.

Start the event at /home 100penguin Event using the code 1 9 5 2 4 8 to open the door.

Good luck, have fun, and may the best player win!

Disclaimer: This event may lead to you dying. You have been warned!

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Penguin City 2
« on: June 25, 2016, 04:55:24 pm »
Project name:
Penguin City

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):

/home 100penguin current


Contributors: 100penguin, Cupcakesmile2, DanceCrafter8, Several others digging etc.

Mayor / zone owner (Only one - this is the zone owner): 100penguin

Approximate dimensions: ~ 170 x ~ 500

Requested Flags:
Many, that I can do myself, including: Item frame destroy deny, interact allow, mobspawn deny, Snowfall deny, possibly changing the biome but probably not.
Number of active residents (if applicable): N/a

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 15 buildings built, several of which are purely functional, so are not 'furnished' as such. Other buildings could be furnished in future, however ideally residents could furnish them themselves to their own requirements. All buildings are decorated in my 'distinctive style'.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
I would like to attract residents to the area, and improve amenities such as those offered by the railway, and shopping areas. This whole area will hopefully be a functional trading area, rather than necessarily purely residential.

Why should we grant this project protection?
Although this project does not have any current residents (as it is not currently designed to) it requires protection purely for the addition of flags to make it function better. Many valuable items are found in the area that I would not appreciate going walkies.

Projects and Creations / Railway
« on: May 09, 2016, 03:01:24 pm »
So as many of you already know, I've been making a railway that crosses the member world. Broadly speaking, this is finished (Indicated on the map with the red line). However, in my spare time I'd very much like to extend it thus that it goes around the memberworld rather than cutting straight through it. This activity is superfluous, but someone told me that it'd be impossible, so I want to do it justice. It'd be a lot easier with world edit - not to spawn in materials, but for the stratospheric amount of copying required. If it were allowed it'd make things much faster, but if not I intend on eventually doing it anyway.

If world edit were allowed, I would legitimately build a section of railway, then copy and paste it into place. I would then ceremonially destroy the items that would have been used in the process.

Just a heads up ^-^


Events / 2015 Christmas Event
« on: January 02, 2016, 04:41:12 pm »
Welcome to the Penguin.co 2015 Christmas Event!

With fantabulous prizes including 2 Beacons, A 100penguin Head, Enchanted books, Armour, Tools, Weapons, Rare and expensive blocks, Food, Golden apples, Horse armour and Much more!

Also included are many small easter egg prizes for courage, exploration, tenacity and outright stupidity.

To start, go to /home 100penguin Event, in the Memberworld.The contest is designed around 6 seemingly simple stages, whereby the player gathers 6 clues to the code to the prize room.

Complete these tasks, gather the numbers, and open the door.

Rules: In many of the areas where enderpearls are 'banned' they are actively disabled, as is /home and /spawn. However, please try not to glitch around the place. Most of the time, it won't be worth it.

There is no time limit on this event, and even when it's been won, I'd love for people to enjoy it further!

Warning: There are many death traps and areas where you WILL die in this event. You have been warned. Don't grief, and I'll not kill you personally.

Above all, have fun!

Finally, if you've won the event, please post a reply to this post with a screenie of all the stuff you won, and of each number. There is no risk of the code being lost to someone going for 'second place' as there is only a prize for first :D Enjoy!

NB: Staff are not allowed to participate in this competition until it has been won, due to redstone mechanics.

« on: December 13, 2014, 06:38:38 pm »

Welcome to Penguin's Christmas Event.

What is the event: This event is a test, as I have never held an event on my own before and feedback would be greatly appreciated. You will follow the story of the fabled "beast" and follow him to his lair, gathering clues to his whereabouts along the way. You shall use this knowledge in many ways, and there are enormous fantabulous prizes to be won!

This is the treasure hunt part, and for a comprehensive and short synopsis of this post please go to /home 100penguin rules. You shall follow the sign posts and gather clues to help you find the whereabouts of the penguin's lair - and trust me, this is gonna be one hell of a walk. Along the way you shall find numbers and you MUST remember them. These numbers when inserted correctly will open the door to the lair of the beast...

Parkour - and lots of it! This section is the daring raid in which you grind your way closer and closer to the penguin's lair. Several sections are linked, with checkpoints throughout. I cannot stress this enough - you must put your items away before commencing in the parkour tasks as the risk of death is imminent and inevitable. 100penguin takes no responsibility for loss of items, xp or other commodities. Enderchests are provided at the start of challenges and at /home 100penguin 2 if necessary. Other than for this use you will not need to use /home 100penguin 2, and there is no benefit from doing so. Along the way you shall find small prizes for curiosity and courage, and having completed the parkour section you shall have to complete other smaller challenges involving a tad less death.

During the entire parkour section you shall see signs that say along the lines of "take a picture of me!". Make sure to screenshot these signs to provide evidence of your completion, and you shall also have to collect the numbers found in the final battle section. These numbers must be /mail send to 100penguin as soon as you can.

Once you have completed the entire puzzle you will be able to gloat menacingly over your prize. Things you must do:

1: /mail send 100penguin (numbers found) eg: 12345
2: Create a forum post in general discussion entitled "I won Penguin's event 1st/2nd/3rd prize"
3: Include in this post screenshots of the relevant prize chest, the "take a picture of me" signs, and any other useful things you find along the way.
4: Wait patiently for penguin to respond. Gimme some time >.<

Useful bits of info:

- No enderpearls, as this is not only cheating but they'll also make life a lot harder with parkour.
- Staff are exempt from prizes. Sorry, but there are so many ways that you could cheat (not that you would...)
- The entire event will be open forever, even when prizes have been claimed
- No griefing blah blah I'll burn you blah blah...
- It's recommended you be at least member+ as all of the areas are in member and member 2
- You won't need to use penguin's /home. The required /homes are 2, start, rules and beast.

Good luck! And enjoy the competition!

Accepted Operator Apps / Operator application - 100penguin
« on: November 18, 2014, 05:52:43 pm »
In-game name: 100penguin
Age: 17
Location: UK
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: Sept 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?: daniblue182
Why you should become an Operator:
I feel I would make a valid and valuable contribution to the staff of the creative server, bringing with me much experience of my past moderation, as well as my current experience on the SMP server. I very much enjoy playing, and am willing to put in the hours where necessary as well as having a clean track record. I wish to further my contribution to the creative community, by upholding the rules, and helping players as much as possible and I shall continue to do so whatever my rank.
Thank you for reading this.

Rejected / Crafter application - 100penguin
« on: October 26, 2014, 04:28:54 pm »
Ingame name: 100penguin
Join date: September 2012
Briefly describe all your creations:
1st: A large island complex covering approximately 80000 square blocks with various biomes, around 40 fully furnished buildings, custom trees and 5 easter eggs; chests are also filled in places. There are many different areas all with unique quirks that are worth investigating. (see builder app for previous builds)
Illegitimacies: I am very fussed about this project being legitimate. All of the landscaping was done by hand, 3 blocks thick. The only things that have been world edited are all of the water, and a large block of sand below the windmill that acted as a base for the river (thanks to daniblue182, Unknownhedgehog and awesomealicia)

2nd: A large cathedral in the Gothic style made entirely of stone brick and cobblestone at /home 100penguin:cathedral. This entire build was made legitimately. (link: http://imgur.com/a/69ckl)

What world/s are the creations on: Builder (/home 100penguin:home/cathedral)
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/a/DP6dH
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Crafter is a large step up from builder which not only comes with extra commands and bonuses, but also increased responsibility and expectations. I hope that I will be able to fulfil these expectations to their highest capacity. Please take the time to find everything first! I understand that the houses are all quite small, relatively simplistic etc... but I hope that my project can be viewed as a whole. Please forgive the low quality and chunk updating in the pics - awful computer. NB: Old format used so as to preserve links WE would've made it a little easier...

Rejected / Crafter application - 100penguin
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:13:09 pm »
Ingame name: 100penguin
Join date: September 2012
Briefly describe all your creations: A large island complex covering approximately 80000 square blocks with various biomes, around 40 fully furnished buildings, custom trees and 5 easter eggs; chests are also filled in places. There are many different areas all with unique quirks that are worth investigating. (see builder app for previous builds)
Illegitimacies: I am very fussed about this project being legitimate. All of the landscaping was done by hand, 3 blocks thick. The only things that have been world edited are all of the water, and a large block of sand below the windmill that acted as a base for the river (thanks to daniblue182, Unknownhedgehog and awesomealicia)

What world/s are the creations on: Builder (/home 100penguin:home)
Links to screenshots of the creation: http://imgur.com/a/DP6dH
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Crafter is a large step up from builder which not only comes with extra commands and bonuses, but also increased responsibility and expectations. I hope that I will be able to fulfil these expectations to their highest capacity. Please take the time to find everything first! I understand that the houses are all quite small, relatively simplistic etc... but I hope that my project can be viewed as a whole. Please forgive the low quality and chunk updating in the pics - awful computer.

Trade Central / Selling my old town at /home 100penguin
« on: September 09, 2014, 07:16:18 am »
Not really much more to say than that, all of it needs to go except my house. Msg me or mail me ingame to reserve something, all prices fully flexible :D

Accepted Builder Apps / Builder application - 100penguin
« on: September 06, 2014, 03:37:17 pm »
Ingame name: 100penguin
Join date: Early september 2012
Briefly describe all your creations:
1: Large scale woodland and landscaping with medium sized house, foliage and small stables. Found directly straight out of the guest world spawn.
2: Medium sized romanesque villa to the immediate left of 1. Fully decorated with inner garden section
3: Large mansion building made of brick (/home 100penguin:home) including small gardens and smaller additions
4: Landscaped island (/home 100penguin:island) with tiny decorated hut and cave system.
5: Nearby to 4, airship in advanced state of completion - more to come!
6: Nearby to my island, a second large mansion in a similar style to the other one. *Small help given by Spyow7 in roof building, and glazing by mattkkk12345 - both time saving measures. Link: http://imgur.com/a/UwRG8
7: Large seated statue of Horus, egyptian god of knowledge. Kinda difficult to describe so here's the link (also veiwable at /home 100penguin:horus) : http://imgur.com/oFY3ww3  
What world/s are the creations on: Mixture, guest1 and recruit.
Imgur album link: http://imgur.com/a/jvsbk
Names of players who helped contribute: None*
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Becoming builder would be a useful addition to help advance my building skills further. Cheers for reading this, Penguin.

NEW ALBUM: http://imgur.com/a/EUBD4

Rejected / Operator application - 100penguin
« on: August 25, 2014, 02:48:10 pm »
In-game name: 100penguin
Age: 17
Location: Uk
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: September 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?: (enter here)
Why you should become an Operator:
Having already become moderator on the smp server, I've learned much about the system of being staff. This coupled with my previous experience as mod+ on other servers both classic and smp would give me valuable knowledge for the job on the creative server. I very much enjoy building, and the creative server makes a fantastic addition to the network as somewhere to plan future builds. I also understand the pressures that are involved with being on the staff team, and would love to become a part of the team here.  Activity is important, and I can easily provide that - I wish to continue to contribute to the server community, policing and enjoyment as much as I can.
Thanks for reading, Penguin

General Discussion / New Easter Egg
« on: August 08, 2014, 02:08:43 pm »
Thought this was a bit small to put in the events forum bit. I've just finished making a new easter egg at my /home 2. It is open to the public in the eastern end of my town (near the tower), the first person to find it*, mail me and prove it will win a fabulous prize worth some 10k! Please try it out, and be prepared for more in the future...


*Except blueted12345

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Penguin's Town
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:13:03 pm »
Project name: Penguin's Town

Project location: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/106/64/45/-3/3/0 Current Memberworld. Visit it at /home 100penguin 2 or /home djarchitect

Contributors: Myself, and Djarchitect

Mayor / zone owner: 100penguin

Approximate dimensions: 300 x 350 blocks roughly

Number of active residents: 2 currently

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 6 decorated and furnished; 6 others with uses

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: This town is nowhere near finished, however I have many plans for the future including making more semi-automatic farms, cheap housing, public gardens and other amenities. Currently most of the buildings are in full state of completion ready to be lived in or used but I intend on soon building more. To the bottom right of the live map picture you can see the town wall that I have only just started building.
It contains: 1 Medium tower (residence of Radlam), 1 Large tower as yet unoccupied, Semi automatic cocoa bean farm, 25 furnace autosmelter, 8 furnace autosmelter, 5 Easter eggs, Villager breeder, Cathedral / palace, Town hall and city Boundaries.

Why should we grant this project protection? This project is very large and contains many expensive materials, enormous irreplacable buildings and complex redstone systems. Because of this it is highly impracticable to protect it with stones, as this would fragment the entire town - it would also concentrate any griefing on unprotected areas. City protection would vastly improve and simplify this situation allowing me to continue building unabaited. The name of the town is very uninspired, but it's practical.

General Discussion / ***Penguin's Easter Egg Hunt!***
« on: May 27, 2014, 03:48:16 pm »
Hey guys, thought I'd let you all know there's a small competition going on...

I've hidden 5 easter eggs around my /home 2
All of them are redstone related, involving some kind of challenge to get in or out of them. Find them all and create a topic with a relavent title and with adqeuate proof ( a screenie preferably) and win the massive prize of 10k and a mystery valuable item...

All are welcome to enter*, however mods please try and avoid cheating if you can...

Good luck!


*Except Djarchitect

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