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Topics - Dalei

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Possible Event?
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:18:17 pm »
I was thinking about an event in the Creative server that utilizes the spleef arena. Perhaps we can create a spleef tournament, wether that could be 1v1, 2v2, ffa, or a variation of such games. I think this event could create a fun competitive atmosphere for all. If a lot of people like the idea, and that they would sign up for such an event, I am willing to run it on a weekend that is open for a lot of people. Feel free to comment and discuss below. I would like to see if all of the following can either answered or discussed.
1. Is this a good idea?
2. Ways this event could work (bracket, game modes, teams, ect.)
3. Would you participate?
4. When a good time to host this would be, if this event were to happen. I am EDT currently (GMT -4) and available most weekends from 8am to 8pm.

I'd like to hear what you guys think.

Offtopic / Any runners out there?
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:29:42 pm »
Hello! Nice to be back on the forums!

On November 7th, I participated in a local Half Marathon in Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana called the Monumental (Half)Marathon! Before this, I ran 450+ miles over the summer and Cross Country season, and know I can hold an 8 minute/mile pace fairly easily. Knowing this, I agreed to train for a short period of time after Cross Country season at about an 8 min/mile pace to train for the 13.1 miles ahead of me.

On race day, the weather could not have been more perfect for running. 45oF (7oC), partly cloudy, and a wonderful race crowd! Since this was my first half-marathon, I had to start outside of a corral, or group of runners who are placed torward the front according to their times. Dispite having to dodge hundreds, possibly thousands of runners during the miles 3 through 7, I was actually running FASTER and EASIER than I have been running during my training runs, with the exception of my first mile. (8:43!) The last three miles, however, were absolutely brutal and had to back it off from a 7:30 min/mile pace to about a 8:00 min/mile. Long story short, I finished the Indianapolis Monumental (Half) Marathon in a much faster-than-anticipated 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 42 seconds! That means I averaged a 7:41 min/mile pace over 13.1 miles!

Any of you completed a half/full marathon too? If so, comment about it below!

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Rejected / Operator Application- Dalei
« on: April 27, 2015, 08:46:55 am »
In-game name: Dalei
Age: 14
Location: Indiana
Timezone: GMT -5
Join Date: Late October, 2014. Forum: June 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?: No
Why you should become an Operator: Being a very old player on the server, I have gotten to know so many people from so many different places in this server. I have had an excellent time. I feel I have contributed a lot, but not enough. As an Operator my main focus would likely be chat moderation, because of the lack of time I have had to get ingame. I am on minechat whenever I can and I would gladly help in the moderation of this server. I understand that me being ingame may contribute to actually achieving a rank, but being a part of this server means loads to me. I will certainly find time for ingame time for grief repairs and other things. Especially in the summer, I will have loads of time. I am on minechat almost every day of the week and I will continue to do just that. Even though I am not on the computer, I can contribute to the server with my phone as well. With Op, you can count on me to do the work.

Thank you for your consideration.

Forum Games / 1001 Really Bad Ideas
« on: February 04, 2015, 12:27:00 pm »
In this game, we are going to reach 1001 really bad ideas. I discourage anybody to not try these ideas at home or anywhere else. I encourage you guys to get creative with these ideas. Start with the obvious bad ideas and progress to less obvious ideas. Once we reach 1001, Ill make a quick statement, then I'll request a topic lock.
I hope you guys have fun, Ill start.
1. Touching an electric fence

Rejected / Operator Application - DaleJr2148
« on: November 18, 2014, 08:42:46 pm »
In-game name: DaleJr2148
Age: 13
Location: Indiana
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time
Join Date: I joined as a Member on June 19, 2012.
Were you recommended by any staff?: No
Why you should become an Operator: Being an active and dedicated player to the Opticraft community, I feel it is time to step up the game and make myself even more useful in the community. After receiving the recruit rank, I understand what it takes to become recruit, which will prove helpful in promoting other members. As an operator, I will be sure all players, friend or foe, follows the rules and is willing to carry out reasonable punishments if need be. As a player, I do whatever I can in my power to maintain a peaceful relationship throughout the community. I understand the responsibilities needed to be an Operator and I promise to fulfill those duties.
Thank you.

General Discussion / How many of us are left?
« on: October 25, 2014, 02:17:03 pm »
Right now, we have realised that the Opticraft community was not as it once was, and we wonder, how many of us are left? So, we can answer that in this poll by asking users whether they are active or not. I will take into account that there are active people that don't check the forums or there are active members and guests that also never check the forums. I feel this is just a suitable place to find out. Remember, you can vote active even if you only play on one of opticraft's servers (smp or creative)
I will allow this poll to go until 2015, so you have 68 days to answer this poll. Good luck

proofread by Wone

Offtopic / United Airlines Flight 232
« on: October 23, 2014, 12:40:26 pm »
I know this is a rather random topic, but I thiught it was interesting nevertheless...

United Airlines Flight 232 was a McDonnald Douglas DC-10 taking off from Denver on the way to Philidelphia with a stopover at Chicago. Flight captian is Alfred Haynes, along with Dennis Fitch, who is a DC-10 instructor flying as a passenger who offered his assistance. Flying over Iowa flying at 37,000 feet, the turbofan on engine #2 (tail engine) disinigrated and debris from the explosion servered all 3 of the hydraulic lines. Hydraulics are used to control aircraft surfaces such as the ailerons, rudder, and elevator. Without all 3, the aircraft is pretty much a paper airplane with engines. The pilots fight with the controls but realise all of the hydraulics have failed. Knowing this, the pilots fight with the engines and request air traffic controllers to steer them away from the city. After they line up with the runway, Alfred kept a light mood in the cockpit and when the controller cleared him to land on any runway, he laughed and said, "You wanna be specific and make it a runway?" In the final seconds, the DC-10 is pretty much dropping torward the runway at a very high speed. Keep in mind, flaps and brakes do not work because all of the hydraulics are out. There is a field at the end of the runway, but there is no need of it, because just before touchdown, the plane rolled to the right, striking it's wing into the ground and sending a burst of flames erupt as the plane tumbled down the runway, the front and rear of the plane falling to pieces. Of the 296 passengers and crew on board, 186 survived. The sole reason for a high number of survivors in conparison to the 111 that perished is the pilots skill of landing the useless aircraft as best as they could. Other factors may have been the quick response of emergency services. Today, both pilots and passangers that survived the crash have supported each other is various ways and lead to happy lives. Sadly, Dennis Flitch died at the age of 69 in 2012 after a long battle with brain cancer.

United 232 Heavy, you are cleared to land on any runway.
You wanna be specific and make it a runway?

Thank you for reading.

Rejected / Operator Application - DaleJr2148
« on: September 02, 2014, 11:12:22 pm »
In-game name: DaleJr2148
Location: Indiana, USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: June 19, 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?: Nope

Why you should become an Operator: As a competitive athlete in both swimming and cross country, my goal is to challenge myself. I await the challenges ahead and I move to them in the dark, waiting expectantly for a positive result. I intend to be that way here in a marvelous Minecraft community. How do I help the server grow more? How do I maintain my friendships throughout the server better? How do I maintain peace during conflict? These are all things I am working on. As of now, I would like to add to that. making the following question: "How do I help the server more directly?" My goal as an operator would be await the challenges ahead while simultaneously  helping the server in a positive way. I may be a bit young, but I know how to take on challenges.
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!

Offtopic / What is your favorite Minecraft song?
« on: August 19, 2014, 10:28:23 pm »
These songs can include but not limited to, Fallen Kingdom, Revenge, ect. It can be a parody or an original. A link to that song is optional

My favorite minecraft song would most definitely be Take Back the Night by TryHardNinja
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What is yours?

Forum Games / Food Fight!
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:52:32 pm »
This is pretty self-explanatory...
Start throwing food at each other!

Person 1: Person1 throws an oversized pumpkin at Person2.
Person 2: Person2 dodges the oversized pumpkin and nails Person4 in the back of the head with an apple.
Notice that the players speak in 3rd person.

But here's the catch!

If an SMP Staff member posts, saying;
"Staff1 stops the food fight, and banishes Person1 and Person2 from the fight for 24 hours,"
that means Person 1 and 2 are not allowed to rejoin the food fight until the 24 hours are up. So every person that joined the food fight before Staff member posted is out for 24 hours.

This can get entertaining... Hope it isn't confusing.
Someone start us off please.

And Staff, please say who you banish... AND please allow at least 5 players to post before banishing so we dont have back and forths... thanks!

Rejected / Moderator Application - DaleJr2148
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:38:50 pm »
Age: 12 (going on 13 in 2-ish months)
Location: Indiana, USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: Sometime mid-2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Nope.
Why you should become a moderator:

I am going to admit firsthand that I probably should not be doing this, as I have been inactive besides being on IRC for personal reasons. I decided to get back on now that Thanksgiving Break has started and - HEY! Mod apps are up! So here I am.

I have been trusted as of today for exactly one year now. I have been banned once in that one year, but i also have matured a lot too. As I am close to to being 13, I think I may be a good role model at times. I realize that I may not be 100% mature at all times, I will promise that I will learn from my mistakes that I've made previously and any that I could make in the future.

Yet another reason why I am here writing this is that I've been playing on Opticraft for well over a year now. I know the rules fairly well and has never committed grief. Anywhere. I want to keep it that way.

So thank you for reviewing my application and for your consideration.

Offtopic / Zeldalove1998x's first day on SMP Opticraft ;-;
« on: October 06, 2013, 04:58:45 pm »
I hope we all remember zeldie's first day she bought the game and joined SMP for the first time. This day, by far, is the best day I've had on Opticraft. ever. The picture at the end of short short passage is one best photos (in my opinion) of zelda's first day. This photo was taken approximately Christmastime 2012. Here. feast your eyes. Zelda is on the far right with the diamond sword.
Left to right

and last but not least.... zeldalove1998x

Rejected / Moderator Application: DaleJr2148
« on: August 20, 2013, 10:26:06 pm »
before I begin, I want to thank you all for such a great year I spent with you guys. Its been an honor to have the privilege to apply in this column today. Thanks again to all that played with me throughout the year!

Age: 12
Location:Indianapolis Area
Timezone:GMT -5 (EST)
Join Date: Member: June 19, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Not yet. feel free to edit your name here if you do :)
Why you should become a moderator: Being here in this great community for a little over a year and a half, I have made many buddies in the server and learned the rules and guidelines of all members to the pixel, and I am ready for another set of Rules and Guidelines that come with the Moderator position. In those guidelines, I am ready to do any responsibility needed at any given time. I am also ready to solve disputes. As school has started up, I may not be as active, but i try to be on at very least get on every other day. I also browse through the forums daily!

Thank you all for taking the time to read through my application.
Yours Truely ~ DaleJr2148

Offtopic / Somethin that happend today!
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:28:47 pm »
Ok so I did an IronKids event, and the top 10 in each age and gender group quilifies for the national triatholon....
AND I GOT 9th!!!

This is useless, but i feel its worth putting in offtopic... Worked very hard :P

Today I will be giving you guys a preview of your enderman farm. WE ARE NOWOPEN!

The home of the farm: /home Coolcrab88 end (be sure to vote!)

In the spoilers below, I will be giving you a screenshot and a brief explanation of what that picture is.

First off, lets start with the "home room"

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Alright. We got the main info covered. lets go look at the real thing!

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Sorry for the huge pictures....

Well, that just about covers it folks, thanks for reading this! It took me 10 minutes to make the post and 2 minutes to take the screenshots.

-The Team

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