Project name: Red Queens Castle
Project location: New Guest World x -1811 y 68 z 1557
Live Map Link "/home ecorrigall red"Contributors: 2crzy4uall, Saeberus, __Porkchops, daniblue182, Holy_Moses, hammysandwhich, Zeradeth_, AwesomeAlicia, Addah123, OGMolton, Zeldalove1998x, NotABronie, SpikeyThorn, Tobs74, Raul7Legend, _Gavin, & More.
Zone owner: ecorrigall
Approximate dimensions: 355 blocks x 447 blocks
Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 0 - It's all one big build, none of the inside is complete but there's a lot done so far.
What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: It is only partially done and I have plans to landscape the entire thing include the mote and finish the inside of the castle so that is has as much likeness as possible to the castle in the move Alice in Wonderland (The newer version with Johnny Depp of course.)
Why should we grant this project protection? Right now the build is a giant mob-spawner making it very dangerous for other players who pass by, and so making it a damage-free zone and a mob-free zone would be helpful in that aspect. Also there are countless amounts of quartz blocks and redstone blocks all of which are very difficult to come by and an easy attraction for grief... It would be easier long-term to simply zone it.
Note if/when zoning could you just name it '
redcastle' please.