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Topics - frogsrock12

Pages: [1] 2 3
Forum Games / Guess The Rank (Creative Server Edition)
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:30:50 am »
Same rules as before, but now using the following ranks: Guest, Recruit, Builder, Crafter, Operator, Admin, Owner. The SMP edition can be accessed at this link: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,19276.0.html

If this gets popular enough, I may start a Forum Rank edition :o :o :o

Well, anyways I'll start!

I guess Recruit

Rejected / Operator Application- Frogsrock12
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:25:12 am »
1) Ingame Name: frogsrock12

2) Age: 18

3) Location: It could change constantly, because I'm at college in Massachusetts, but in the summer I'll be in Colorado.

4) Timezone: UTC/GMT -5:00

5) Join Date: October 22, 2012

6) Were You Recommended By Any Staff: Not That I Know Of, Feel Free To Add Your Name:

7) Why You Should Become Operator:

I believe I should be promoted to the rank of operator because I'm an "original" opticraft player, I've been here for over 3 years, and in those years I've built up maturity and grown as an opticrafter. I have a great overall comprehension of the rules, and I love the Creative Server. I play over 3 hours daily on the server, and love every minute of it. Activity is extremely important, and I cover that part very well. I'm kind, and fun, but I make sure to follow the rules, and I'm the right kind of strict. I know for a fact that I would make an amazing operator, and it would be amazing if you gave me the chance to prove it. I'm willing to learn from my mistakes, and move along to be the perfect staff member. I understand if I don't get promoted, but I just want to inform you that you would not regret making the decision to promote me to Operator. I promise I would NEVER let you down.

Best Regards,

frogsrock12  ;)

Rejected / Builder Application- frogsrock12
« on: August 31, 2014, 09:31:07 pm »
1) Ingame Name: frogsrock12

2) Join Date:SMP Server; Octobor 22, 2012. Creative Server; August 25, 2014 (I Know I'm New, So I Wouldn't Be Devastated If I Got Rejected, But I Thought It Was Worth Trying).

3) Briefly Describe All Your Creations: I have A Japanese Pagoda, probably my favorite, its a Japanese styled structure with a river, cherry blossom tree, a basement, and a beautiful interior design. There's also a pixel art frog, I made it as a token of me :3, and just because I like the flappy bird game, I made a flappy bird, then finally, another one of my favorites, I made a giant statue of a snow golem.

4) What World/s Are Your Creations On: The Pagoda Is On The Guest World, And The Frog, Flappy Bird, And Snow Golem Are On The Recruit World.

5) Links To Screenshots Of Creation: http://frogsrock12.imgur.com/all/ the frog, flappy bird, and snow golem is accessible at /home frogsrock12:pixelart and the pagoda is accessible at /home frogsrock12:pagoda

6) I actually built everything by myself :D

7) Extra: I love opticraft and just because I'm new on the creative server, doesn't mean I'm not capable of being Builder.

Best Regards,

frogsrock12, Creative Recruit/ SMP Trusted

General Discussion / Goodbye Opticraft :(
« on: June 05, 2014, 10:25:14 pm »
Hey guys, I know you really haven't seen me in a while, and I just think you should know why. The thing is, I love opticraft. I love it so much. A long time ago, when I first joined, opticraft was so happy, everyone would welcome you on there were hundreds of people on each day. Everyone would come to your shop people would buy from you, you could build with friends. I'm not seeing this anymore. Really 5 or 6 months ago I became a bit less inactive, but at first it had nothing to do with the community, it was because I was promoted to an admin on a different server and I needed to be more loyal. Anyways, later when I came back mod apps were open. The new mods were a bit unfair, and honestly I never see these people on anymore and they still havent been demoted. Later tobs was promoted to admin, and I came back on to check it out. For a while, I became more active again, but then I lost interest because an operator, not saying names, was truly unfair and rude to me and my friends. I had been extremely loyal, but I just felt like I wasn't being treated very fairly. I started huge projects but because of uncontrolled griefers, I could never finish them. The other day when I logged on Nobody said hi. The happy mood just seemed to disappear. People told me not to talk to them and then I just wasn't happy. Maybe its just the fact that im busy with school, and losing interest in minecraft, but I know there are some things you guys need to work on. Start maybe with demoting inactive/rude/unfair staff. Then try and find a way to stop griefers. Anyway, I hope opticraft becomes more successful, and just wanted to let you know that you wont be seeing me anymore, though I might check the forums every few months.

General Discussion / Staff List
« on: April 26, 2014, 05:18:51 pm »
I know we already have many staff lists, but this one I'm hoping to be more organized, and we can update this one more often.





If you must, you may add the retired, but I don't care.

Offtopic / Grats New Mods!
« on: April 26, 2014, 02:01:14 am »
Since us non-staff people can't post on locked threads, this is a perfect way to say congrats to the new moderators, (SoulKnightGT, TheWholeLoaf, Quattro92, raul7legend, Nothing____________, and grannierozannie). They deserved this position greatly, so congrats! Good luck as moderator!!

Rejected / Moderator Application- Frogsrock12
« on: April 22, 2014, 01:03:09 am »
Age: 17

Location: Colorado

Timezone: UTC+ 7:00

Join Date: October 12, 2012

Were You Recommended By Anyone?: Not that I know of. Please add your name if you feel I could responsibly take this position :D

Why You Should Become A Moderator:  I have been a very active trusted since the middle of October, 2012. I have been an opticrafter for quite a long time, possibly not for as long as other players have, but I still feel like I am ready to take a step up. Rules are like my best friend. I always make sure I'm doing what they say. I love my friends on opticraft and I know for a fact that I am ready to take a step up. I have a busy schedule everyday, but I never let that get in the way of spending time in this great community. I always love when I see the population grow, and I love helping new friends. I have been studying moderation duties ever since I became trusted, hoping that I would gain even more strength on opti. I also have previous experience as a moderator and admin, tut tut, so I know the roles I must play. But don't get me wrong... I won't let that get it the way of spending time on opticraft.
I will make sure that if my username changes from yellow to blue, that you will not regret making that choice. My love for opticraft has always been large, and I will make sure it always stays that way. I know all the rules by heart now, and I know that even if the rules don't say you can't do some things, you should always think about what actions you choose before you do them. That's another one of the various reasons I should become a staff member, is because I don't make stupid mistakes. I will try my hardest to help the community grow faster than it already does.
Also, there are always those annoying moments when no staff are on at the time you most need them. I will try my hardest to make sure those moments are shortened. I will be very, very active no matter what happens. And if you decide for me to stay as a trusted, I completely understand. I won't let you guys down as a trusted either.

Thank you for considering my application, and I wish the best to all those who are also applying.

Best Regards,


Suggestions / Adding a "Server Stats"
« on: March 26, 2014, 09:34:47 pm »
So, I recently was thinking of how efficient it would be to have a "Server Stats" bar up by all the "Home", "Forum", and other things area. Some people like me find it fun checking out the server stats :P In that tab we could have things like top players (To see how many hours people have played on opticraft each month). Personally, I find this helpful because people then try to play a lot more to become the top player. We could also include more things like plugins currently running the server, and if the server is offline or online.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see a "Server Stats" tab up there soon ;)


Forum Games / Guess The Rank (Version 2)
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:30:49 pm »
Hey, if you haven't checked out the original Guess the rank, use this link: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,19276.0.html

Anyway, instead of guessing in game ranks, you now have to guess forum ranks.

I'll start...

Hero Member?

Trade Central / Buying Wool Of All Types
« on: March 09, 2014, 06:33:43 pm »
Really, what the title says. I will discuss the prices per stack with whoever decides to sell/trade me wool :D

As I said, I would like some of each type, however, I am currently looking for black, white, cactus green, and brown.



Forum Games / Guess The Rank
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:27:56 am »
What the title says :D Predict what rank the next person is. (This version is just ingame, no forum ranks)

I guess Trusted

Suggestions / /warp factions
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:36:49 am »
Most likely, this has been suggested before, however, I really think it would be cool if we added it :D Anyway, I have explored many smp server, like opticraft, that has a /warp factions. I feel getting a /warp factions would make it really awesome! As you know, the basic rules of factions, pvp, griefing, raiding, and stealing are all Allowed! Why? you ask. It just is. Obviously, some new plugins would be needed, and a lot of work would be put into this. Yay! More work *sarcastic*. I'm sure a lot of you think this, but it will be worth it, I tell you! We would obviously need to make another world just for this factions warp.

Best Regards,


General Discussion / Players At Different Ranks
« on: February 21, 2014, 11:40:21 pm »
Hey guys! I know we have had posts like this, but they haven't been posted in for over 200 days. So let's bring back old times, and post screenies of people at different ranks than they are now.

I'll start: that has Dogwell as member, and I know you can't see, but dedlymagik was still an admin at the time :P

oh and lol, I want to see if any of you can find a pic of me as member/guest :)

User Events / Easter On Opti!
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:02:47 pm »
Hello opticrafters! We have had many opticraft holiday events, so it's time to start another one. This is a frogsrock12 and xC00KI3Sx event, obviously our first one! We are so excited to get to enjoy a holiday with all of you!

Date:We have not decided on the day, however, we will decide when we near Easter.

Use http://www.worldtimezone.com/ to find your time zone when the date is posted.

I have chosen a perfect location, and am currently building the party room.

List Of Participants:frogsrock12

Activities:We will start the night off with a fun dance. Dates or not, who cares! Just dance! The room will be FILLED with food. After the dance, since its Easter, we will open the gates to an Easter egg hunt. I will explain the rules then. Every egg is worth a price, and the GOLDEN EGG (You'll know its the golden egg because there will be gold around it) has the prize of 100$, 1 emerald, and other things!

Rejected / Hogwarts- Project Application
« on: February 06, 2014, 02:31:17 am »
Project Name: Hogwarts

Project Location: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/872/64/443/-3/2/0 (I'm the sandstone creation).

Contributors: daniblue182, xNuzzy (Helping me fix the way something looks), Sol_Tari, and softy214214214.

Mayor(s): frogsrock12, and clawstrider (He's the headmaster, so technically an owner).

Approximate Dimensions: Currently, about 600x500 for the build part, including all the land I cleared 8,000x600, the finished build 100,000x800,000. Obviously, I will be needing to put in more applications eventually as my project continues to grow.

Number Of Active Residents: Exactly 20. (5 Teachers and 15 Students).

Number Of Completed Decorated Furnished Buildings: Currently 2, but 2 big towers.

What State Is This Project In, And What Plans Do You Have For The Future, If Any?: My project currently is in phase 2 out of, eh, 6,000 phases. Phase 1 was clearing about 6,000,000 blocks of land (completed) and is almost done with phase 2. By the time this app is accepted/rejected, it'll be atleast phase 3 by then. Phase 2 is completing the bridge and the two main towers. I completed one tower, and I am currently working on my second main tower. My plans for the future are to finish all 6,000 phases, lol.

Why Should We Grant This Protection?: Okay, so, you may be thinking that this project is so small currently, so no, I should reject this. The main reason I would like the protection now instead of after all 6,000 phases is because of the griefers. This project has gotten griefed so many times already, and It's annoying having to do /helpop a lot. I obviously don't have the money to cover my project in protection stones.
      It honestly would be stupid, though, to just apply only because of griefers. Griefers are a part of minecraft and nothing can stop them. Another big reason, however, why I want this protection wish to be granted is because many visitors come to my /home thinking "What?" when they see it. I would love for it to say Welcome To Hogwarts when people walk into my protection field. It would mean the world to me. I know many of you deal with these issues, also, and just live with it. I've done that for quite a while now, and I really just can't wait to get this protected. It would mean so much to have my Hogwarts become official before its too late.

Thank you very much for reading this.

Best regards,


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