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Messages - Daenir

Pages: [1]
Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 26, 2016, 03:21:24 pm »
While I have not played much on the server in a while, I do think a server reset would be great. The worlds are covered in old projects that are: 1. Unfinished 2. Griefed or 3. Just ghost towns. These are some of the things that are possibly making people uninterested in playing. They have done everything already, or they do not have the drive to build what they started because it has probably been partially destroyed and forgotten. I do not mind any changes to the economy, but I feel that PvP will make some players leave for sure and others play more often. While I am not bad at PvP, I do get sick of kids always trying to kill out of bloodlust and destroy everything out of immaturity. These are just my thoughts, and as a side not, I would just like to say I can't wait to see what OptiQuest is like.

Rejected / Re: Booorad's moderator application
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:01:12 pm »
Booorad has been a good player and a greater friend ever since I met him last year!  :D Good luck. I hope to see Booo in blue!

Rejected / Jaybrute Mod App
« on: June 21, 2013, 10:51:41 pm »
Moderator Application- Jaybrute

Age: 13
Location: Anderson, SC
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: June 3rd, 2012
Recommended By: No one so far

Why I should be Moderator:
I am an active player on Opticraft and I am always looking for ways to help others. I love the Opticraft community. This was my first server I ever joined and I am glad I did, or else I would have never met these amazing people. If you accept my application, I promise to continue to be a good player, to help everyone that needs it, and to help enforce to rules. I hope you get the chance to see what I can do as a mod, but if I don't get accepted, I understand. I hope to see you guys around!

Projects and Creations / Minigames and More
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:37:54 pm »
Hello Opticrafters. Hopper2468 and I are making games for your entertainment.

We are making games such as bowling and ice skating, along with any other ideas we get. To get to the bowling alley, go to /home hopper2468 bowling

To accomplish our goal of completing everything, we need YOUR help. Donate any spare blocks you have and any amount of money to me or Hopper2468.

Thank you for your support and remember to donate!  :D


User Events / Building Contest Sign Up
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:07:59 pm »
Hello to all Opticrafters! I am holding a building to find out who the best builder is.

To sign up, simply just be the one of first to reply below and then log onto Opticraft and go to /home Jaybrute build
Note: Bring your own supplies and put them in a chest.

You can be in teams of 2 or work by yourself.
You must be at the building plots on time
Most importantly, have fun!  :D

Date of the Building Contest:
Start Building! My friends start judging June 8th, 2013

What is the prize?
The prize is: $10,000
                   64 Diamonds
                   Any of the money from bets
                   And, any donations made! So donate money and valuables

I hope tons of people attend. See ya on the server!  :D

Rejected / Re: Moderater Application - nick80653
« on: April 04, 2013, 01:35:36 am »
I support you and hope to see your name in blue. I just rhymed. I can rhyme anytime.  :D

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application Booorad's mod app
« on: April 04, 2013, 01:19:52 am »
I support Booorad all the way! He has been on of my greatest friends on this server and he is more than responsible!

Good Luck Booorad!   ;)

Rejected / Moderator Application by Jaybrute
« on: April 04, 2013, 01:13:32 am »
Title: Jaybrute

Age: 13, 14 in November
Location: U.S.A., South Carolina
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: About 1 year ago
Recommended by: No one yet
Why I Should be Moderator:
I feel that I should be moderator because I am: mature, responsible, intelligent, and am a hard-working
player. I have had experience as the ranks moderator to co-owner on a variety of servers and have once
programmed a server. Being moderator would be a great privelage and I am up to the challenge and responsiblities
of moderator. Accept my application or not, I am proud and happy to be on this server

Good luck to anyone applying for mod!  :)

Ban Appeals / [GirlLuvzerMac] Banned by Accident
« on: March 16, 2013, 10:43:03 pm »
My friend, alexPKC, was banned for a crime he did not commit. GirlLuvzerMac banned alexPKC by accident and has not unbanned him. He supposedly griefed someone's farm, was banned, and has not yet been unbanned. He is trusted, hardworking, and loyal. Therefore, should be unbanned so he can continue to enjoy the community of Opticraft and to continue building. Thank you for reading
                                                      -Jaybrute and alexPKC

Rejected / Re: Booorad's Moderator Application
« on: January 30, 2013, 10:52:30 pm »
I support Booorad!   ;D

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Re: Dragons keep project protection
« on: January 03, 2013, 08:26:16 pm »
I support Booorad on earning project protection. I have seen his castle and was amazed by what he had built. I understand his problem with griefers and valuable blocks. He needs project protection

Ban Appeals / Re: I am banned. Please let me back on the server
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:58:15 pm »
It is Jaybrute

Ban Appeals / I am banned. Please let me back on the server
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:15:18 pm »
I am so sorry for griefing. I was in a tiny room and saw no "No griefing" sign. I thought if there was a no "No griefing" sign and there was no protection stone then it was ok to grief. I am so sorry and apologize to the person that owned that room.

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